Monday 14 August 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a piece to share that I painted over the weekend. I thought I would have more painting time, but the weekend was too short! But I did manage some feet up time, and that means having a nap, or reading or both! 
I had fun painting this doggie-girl with her tongue hanging out. This is another piece inspired by Emma Petitt. Emma paints the bestest (new word!) and the funniest dogs and figures possible. She always gives her figures strange proportions with over large body parts, and lately her dogs are also starting to be different. Here you can see that my sunbathing doggie girl has rather large paws.... She was painted with acrylics on an A3 textured and painted background. So I have called her PAWla Pink. Emma also spends most of her time saving abandoned pups, getting them fit and healthy, and finding good homes for them. You can read about her and her little family on FB here:
And if any of you have some money to spare, Emma always needs funds to feed and look after her many little pups who are always hungry!

I like how the background turned out, too:

This evening we will also begin celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Link Party, where ladies from many countries of the world share their drinks and more:

My drink is coffee:

This is the painting I showed at the weekend, and yes, there is a coffee cup on it - what else? And can you read the name on the cup?

After several weeks of tests and trying out different ear-buds I now have my new hearing-aids. They cost a fortune, but I can now hear everything - GREAT!

I am still totally exhausted, and have been doing too much again.  I am going to have an early night so I am fit for tomorrow.

Have a great T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love that you can now hear everything. That is good news. I couldn't read the name on the cup. We hit the cafe this weekend too And like you, the weekend went tooooooo quickly. Here's to a wonderful week. Huggs, Ivy.

    1. Thanks Ivy, you have a great week, too! Hugs!

  2. The weekend flew by, as are the weeks and months, too quickly by. Sorry you are also still feeling so tired. I have slept a lot here. Oh, and doing my Twinchies for Amy Maricle's art challenge. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, have fun with your twinchies, stay well and happy, hugs!

  3. I have coffee every morning. Maybe I will give T stands for.

  4. Congratulations on the new hearing aids and such cute paintings. Have a great week.

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Love your fun doggie art, great colours and so pretty. Nice of that lady to care for those poor animals! S ist still very bruised and aching, but time will heal it! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Big hugs to S. Have a good week with no calamities.

  6. Zabawny jest ten piesek , bardzo mi się podoba. Każdy dzień zaczynam od wypicia filiżanki kawy, uwielbiam kawę. UDANEHO DNIA:)

    1. I wish you a great week. Coffee is the best way to begin the day!

  7. coffee is the cure for everything;D

  8. When I came downstairs this morning the first thing I said was, “Good morning, Valerie,” and I am sure that with your new hearing aids you could hear me well. Isn’t technology wonderful? Your new foray into phantasmagoric art is very impressive. I am already wondering what you will come up with next. When I see the manner in which coffee affects your mind it makes me want to drink more. Perhaps then I will have these flashes of inspiration and create visions from an imaginary world where any form is possible. Perhaps some of them will have to remain private though. I am sorry to hear that you are exhausted, but perhaps a good night’s sleep will help take care of that. If not get up, drink coffee, drink more coffee, pick up paintbrush, go wild and show us tomorrow what you came up with. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thnks David, I thought I heard a strange noise earlier on, must have been you saying good morning. Thanks and keep it up. Coffee is always a healthy way to start the day. I didn't sleep must yesterday, and at around midday I had the feeling I had to close my eyes for a few minutes - and I just woke up a few minutes back, and it was already 5.30 pm - my day was stolen away. Never had that before. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  9. Fun page with the doggie girl. I'm glad you got some time to rest and art, too. Btw, the name on the cup is Mine. 😉Happy T Day

    1. Thanks Cj. No, the name on the cup is Mine! Hugs, Valerie

  10. 'Mine' on the coffee cup? Glad on your new hearing aids

  11. I always have time for feet up time lol

    I've wondered if prescription hearing aids would continue to be so expensive now that you can get some kinds of hearing aids over-the-counter. I guess the answer is "yes" :( What a shame.

    1. The over the counter aids work, and are better than nothing, but I am happyy with my super, new, hear every blade of grass growing aids, great!

    2. And good that you manage a lot of feet up time, so important. I slept all afternoon, so I'll have to put my feet up this evening!

  12. This is what I like: Whimsical art with humor, a new way of looking at the world. Thanks for the smile.

    1. Thanks so much. There is so much c haos in the world just now, I need to lose myself in fun projects!

  13. PAWla Pink is adorable and so much fun! I'm glad to know your hearing is completely restored! What a blessing! Enjoy your week ahead with lots of coffee and rest :)

    1. Thanks Carol, being able to hear is indeed a blessing. Glad you like PAWla! Hugs!

  14. Fabulous doggy art work Valerie, great colours and pattens which gives the texture, love it..and loads and loads of texture on your vase of flowers and yes, I can see the name,,[ mine]..hee hee..fabulous piece..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I love making art like this. Yes, coffee is mine! Hugs!

  15. That IS a delightful dog! I'll have to look her up. Glad your hearing is imrpoving. My appointment is the 22nd and if they can't get me fixed up then I'm taking the hearing aid step. Rest well, my friend!

  16. Love both your paintings and good to hear you can hear again clearly
    Carol x

  17. Happy Monday Valerie

    Monday WRites is HERE


  18. Your dog is great. I love the exaggerated proportions -- and his tongue.
    Have a good week and lots of coffee.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it's good to try something new and different!

  19. Hi Valerie, I love your dog painting very much, lots of coffee too-glad you have hearing aids that work-Larry needs them and so hard to find good ones. he kinda gave up for now and uses a cheap pair. have a good evening hugs Kathy

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Kathy, the new ones are wonderful, and I am so happy to have them, they make such a difference! Hugs!

  20. The doggie girl is adorable. She looks like she could use a drink, perhaps some ice coffee. Smile. And although I am not a coffee drinker, it's a great theme for T. It sounds like you had a nice weekend.It sounds like how I spent my afternoon today. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

    1. I think I will give her cool water and keep the iced coffee ☕ for me. Glad you had a nice afternoon, too. Hugs, Valerie

  21. Oh I really love this dog. What a great painting. Try and get some rest this week.

  22. Pleased to hear you can hear now with your ear buds. Grat painting of the dog and a gorgeous BG. such texture! I do love how cafes make the patterns in the foam, it's always a shame to stir it. I think your Mug says Mine,, great painting.
    Happy T Day Valerie Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan, I could never stir a cup that looks so pretty! Have a great T Day

  23. Oh my gosh, Valerie, your doggie girl is just so cute and fun and whimsical. I love her! Fun, fun fun. Great coffee cup/vase painting too. You do such wonderful art. Love your collection of coffee pictures too. I am having a cup right now and definitely agree it is like duck tape - especially in the morning after no sleep! Super post. Happy T-day and hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I need to make things just now which do me good. And to drink lots of coffee! Hugs!

  24. Congratulations on your new hearing aid. I know they cost a fortune but they are really good nowadays with all this new technoligy. I've been told they take some getting used to and you have to go back several times for adjustments, but eventually they will be absolutely brilliant.
    I love your long fingered doggie. I bet she is a pianist.
    I also like your mug: mine.
    I've been having naps too and I feel like you, that when I 'oversleep' I feel half the day is gone. But I obviously need it.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Hi Lisa, I am really happy now. Yes, sort of ' she was poor but she was happy '. But it's great to hear everything again. I have to go back again in 2 weeks for the next check, but I think they are really fine. Glad you like my doggie, I had fun painting her. And now I'm off for my afternoon nap! Hugs, Valerie

    2. Lisca, not Lisa, sorry! Spellchecker again!

  25. What a fun puppy and good on Emma. Let's here it for pet owners that spay and neuter.
    Hugs, Sandra

    1. So true, so many people are too lazy and then just dump the new puppies somewhere and don't care what happens to the poor little pups!

  26. I love PAWla Valerie, she's beautiful!
    Glad your new hearing aids are working well.

  27. Valerie love your Doggie! and your coffee mug and vase painting! Hubby tells me sometimes hears more than he really wants to with his hearing aides... its too noisy... lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. That could happen! But I can turn them down a notch!

  28. PAWla Pink is beautiful. I like her distinct features.

    So glad you like you new hearing aids. I've heard they are very expensive, but in the states, some brands are now being sold OTC. I'm sure yours are much better.

    I spent time last night in an ice bath trying to help my back I hurt during the clean up. Even though I bent with my knees, I felt something go when I stood up.

    Love your coffee photos. I saw the name of your mug. You won't trick me. I know it is YOURS (grin). Thanks for sharing your precious art and your lovely coffee photos with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Sorry your back is still hurting. You can buy OTC ones here, too, but I don't know how good they are. The named of my mug is always MINE - what else! Happy T Day, I'm off to bed!

  29. Your dog painting is adorable but I really love the vase and coffee cup! The colors are lovely!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, you are a still life fan. But I love painting cups and vases etc, too. Happy T Day, hugs!

  30. Even though I'm a tea drinker I enjoyed seeing your coffee pictures :)
    Pleased you got your new hearing aids/buds sorted.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! It's a wonderful feeling to hear again! Hugs!

  31. I'm loving that pup and intrigued about how you got that embossing on such a large sheet of paper! So happy for you about finally getting great hearing aids. Seems like over here, many do without because theirs work badly and/or too expensive. I'm reading now about gene therapy reversing hearing loss, so stay tuned! I'm sad to hear you've done too much again BUT happy to read you are admitting it quickly! Baby steps! Sorry to be so behind. Generator install will hopefully be completed this week! XOX

    1. Okay, Aimeslee, today I didn't do much, my help was here he did the housework and then we went out for a coffee, nice! Glad the generator install is getting on. Ah, I have my tricks with embossing! I'll tell you next time! Hugs!


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