Wednesday 29 March 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

This was the view out of my window this morning - thick frost after a very cold night. I'm hoping we soon get sprng back!

And this was yesterday's beautiful sunrise:

And now I would like to show you another of the wonderful birds of Balconia-by-the- Rhine. This is a very shy bird, which is perhaps why so many people haven't spotted it. It's usually called the Fatboy bird. Yes, perhaps an unkind expression, but this bird is fat! He flies once a year to the North Pole and needs the fat to keep him going. His mate is always much smaller and rather dowdy, and prefers to stay home in the nest.

I am hoping that our David, AKA the Bird Man of Ontario, can tell me the latin name of this most interesting specimen.
I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ

I can never get enough of sunrise and sunset photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi is one handsome bird, even if he is a little bit chunky. Perhaps he just has extra feathers for his trip to the north pole. Lots of down to keep him warm. And your photo does look frosty. But your sunrises and sunsets are beautiful, and I agree, you can't ever have too many of those views. Have a happy Wednesday Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Chunky is a great description, I think I could call myself chunky, too! Have a great day!

  2. What a colorful bird. But I like color.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  3. Fun bird today! Lovely photos.

  4. Your photos are fabulous 👌
    That's a cute bird :)

  5. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are still snug in your bed. The kids are almost ready for school, it's Mona's turn to drive this week, so that's good. Love your fat boy bird, too funny, and the sky photos are fabulous. Hope the cramps are getting less! Hugs, Sarah

    1. I'm up and drinking my second coffee! The cramps were less yesterday, I hope it doesn't get bad again today! Hugs!

  7. Was für wundervolle Himmelfotos und dieser hübsche tolle Vogel als Journal page ist toll gemalt von dir!
    Ich lese dass dir nicht so gut geht, ich hoffe für dich dass es doch besser wird in den nächste Tagen.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke! Ich hab momentan viele Schmerzen, ich denke das kalte Wetter hilft nicht! Morgen und Freitag habe ich Arzt Besuche, mal sehen was dabei raus kommt! Alles Liebe Dir!

  8. What a fun story to go along with the fat boy bird image which you colored so well! Lovely photos of sunsets too. Nature is just beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol. I'm glad you like my fat boy, he was fun to draw and paint! Nature is always the best artist. Have a great day, hugs!

  9. As you might imagine, Professor Tups, I have been eagerly awaiting the day when you would discover another rarity in the woodlands and meadows of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. It is quite remarkable that despite your success, with one rare and oft unheard of species after another, distinguished field ornithologists have failed to equal your field skills in turning up rarities. Not only do you find them you illustrate them so well (I have a gap on my wall) revealing so much detail of their plumage. What interesting species you find! You will note the heavy bill on this bird, and perhaps you have some level of familiarity with Hawfinch, and I am very much inclined to assign this beauty to the same genus, i.e. Coccothraustes. As for the specific name, while I might be inclined to confer an appellation dedicated to you, I think that corporosus is more appropriate, since it appears somewhat corpulent, quite understandable of course since it needs a great deal of fat to fuel its annual flight to the North Pole. So there you have it, Coccothraustes corporosus. New to science, illustrated to perfection, a delight to all who see it. Thank you again, Professor Tups. Hugs and kisses from your bird fanatic pal, David.

    1. Dear David, thanks for thAT wonderful name for my fatboy. Coccothraustes Corporosus has a very distinguished sound to it! I will do my best to find another speciality of this region, but it ofen takes a lot time to spot a new one from my observatory. I think Corporosus fits me, too, after all those dinners with Heike! Anytime you need good advice about birds, feel freed to contact me! Hugs! xxxxx

  10. Hello sweet lady, I hope you are okie and apologies for not always being around.. Love the great story you posted and that bird is so cute xx

    1. Hi Annie, nice to see you around again! Hugs!

  11. Good morning-You have gorgeous views! we don't see the sunsets from out house but in the summer if we are down on the dock we could view them. Your photos are so beautiful and I love your bird very much. Happy mid week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, glad you like my fat boy! You have lovely views of the lake, it always looks so beautiful. Hope you are keeping well, hugs!

  12. Gorgeous photos today Valerie. The weather here is up and down at the moment and it's damp and cloudy today. I am loving your bird he's very fancy and I wonder what his mate might look like, would love to see her too. Take care and have a lovely creative day. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. She's thin and brown and is always busy with cleaning the nest and bringing up the chicks!

  13. What a beautiful bird! I love the colors and designs. Very creative.

  14. Love all the Nature pics and great view from your window,love the fun colourful Fatboy bird
    carol x

  15. We had quite the cold snap, too, but I'm hopeful consistent heat will be here soon :) I got a kick out of that cute bird.

  16. I could not agree more over wanting spring to come back, although I'm not sure we've seen spring here yet. Right now it's cold and murky and foggy out. I don't know about you, but the clocks changing has really messed with me too. Your sunsets and sunrise skies are absolutely beautiful. Truly they are. Deb in Wales.

    1. Nice to hear from you, Deb! No fog here but it's cold and windy. Hope you are feeling better. Take care, hugs!

  17. That is a unique bird!

    I love the spring season, and your photos are beautiful!

  18. Thanks Lon. Glad you like the 📷 photos!

  19. Per usual, you caught some awesome nature pics. What a fun bird. Definitely a world traveler. Maybe he has another mate socked away somewhere:) Hehe.AND a good rendition of him. Hugs, Sandra

    1. That could be, handsome birds are notoriously unfaithful! Hugs!

  20. Fat boy bird? He seems tp need some more flight. He has a log of beautiful nature to visit in your post :) Lovely sunsets.

  21. I do like your bird and your sunrise and sunset photographs are lovely.
    Hope the weather warms up a bit for you.

    All the best Jan

  22. It's a wonderful view, even in the frost -- and that bird is about as cute a bird as ever I saw!

  23. What a darling bird. Fat, maybe, or just plumped up to stay warm in the cold. I think it's adorable. Especially with all that frost on your balcony.

    You can never have too many sunrises and sunsets. They are always stunning in your world. Hope you are enjoying your week and resting, dear. The cat would love for you to visit, too.

    1. Thanks E. I visited the cat, I'm ready! Hugs!

  24. Your so right about sunrise and sunsets no matter the weather they certainly define my days I love to watch them. I love your cheeky or should I say cheepy bird we all need a little extra around our middles or in reserve to keep us warm and give us energy. Sorry I have missed so much of March seeing your super AJJ hosting journal pages it's been a difficult month with my Mom and MIL with so many appointments to keep.
    Popping in for a quick catch up before March makes way for April.
    Hugs Tracey xx


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