Saturday 5 August 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody! 

Hope you all have a great weekend  with good weather and lots of fun!
Thanks for all the good wishes, I am feeling a bit better, but it will take some time before I'm hopping and jumping again!

I'm glad to say I found the journal page for Chris'  'where in the world challenge' at AJJ. It is a mixed media collage filled with many people and places:

And I painted a big eyed girl, but I'm not really happy with her, I haven't even given her a name! Any suggestions?

Some photos from my balcony garden:

The succulents are growing really quickly, I never thught they would get so huge in a couple of weeks. The 2 'babies' in the middle were broken off, I put them on the soil, and now they have roots and are also geting bigger:

Gilly is the boss of the garden:

Beautiful evening pics:

Snd the flowers again:

So now it's time for some funnies and thinkies - enjoy!

I will be resting, reading and painting at the weekend, I'm sure you all have good things planned.

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better You're succulents are going to take over They look so lovely And I know you're going to have a lot because you're breaking off the babies and putting them on. Happy weekend. hugs Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, I can't believe how fast they have grown, I will need to start a second pot. Hope you are feeling better, Deb. Have a great weekend, ❤️ hugs 🤗!

  2. I enjoyed your post, and happy to read you are feeling better Aimee came to mnd for a name enjoy yur weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, that's a pretty name. Have a great weekend 💖💖 hugs!

  3. What a super post Valerie, your Big Eye'd girl is fantastic, you really are too hard on yourself.. she definitely looks like an *Astra* as her beautiful green eyes gaze amongst the stars. The *Hens and Chicks* process of your succulents will keep you busy, when they grow you can just pluck them off and replant them, really hardy plants and very interesting to look at especially when they flower.
    Awesome funnies and thinkies, I've bagged a few hee hee..
    Reading, resting and painting sounds like the ideal weekend.. enjoy every moment!!
    Big Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Hi Tracey, so good to see you here again! Funnies are there to be shared. I will have to start a new pot of succulents with the babies, what fun. Astra is a lovely name for a star gazer! Happy weekend, ❤️❤️ hugs!

  4. Piękny post bardzo podoba mi się "świat na.jednym obrazie". Dziewczyna ma piękne oczy pełne radości nazwałbym ją Elma tak mówiono na moją mamę gdy była młoda dziewczyną.:) Miłej miedzieli:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, Elma is a lovely 🌹 name! Have a great weekend 💖💖, hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning 🌅. Hope you are feeling better today. Our S is back home, she will have a lot of aches and pains for a few weeks but no serious bone damage, so that's good 👍. We are all very happy. I would call your beautiful blue lady ' Ora'. Have a great weekend, take 😘, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I am so happy that S is on the mend, give her a big kiss from me, and I hope she recovers soon. Ora is a pretty name, thanks. Big hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 to you all!

  6. Hopping and jumping, huh? Be sure to take a video and post it to your blog. We’ll all want to see it. I expect that you will have a special suit for that, and bouncy-soled funky shoes. I can hardly wait. Bouncing in Balconia could become a whole new TV fad. People will stand in front of their screens and follow your every move. You’ll get royalties every time the show is aired. As for the name of your gorgeous lady, I suggest Zelda. I have no logical reason for this, except that Zelda has always seem especially exotic to me. I envied F. Scott Fitzgerald having a wife named Zelda. If Miriam were called Zelda, I would call her every five minutes just to say Zelda. Even after more glasses of wine than one should imbibe one could say Zelda and get it right. It slides off the tongue under any circumstances. Tonight I am going to dream of Zelda. That’s my commitment for the day. Hugs and kisses - David


    1. Slow down, david, we're not that far yet! I will notify you when I can start hopping and jumping and then you can send the journalists and photographers over. I am sure that really would be a sensation! I had a friend called Zelda when I was at primary school, i wonder where she is now? Perhaps if you keep calling her name she will appear. She had red hair and lots of freckles, if you see her say hello to her from me. Next time I go out I will keep repeating a name, and see what happens!
      Thanks for the laugh, David! Enjoy you weekend, hugs xxxxxxxxxx

  7. Your blog banner is enough to make me drool! LOL Love that mixed media collage and the big-eyed painting which is wonderful! Your funnies today just had me giggling, especially the woman on the bench with her head down - that's just too cute! Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing weekend, and do take care of yourself and feel better soon too!

  8. Hi Carol, yes it does look tasty. I sometimes go into a cafe for a snack and that's one of my faves! Once you see that muppet you can't unsee it! Have a happy weekend, hugs xxxx

  9. Beautiful art Valerie, and your succulents look amazing.
    I laughed at the funnies, a great selection.
    Enjoy your restful weekend.

    1. Thanks Alison, so glad you liked the funnies! Hugs!

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling betterand love the healthy looking succulents.-my hubby makes models and had had more than his fair share of accidents with super glue-even once got the glue on his pipe and glued it to his mouth!!!!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. When I was in hospital some years back there was a young man whose finger was stuck to his eyelid with super glue, oh dear! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  11. Hi Val, another lovely post, and glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, but please, still take care! Love those succulents! Your travel page is also really good. Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, enjoy the weekend, have fun, hugs 🤗!

  12. Love your painting and media piece. Thank you for your visit. Have been having problems with blogger and leaving message. Keep well. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Marsha, I think many of us are having problems with Blogger lately! Hugs!

  13. WOW, what a great page Valerie, love all that is going on, the colours and just an eye feast, I love all the details, fabulous. and love the beautiful face below, she is so lovely..
    Hope you are resting and relaxing, have a great weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, today I bid a lot of sleeping and some more painting. Hugs 🤗!

  14. I do like your lady, I quite like the name 'big eyed Susie' :)
    Your succulents look so good.

    Enjoy a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  15. Take care have a good weekend Valerie

  16. Hey Valerie! I hope you're enjoying your resting, reading, painting and weekend. Glad to read that you're feeling better. I laughed out loud at many of these that you posted. So funny. Also, thanks for the comment about Miss Wiggy. She's having a good day, today. Huggs, me.

  17. Fun pages. Love the hair color of the new goddess. Your garden looks beautiful. and Gilly is just adorable. Awesome sky and rainbow photos. I hope your resting and having a good weekend.

  18. Schön zu hören dass es dir besser geht und dein Posting ist wieder so spannend und interessant von deinen Seiten, Fotos und all die Spruchbilder!
    Hab ein schdönen Abend und ein guten Wochenstart!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks Elke, much appreciated. I hope you had a great weekend, too, hugs!

    2. Entschuldigung, ich habe nicht realisiert dass ich Englisch geschrieben hab, sorry!

  19. Lovely pages , pictures and content vj. Have a great weekend

    1. Thanks Ashok! Have a good, new week!

    2. LOL your thinkies are super funny. Luv your big-eyed lady.
      Happy Sunday. Thanks for linking to Sunday Smiles at my blog today.


    3. Thanks Gillena, glad the funnies made you smile! BIG hugs, Valerie

  20. I'm glad you found this page Valerie - it's a wonderful entry at AJJ - I'll have to come back and see just how many places are represented! Your lady is Ivy surely with such beautiful eyes! Lovely to see those succulents growing so well. I laughed at far too many funnies!! Hope you continue to feel better, hugs Chrisx

    1. Thanks, Ivy is a nice name! Hae a great week, hugs!

  21. Haha, good funnies, Valerie. And such pretty art. I'd name her Daphne. All the Daphne's I have seen/known have huge eyes for some reason. I'm so happy your succulents are doing so well and your flowers. Enjoy them! Ours are literally wilting in the heat, all but the lantana and mint are struggling. Honey's still getting a very few tiny cherry tomatoes but will be pulling the plants out soon. He's pulled the heads off the sunflowers to save the seeds. I hope you keep resting enough and don't over-do. I know it's frustrating! XOX

    1. Daphne is a pretty name, I had a friend in England called Daphne , and she had big, blue eyes! Sorry everything is wilting in the heat. I will in the heat, too! It's cool and rainy still, but should soon be warming up again. Enjoy your day, hugsl

  22. That really is a super journal page - love all the colours in the background and all the characters therein. And another lovely lady - I think you are drawn to blue.
    Sorry you are not feeling up to the mark, hope your funnies cheered you up a bit, they certainly did me.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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