Thursday 2 March 2023

Thursday Post and 2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for my anything goes challenge at AJJ. I used a vintage envelope on which I glued lots of stamps and then stamped various images and words with Archival black ink. I collaged it onto a 7" x 7"piece of black card from an old calendar. This was quick and fun:

And I have some collage pieces posted in 2014, using various scrap papers, remnants of ribbons and cloth and a lot of sewing. They are all A3 size, and I am linking to Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd:

This was one of my faves:

I think I will make more collages like this, they were such fun to make!

I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday art fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi, Valerie! Your collages are colorful and fun. The first piece brought back memories of the penpals I had as a girl. I absolutely love your colorful fish piece with its lovely gold fringe. Your warm-colored palette for your collages fits in beautifully with Rain's art theme for this week. I'm way behind. My drinks theme will go up on March 17th, and my warm colors one on March 24th. Too much going on! I hope you are doing better. xox!

    1. Take your time, we can't do everything at once! Having penpals abroad was so exciting!

  2. The gold fish was one of my faves too.

    1. Thanks Sandra, glad you liked my fish! Hugs!

  3. Annie (Annie’s Musings)Thursday, March 02, 2023

    Valerie, I love your collaged snail mail on the vintage envelope. Anything snail mail catches my attention always. 💌

    1. Thanks so much Annie, I used to do a lot of snail mail, must start again some time!

  4. I love the fish collage the most, too. Very pretty.

    1. Thanks, the fish collage is the winner today!

  5. Your first piece, the one that is new, reminds me of Gaby's postcards. Seems she has disappeared from blogland in the last few years, though. I loved her art so naturally, I love this envelope you created.

    I am in total awe of your second looks. I have that da Vinci woman stamp but I have never put it to such great use. I love each of these, especially the sewing and the fish. Thanks for both your new art that is so perfect for your theme at AJJ and for your awesome second looks on the 2nd. I would LOVE to see more like those, too, Valerie.

    1. I did uite a few exchanges wth Gaby back in he day. She is on Facebook now, and still makes lovely things! I spent a whole summer makig collages some years back after an operation on my knee. I will show some more next time!

    2. No wonder I lost track of her. Just got back this morning and finally linked to AJJ with my calendars.

  6. Wow, sehr schĂśne Seiten Valerie!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Nice to see so much lovely art. The goldfish is also my fave! Have a great day, hope you get lots of sunshine! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, everyone loves the goldfish! Hugs to all!

  8. I can't pick out just one to call my favorite. They are all creative and fun. I did a lot of collages in the past. It was always fun even though I wasn't very good at it. You are good at it. Sending hugs and blessings your way.

    1. Hi Jim, I love making collages. Next week I can leave the clinic and go back home, and then I will have more time to get stuck in! Hugs!

  9. You have presented us with a fine selection here, Valerie, very creative, colourful and thought-provoking. Seeing the Barn Owl on a postage stamp reminds me of how frequently wildlife of every ilk, including trees and wildflowers, have been portrayed on postage stamps. Sadly it is often when the organism featured has slid dangerously close to extinction. I like to have such stamps, unused only though, so if anyone has odd stamps featuring nature in any of its forms, languishing in a drawer, forlorn and unloved, please send them to me! In addition to wildlife you have blended many pleasing themes into these pieces - art, music, joy. It could be an encapsulation of my life! I think that your next topic when you are in command of the choice should be wine and cheese. I would love to see what everyone comes up with for that theme. I may have mentioned that for the first time post-COVID we will be having our weekend at Algonquin Provincial Park where everyone takes something for a pot luck dinner. I have three kinds of fine cheese, a delicious pâtÊ, assorted crackers and a bottle of red and a bottle of white. Even thinking about it I am in heaven! My daughter is bringing homemade soup and bread she will have baked the night before, Judy is making Morning Glory muffins for breakfast the following day - and on and on it goes. It's a good thing we will be trudging through the snows of a northern forest. Lest this comment rivals "War and Peace" for length I will end now. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. This was really a long comment. I have lots of stamps, but none of them new, if I get hold of soe I will send them to you! Cheese and wine is a good topic, perhaps I can work that in for anything goes, thanks for the idea! It sounds like none of you will be starving over the weekend, have fun and stay safe! Big hugs! xxxx

  10. *wow* was fĂźr tolle Ideenreiche Kunst von Collagen du zeigst hier, das kannst du auch toll! WunderschĂśn liebe ich!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke, dir einen schĂśnen Tag! Alles Liebe Dir!

  11. I love the envelope page Valerie. We don't seem to see many special stamps these days as our local post office never seems to have any and we don't go into town so much.
    Your collages look beautiful! Hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris. We still get special stamps here, but we have to ask for them specifically. Have a great rest week, hugs!

  12. Lovely to see your colourful collages.
    It's almost Friday, have a good day.

    All the best Jan

  13. Gorgeous collages Valerie, they are fun to do, I don't do it often as I seem to wander off into the " Scene" look, but love what I see here, wonderful happy bright colours..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. I love many of these, Valerie, but especially the opening envelope and your fish! Fantastic!

  15. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the airmail envelope.

  16. The red just pops on that first collage piece.

  17. That decorated letter is such a fun piece. Traveling through the mail is a good way to see bits of the world, isn't it. (The stamps and what's in the mail are always a fun reflection on a place.) And I love seeing your second looks. They have such great texture and I like those "strings' off the fish, just like a funky fin. I hope your second day of March went well. hugs-Erika

    1. I used to do lots of mail art envelopes, it's always fun!

  18. What a lovely idea your latest piece of work in your journal is. I love the envelope and all the various bits that are on it. I so enjoyed seeing your other collages and I thought the music one was my favourite but then the fish came up and it is so rich and jewel like I am torn between the two. Of course I don't need to choose a favourite so maybe I should just thank you for sharing the all.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, the fish is my fave, too! Hugs and have a great weekend!

  19. Such fun and colourful collages.
    The goldfish is also my favourite.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie.

    1. Thanks, everyone likes the goldfish! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  20. remind me of of my stamp collecting dys when I was a kid. Thanks.

  21. My favorite is probably the Music collage.

  22. Wonderful collages. I love that pen nib stamp. My favorite piece is the fish. All the joys of having an aquarium without the work. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. I used to have a nice aquarium but it was a lot of work!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Your collages are awesome. I look forward to seeing more like that. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  25. A great selection of art Valerie!

  26. Hi Valerie, I just love all of this art today. However, the fish is my favorite. I love how you placed all the details. Just wonderful. Thank you for joining FFO. Have a very nice day today.

  27. Love your stamped piece with all the stamps especially that owl stamp, and that fabric collage would look lovely in my living room with the kimonos hahaha Happy Second on the Second! Elle/EOTC xx

  28. I love your cat painting. Hope you are having a good week. Anesha x

  29. I love your collages. Such color and texture!

  30. Quel impressionnant travail. J’adore ces collages (kwarkito)

  31. love all stamps on that letter :)

  32. Love the creative idea with using the stamps! It looks fun and happy :-)

  33. Great idea to play that envelope - looks like it has travelled well and had adventures! I decided last week to decorate my envelopes before sending (I rarely do that). It caused a stir at the post office, they asked me a lot of questions and I am not sure they believed there was just handmade cards in them. They even kind of made fun of a donkey drawing I made on one....I think I will go to a different post office if I do that again! LOL. Love all your past collages. The golden fish is beautiful and all of them are inspiring. Hugz

  34. The warm colours of your collages are beautiful Valerie! ☺


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