Sunday 12 March 2023

Weekend Post 2

Hi Everyody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Today I have a tag for my challenge  at Tag Tuesday, It would be nice if more people would join in! This is a collage with a stone work frame which was digitally altered:

And I have an A3 journal page with collage and viel gold spots  and dots and swirls, meant for m challenge at AJJ. Sorry for the bad photos, I had a shaky day! The focal image is part of a napkin:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art work Valerie. So true about the dogs. Great picture with the cat head.

    1. Thanks Sue, dogs always love their humans so much!

  2. I couldn't believe the last time I was at Tag Tuesday was in February. I am ashamed. I will try to create something this week. I think your tag is beautiful and the birds are amazing. I also adore your journal entry. Napkins are hard to apply straight and even harder to photograph. You did a great job and I love the way you framed the focal image. Thanks for another great entry at AJJ using your theme, dear.

    Oh those funnies. I loved the dog and the duck, the Be Offended, which is truer than true, and most of all the cat behind the monitor. That one made me laugh!!!!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Hope to see you at TT! Hugs!

  3. Nice tag and page, good thinkies!

  4. Wise words of Sue Fitzmaurice.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Enjoyed your weekend post vj. Cheers 🍻

  6. The last photo is the best 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  7. Sorry its been a while since I visited you here Valerie, it was good to read that you are back home again. creating your art and sharing those funnies with us all.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I am slowly settling in at home again, and it's good to be here!

  8. The only contribution I can make to Tag Tuesday, Valerie, is to tag along. I had a tag on my shirt that was irritating the back of my neck, so I cut it off. Miriam and I make a pretty good tag team - she takes pictures and I write. I have tagged a few old electronics to be taken to the dump. I saw some deer yesterday and there was a sTAG among them. Actually, I am confused. This challenge is called Tag Tuesday and it is only Sunday. But I am reminded that the German word for day, is tag, so perhaps every day is tag day. There is a cup on the kitchen counter tagged with my name on it and the coffee is ready, so I will go and get my morning Java and bid you farewell. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I know about tags that irritate! But you are always welcome to tag along! And yes, every Tag is time for a new Tag and to make new tags! I just got home from a very stressful day with my friend, we went out for dinner and ate a wonderful meal, then moved to another café for coffee, and then ate waffles with fruit, ice and cream etc. and now I am exhausted from eating and drinking, poor me! What a Tag! Pictures will be shown on the coming Tag! Hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  9. Lovely tag and journal page Valerie. My tag is started and needed to dry before I could move on, but I will have one to share this week. I haven't forgotten about the challenge-smile. I like how you used all those images on your tag-birds and spring. We don't have spring weather yet but the birds have been singing. And you can never go wrong with Michaelangelo's touching fingers. Nice memes too. They are very uplifting. I hope you're having a lovely weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Ive been eating and drinking all day and now I'm knocked out and need t ut my feet up! I look forward to your tag! I have used the Michelangelo image 3 times, now I just have one quarter left! Enjo your Sunday, hugs!

  10. Beautiful artwork. I love the catcow or cowcat funny, too. Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Really lovely tag. Have a great day. Anesha x

  12. Hi Val, good afternoon, love your newest Tag and journal page, both beautiful! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  13. Wie schön diese zwei Arbeiten, tolle ideen wie du das zusammen gestellt hast.
    Die anderen Bilder sind auch toll.
    Schönen Abend wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Viele Dank, liebe Elke. Dir eine gute neue Woche!

  14. Beautiful artwork and great memes Valerie!

    1. Thanks Alison, have a good start in the new week!

  15. Bardzo ciekawa praca. Jak zawsze twój post jest super. Dobrego tyhodnia😊

  16. I do like your tag.
    Many thanks for the thinkies/memes, a good selection.

    All the best Jan

  17. Your memes made me laugh. Love your pieces. Sorry you're shaky:(

  18. I'm too skittish to join challenges lol

  19. Your art is beautiful today -- and I love your thinkies!

  20. Bravo for tags and thinkies


  21. Lots of great thinkies for us today Valerie - so much to think about with some of them - the words are so powerful. Love the duck and the dog and the cat and the cow is very cleverly put together.
    Your first picture is very well composed and I love how the stonework frames the picture. Love the napkin page, always a favourite picture and in this colourway it looks even better. Great with the touches of gold.
    Sorry I muddled the names on my AJJ< page last week - I had hoped I had changed it before you saw it. So sorry.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  22. i love your digital tag and journal page! xo


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