Saturday 25 March 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a very happy weekend.  Here they have threatened us with lots of rain, so I think that's asking for a lazy weekend at home! My fingers are very shaky again, so they need a rest, too!

I made a hybrid journal page using my photos of the pizza box - in which I brought my left-over pizza home - and the other photos I took of heike, the drinks and food. I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ:

And this time it's a coffee tag - meant for  Sandie's favourite theme challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time I imported the photo of the coffee on the table into my graphics programme and  cut out the tag using a digital punch:

And a few funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page and tag, good thinkies! -christine

  2. A coffee tag is perfect for you Valerie. It is one of your favorite themes. And I like how you made a journal page about pizza using the box. That's a fun idea. Sorry to hear your hands are shaky though. We might get more snow tomorrow-oh no- but I'm hoping it will just be rain. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, coffee and pizza - what more do we need? I hope you 'only' get rain, you have had enough snow! here it's wild, wet and windy and I'm stoping home! Hugs!

  3. Hope you and your fingers both have a wonderful rested weekend.

  4. Lovely post-take care of You-hugs Happy weekend

  5. It's raining here too. I agree with staying in and staying cozy.

  6. Oh that cute pug and the little girl and the pony. Your coffee tag turned out very good.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love your fun art today, great idea to make your restaurant visits to your themes today! Good idea to have a restful weekend, enjoy. We're staying home this time, too, a bit of peace and quiet would be good! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, sometimes a weekend at home without plans is a Godsend! Enjoy!

  8. Wie schön dein Tagebuchseite ist von so was gemütliches und genussvolles genauso dein Kaffetag!!!
    Die Bilder mit und ohne Sprüche hst du wundervollen ausgesucht!
    Gute Besserung deine Händen und auch bei mir ist das Wetter immer noch so wechselhaft und kalt und feucht mit dem stürmischen Winde.Warm fühlt sich das nicht an, bekommt mir und mein Schatz auch nicht gut. Der hat seit gestern aufgehört zu rauchen... o graus seine Laune verloren *zwinker*
    Also wie du sagst ein Ausruh-Wochenende!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Mit zunehmenden Alter wird der Körper sehr emfindlich im schlechten Wetter! Ich freut mich dass Dein Schatz aufgehört hat zu rauchen, aber ich kann mir vorstellen wie er sich fühlt und du mitleidest! Alles Liebe!

  9. I love how you "recycled" the pizza box digitally. It is a great entry for your theme at AJJ. Your choice of photos to place on it were good, too.

    That coffee tag is YOU. Nothing better than coffee or cappuccino. LOVE it.

    Beautiful thinkies today, Valerie. Be sure to rest up and rest those fingers.

    1. I recycled the real box, too, and have filled it with 8x8" paper. Too good to throw away! Hugs!

  10. I am telling you, Valerie, this dining out with Heike has really taken over! Now you are incorporating her, beer and pizza into your art. Heike could never have believed that she would become such a worldwide phenomenon seen by millions around the world, hoisting her glass. Your next venture should be to portray her in the style of Andy Warhol. She'll give Marilyn Monroe a little competition for adoration by the masses. I am sorry that your fingers have been a tad shaky. Better tell them to start behaving otherwise you'll be spilling your next beer. The weekend is here. I was on schedule to lead a bird walk today but the forecast is for freezing rain early on changing to plain rain this afternoon so we had little choice but to cancel. Think I'll just stay home and admire Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. You're right, we're going tomorrow again! I hope my fingers get better, I keep spilling my coffee ☕ what a waste! Sorry about the bad weather and cancelled 🐦 bird walk. Stay home and admire pretty women. Hugs, Valerie

  11. Fun page and thinkies/funnies. I like your idea of a lazy day weekend. Rest up and feel better.

  12. Great journal page and tag, and I need a 2nd cup of coffee to get my heart started! Love all the graphics and quotes, such an interesting and fun read! Take care of those fingers!!! Give them all the rest they need!

    1. Thanks Carol, I need lots of coffee ☕ to keep me going. Have a great weekend 😀 !

  13. Rest and have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Debra, you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  14. Great hybrid page and coffee tag Valerie!
    Take care and have a restful weekend. That's what I'm doing, lots of rain here too 😉

  15. Sounds like we're making the best out of the bad weather!

  16. Bardzo podoba mi się etykieta na kawę . Czasami dobrze jest mieć leniwy weekend by odpocząć. Życzę udanego weekendu😊

    1. Thanks, coffee is always good. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Your coffee always looks so comforting.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  18. Great photos 😊 Have a nice sunday 😊

  19. Great hybrid journal page using the pizza box and love the coffee tag too.We have had quite a bit of rain but mainly on a night thankfully,but still meant Grandsons football matches were cancelled-waterlogged pitches!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. Hope your grandson wasn't too disappointed 😞. The fields behind the house here are soaked, too. Hugs!

  20. Your artwork is gorgeous Valerie. I love how you used the coffee cup in both projects! The wise words you shared are excellent and your cute photos put a smile on my face. Take care of those shaky hands. Sending hugs, Pinky

    1. Thanks Pinky, coffee ☕ and coffee ☕ cups are my thing! Hugs!

  21. Great post. Absolutely luv your coffee tag


  22. ha! i knew you'd have to make a tag with coffee! i love the tag and journal page. xo

  23. Looks like a delicious cup of coffee Valerie, think I'll stop in town later after picking up my new glasses and grab a cup from my fav coffee shop.
    Thank you for playing along with my theme.xx


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