Thursday 3 August 2023

Thursday/Friday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all the good wishes. I am feeling a little better and can move more easily, even if I'm walking like a snail with sore feet. There's still room for improvement! I am doing my best to take things easy, and hope to be able to get more done soon.

Today I have one more tag for my book challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used recycled corrugated cardboard again, painted the background with cream and sprinkled some gold and white embossing powder onto it. I did the same with the smaller piece, which I fixed with the sewing machine.I pasted the book page pieces into the crevices of the cardboard. The faces are from my bit-bag, as are the other decorations. It's always good to use up some odds and sods:

I also have another page for Chris'  Where in the world? challenge at AJJ, this time a hybrid piece:

And I have some faces for Nicoles's FFO. I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF.

Here are the faces for Nicole - a mix of paintings, journal pages and photos, all made by me:

The top one is my mum and I am the other one:

My husband as a child and my grandson fishing:

Clocks also have faces:

Just one thinky today:

And  one funny today:


That's all for today, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That's good news to hear a bit of improvement is happening. Keep resting if that's what it takes, as hard as that can be. You have lots of great art in this post. And nice tag. That stitching must have been difficult with the corrugated background. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed things get better soon. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like it. I got the laundry done this morning and that was my work for today done. I have been doing some painting and lots of reading, and that's it! Have a great day, hugs!

  2. Your artwork is simply outstanding and amazing and so very creative! The tags, the paintings, everything is such a treat for the eyes to see, and I just LOVE those layouts with you and your Mum as children and your husband and grandson as youngsters too! Wishing you pain-free happy times in the days ahead!

    1. Thanks Carol, I love using old family photos in lay-outs and albums and bringing the generations together. Have a great weekend!

  3. I adore the tag Valerie- fabulous texture. The journal page is lovely, thanks for linking to my AJJ theme. Pleased to know you are feeling better - hope your recovery continues, hugs, Chrisx

  4. Loads of fun and happy art here today. I hope you're feeling much better this week. I love your faces especially and the texture of the cardboard. Oh, I wish you lived closer and I could send you stuff I don't use anymore!

    1. It would really be great if we lived nearer, I think we would have fun!

  5. Creative as always. You are amazing. Hope all is well with you.

    Hugs and Blessings

  6. Amazing and so stunning post love your art and funnies.. sending hugs xx

  7. So glad to hear you've got some improvement there. Like me these days, I suppose you will take any improvement every little helps.
    Some great faces there. Valerie. I especially love the little Fox. with the autumn theme and the one that comes directly after it The Autumn Fairy. also. you must have great patience because the page paper is glued so perfectly into that corrugated guard. with your tag challenge.
    I hope you continue to improve. and I hope you have a good weekend. hugs,Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. As you say, any improvement helps! The fox was one of the Lifebook lessons, I love it, too. There's a simple trick with getting book paper into corrugated card. You need old, soft paper and then wet it before gently brushing it into the crevices with paste. Hugs!

  8. What fun pages today, as always. I am strangely into using snippets from my stash right now, it helps take my mind off the heat frazzling my brain and upping my pain levels. So good to know you are dutifully taking it easy to recover. The hardest part is, they don't have a magic Rx script for TIME. But then, it's affordable. Take care of you for us, please. Hugs, XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, anything that takes your mind off that awful heat is good! You take care, too! Hugs!

  9. It's good to read you are feeling better. Slow but sure is the way to go.

    That is a wonderful tag. I like you used recyclables, too.

    I really, really like that page you shared with us for Chris's theme at AJJ. It is clever and well done.

    WOW. You had a LOT of faces, dear. I love the cat the best (grin).

    1. Of course you liked the cat 😺🐈 the best - what else!?

  10. A snail with sore feet conjures quite an image, Valerie. But you don’t have a shell to withdraw into. Under the covers will have to do, perhaps. In any event, I hope that your painful feet get better quickly and you will be ready to put on your funky shoes and waltz into town to meet Heike for quaffing and chomping. It still amazes me, and fills me with not a little admiration, that you are able to take a piece of corrugated cardboard, an item destined for the recycling bin for most of us, and transform into a work of art. Perhaps we can call this your fluted phase. Quite a gallery of your work you have presented us with today. All lovely and thought-provoking too. Get well, stay cool, drink coffee, walk firmly, be resolute, don’t give in, paint often, laugh loudly, gaze skyward, enjoy birdsong - and through it all know with certainty that your friend in Canada thinks of you often. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks so much, dear David. I very much appreciate your comments, i think you know that.I'm following your advice, I've drunk lots of coffee together with heike today, and when I got home i made myself a plate of sliced melon, 2 delicious cheeses from the alps and some fresh and crusty bread, yummy! And when i've finished typing I will make myself coffee and some cookies, yessssssss! Have a lovely day, be a good boy, hugs to you and Miriam! xxxxx

    2. Anonymous is me, Bl*gger is up to tricks again!

  11. this big coffee art is the best:)

  12. Lovely collection of art Valerie, glad you are feeling a bit better

  13. Beautiful eye candy as always. Loved seeing the photos of you as a child and your family. Such priceless treasures. Glad you are feeling better. Sending good thoughts your way

    1. Thanks Cj, I rescued all of those photos from the garbage, I'm lucky i found them i time!

  14. Fabulous textured tag and great recycling love all the layouts,the funny and the beautiful colourful Fox
    Carol x

  15. What a fabulous tag full of texture and great colours, love the lace and beads and the tassel and gorgeous art journal page..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. I went back to check the post I'd missed about your health. Yikes. No fun. Hugely relieved you're doing better. Too many wonders in this post to pick a favorite. Hugs

    1. Thanks Sandra,last week was scary, but I am happy 😁 that I can move again, albeit very slowly. Hugs 🤗

  17. Your art work and tags are absolutely delightful VJ

  18. So much good stuff in today's post. Happy Friday

    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday

    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great day, BIG 🧡💛💚💙💖hugs!

  19. ...Valerie, I'm sorry to hear of your sore feet, I have same situation. Travelling for me are fun until Covid hit, now I enjoy our home. Take care and be well.

    1. Thanks Tom, I feel with you! Our wandering days are over! Hugs!

  20. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I love the Autumn piece with the ?Fox on it.

  21. Pleased to hear you're feeling better. Loving the artwork but especially the fox and the bird they are just gorgeous. Pleased you liked my photo, it was fun. It's one of the few shows we go to where they have these reenactment groups doing different things each year. It's obvious they enjoy it as much as we do.Try to take it easy for a while. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. That really sounds like fun, and your photo - fantastic! There's an old castle in Krefeld, not far from here, and they often do reenactment there. Last time they were all dressed as Romans, and some baked flatbread and other 'Roman' food, that was fun! I am really taking it easy, I have to! Hugs!

  22. Even a little progress feeling better is encouraging, and I’m glad to see you a bit better today. Have a great weekend — feeling better still. Your faces are all very pretty.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I am doing lots of reading and some painting, so staying home is not bad! Have a good weekend, too, hugs!

  23. I love every piece you posted today, especially that gorgeous fox! I was just thinking of Che Guevara yesterday for the first time in years, and here he is today in one of your artworks!

    1. Now that is a strange coincidence! Have a good weekend, hugs!

  24. I really like that cat and the quote by Albert Camus. Beautifully said. Of course, here in Hawaii, there is no true Autumn.

    1. I would miss it if there was no autumn, it's my very favourite season! Hugs!

  25. Hi Val, sorry I couldn't comment yesterday, there was just too much going on. S is okay, she can come home tomorrow. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. So happy all is well, give her a gentle hug from me!

  26. Well I don't know where to start. There are so many wonderful faces today. Your are is beautiful and I do like the spending time with nature faces and of course the skull and the prison of your own mind. Thanky you for joining FFO and take care of your self.

  27. A fabulous selection of your beautiful art Valerie!

    1. Thanks so much, Alison. Have a great weekend!

  28. Wonderful series of creative artworks and fun, fun jokes ~ you are soooo creative!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Glad to hear you're showing improvement.

    I got a big kick out of the bird with the polka dot cup. Perky!

  30. Love your fox. And I think your journal page is absolutely delightful. It is romantic, dreamy and just fits the bill for Chris's journal challenge,
    Sorry to read you are struggling, I am working the wrong way and haven't yet come to the reason. Ah well, will do in a short while.
    Hugs, hope you feel better soon Neet xx


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