Saturday 12 August 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! 

Today I have a tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday, where it's all about sewing, stitching and dressmaking. I used to do a lot of sewing and knitting, but old age has put a stop to it - these days I only sew on paper and cardboard!


And I am sharing another piece made during the Wanderlust taster sessions with our lovely Kim Dellow. Mine is rather different, but it was still inspired by her! I had fun with these simple paintings using acrlics on A3 paper, with lots of mark making and scribbling - very enjoyable!

At the Rhine on Friday:

And some thinkies / funnies:

I am also linking to Gillena's Sunday Smiles!

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I too have given up sewing and crochet in my old age, but I still piddle around with cards. Love your tag and pretty painting and thanks for the funnies. Loving Kermit's expression Hah hah, too funny!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling less tired and that the pain is getting less. Love your beautiful art! Take care and have a restful weekend, relax and be happy! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. The pain is a tad better, but still there! Hugs to you all!

  3. Good morning, Valerie
    I love anything to do with sewing. And I also love dots in paintings So I love both of your pieces today especially the one with the sewing accoutrement in. You have tempted me to think about maybe sewing a little soon. I. don't see why I can't sew some simple things Nothing complicated like I used to make though. It would do me good to sew. I know I could use some pot holders, so maybe some patchwork ones?
    You've given us some lovely quotes there today. The one with St Peter outside the pearly gates about mobile phone, particularly resonates as the other day I was walking very slowly through the village and I couldn't tell you how many people I saw who were face down texting away as they were walking They come to a beautiful part of the world, such as the one where I live and they don't see it because they spend their time with their faces in their phones playing games, it's disgraceful. Why don't they just send their money and stay at home Rant over!
    I often put my camera down to enjoy the moment, rather than take photographs. I hold it in my memory instead.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, and only use your mobile phone for photographs!
    Hugs Deb

    1. Hi Deb, good morning! Glad you like my art today. I used to sew every day, but now mostly just on art pages or little repairs. Pot holders should be fine! Don't get me started on mobile phones! I use mine a lot, but only in sitting , either at home or in a cafe! Those morons who walk around, bumping into other people make me very cross. When the kids come out of school it's like having an army of blind and deaf idiots walking towards you! Checking phones is all that's important for them. Okay, rant over! Have a lovely weekend, take care! Hugs!

  4. Lovely pieces, Valerie. As you know, I live with a sewist (that’s the fancy new designation for sewer or seamstress) so I am exposed to stitches, threads and seams every day. Last night I slept on the new pillowcases she made for the bed, in the pyjamas she made for me too. There are advantages it seems! Today one of Miriam’s sisters will turn eighty so we are going over for a while to wish her well, taking with us another of her sisters who is coming up on ninety. There is a little restaurant out in the country where we will stop for lunch. It’s simple, always good and inexpensive, so that’s a combination that’s hard to beat. Last evening we were sitting on the patio having a glass of wine before dinner when a hummingbird hawk moth came to feed on the Phlox. By the time we went in to get a camera it had gone of course. Impressive insect though. And there is a friendly spider in the bathroom. We greet each other every day and go our separate ways. I’ve tried to have a chat with him (her?) about our day, but he seems totally uninterested in sharing his adventures. I am not sure what he eats in the bright, shiny, squeaky clean bathroom, but he seems to be doing well. I’ll have to come up with a suitable name for him. I hope your weekend will involve meeting up with Heike and eating out on the town. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks so much, David! Glad to hear that you will be out and about with your personal sewist for a family birthday party. I hope they have cake! I like the sound of the moth, but please don't tell me about spiders. I spent some time in a Kibbutz when i was 16, we lived in something like barracks, and there were so many spiiiiiiiiders there, I was terrified. And other nasty creepy crawlies, aaaaargh! I am off to visit Heike now for coffee, let's see what the rest of the weekend brings! Hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  5. The Rhine looks like such a delightful place for an outing. Beautiful scenery, and I imagine the people-watching is fun :)

    1. People watching is always fun, and at the Rhine you have ships and barges, too. And I love watching the ladies in their ultra high heels hobbling over the cobble stones!

  6. Have a wonderful weekend! I was never highly skilled at sewing, but did make clothes quite a bit. My last project was dresses for my granddaughters quite a few years ago, and then I just gave it up. My machine comes out when a new pair of trousers or jeans need hemming or when a seam opens up that needs closing!
    best, mae at

    1. Same here. I use to make all of the clothes for my daughter whe she was small, and sometimes for me, too. And I loved knitting and crochet. I can't move my fingers enough to do that anymore, but I still manyge paper stitching and small repairs. Have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Valerie, hope you're feeling better. Beautiful tag and page. You draw vases so well. Anything spherical is a big challenge for me, I tend to suck at it, lol. Yours is fab. And the thinkies spoke to me today, wise fodder! Oh, it's sooooo hot here. Just feels like it gets more and more so as this heatwave lumbers on (the rest of my life, haha). XXO

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, glad you like the thinkies and funnies, yes, they're good! I have some paper plates which I use to help with the rounded bits - it helps! At the moment the weather is alternating between heavy rain and very hot, strange! The neighbour's basement was flooded. Hey what will we talk about when the weather gets back to normal!? Hugs!

  8. Was für ein wundervoller Tag und diese einfache Arbeit die fantastisch in der Farbe und Form aussieht!Die Fotos sind auch so schön!
    Ich wünsche dir auch ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut, so gut wie möglich. Alles Liebe!

  9. Hi Val, happy weekend. Love your new creation, it would look good in a museum! The tag is wonderful, too! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, you are so kind! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  10. Pamiętam taką maszynę do szycia moja babcia i mama szły na podobnej.wszpaniala kartka z kwiatami i fajne fotografie. Życzę dużo zdrowia.

    1. Thanks Lucyna, I learnt on a very old treadle machine! Have a great weekend!

  11. What a fabulous fun sewing tag Valerei and I LOVE your art work so colourful and playful, love it..hope your weekend is going well, take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Your tag is perfect for the challenge theme but my favorite is your other painting. It has such life and joy!

  13. Otter caught my heart.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  14. Great tag and painting. Love the thinkies and funnies as always.

    Hugs and Blessings

  15. Hi Valerie, just had my catch up session, you have had a real busy week and still managed to share your wonderful art and photos. I've not had the sewing machine out in months could be years, time passes so quickly.
    I hope you are feeling better these days and the aches and pains are under control. have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, so good to 'see' you again! I do less sewing than I used to, but I keep trying! I can get out and walk a bit with my rollator or walking stick, but no nig hops and jumps these days! Take care, dear Yvonne, hugs!

  16. haha what fun photos and beautiful tag and OH your stunning work of art with the vase just adore this xx

  17. That tag is perfect. Nice sewing machine image and all the tools you need to sew. And I especially love your painting, It might not be exactly what the lesson was about, but sometimes you just have to go your own way. And your way came out fantastic. I hope you're having a nice weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you liked my efforts! I like the end result, too. Yes, sometimes we need to go our own way. Have a good, new week, hugs, Valerie

  18. Fun post! Have a nice weekend Vj

  19. The sewing tag is lovely and makes me which I could sew. I would love to sit by the Rhine and watch the boats and the river. It looks like such a peaceful place. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Sitting by the Rhine is wonderful during the week, but on Sundays EVERYBODY, complete with kids, dogs, horses, bikes etc has to walk along by the Rhine. I always choose other places then!

  20. The only thing I sew is paper to paper or paper to fabric. And I tear the fabric because I don't have a cutter. I think your tag is fabulous.

    I missed the Wanderlust this year, but I love your painting.

    Great thinkies and funnies. I enjoyed the Cezanne. The best one was the Lord reproaching the guy with his cell phone. Another reason why I still don't own a cell phone!!!

    1. Some of us have cell phones but are not glued to them like so many people! I call them phone Zombies. Hugs!

  21. Beautiful painting. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  22. Those were very cute and I loved the last one with the food sticker. OMG OMG OMG OMG. So stinkin' cute. Huggs, Ivy.

  23. Did I end up in spam? I commented a lot today on blogs and I think maybe my new tablet isn't getting along with blogger.

    1. No, you seem to be here! Hope your new tablet behaves well for blogger! Hugs!

  24. The sewing tag is adorable!
    I'd love to sit by the Rhine and enjoy the gorgeous views.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  25. Hi Valerie, it's a while since I visited and I've had a lovely catch up of your great artwork.
    Hope you're keeping ok. Hugs, Avril xx

  26. Thanks Avril!. I am doing my best to stay as fit as possible, but it's not always easy! Hope you are well and that your sweet rains are growing and thriving. Hugs

  27. Luv the thought of stitchibg memories.
    Happy Tuesday.


  28. Beautiful tag and painting Valerie!
    The otter pup is adorable 😍

  29. Super Tag you I used to sew, knit, crosstitch and all stitching related hobbies. Loved making my kiddies clothes when they were small. I had to stop most of it over the last few years because my hands became so painful from the fibromyalgia and carpel tunnel issues. Hope you are well, have a great weekend xx

    1. Same here. Can't see to thread needles, picking up small pieces is hard. A friend threaded my machine for me today, great, now I can see some tags!

  30. Such an enjoyable and inspiring post Valerie! I did have to laugh at the poor child being compared to the fruit lol. Your card of course, is gorgeous!


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