Sunday 19 March 2023

Sunday Post

Hi Everybody!

Have a happy Sunday!

For my anything goes challenge at AJJ I am sharing a portrait made recently. Once again I have included some of my favourite elements - spots, golden leaves and little flowers. And a third eye. Today my lady has blue eyes instead of green, which I mostly use. She was painted on an A3 page with acryl paints:

And some signs of spring:

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Interesting choice were you place eye on the throat.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, sometimes an extra eye could be useful!

  2. I'm loving the new header. It's quite a stand out. And your blue eyed lady is a beauty. I hope she doesn't like scarves or she'd cover her third eye. Oh no, but that's a great place to place it. Are you having a great weekend I hope you are. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, the header is part of a journal cover I made long ago. A third eye could be useful, I wouldn't mind a third ear so that I could hear better! Hugs!

  3. Love your lady, and Wow such lovely Spring blooms-we have been so cold this week anxious for a warm up Happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I hope spring soon comes to you! Hugs!

  4. Beautiful girl. Gorgeous spring flowers and enjoyed the thinkies.

  5. Lovely lady and gorgeous blooms ! Happy Sunday VJ

  6. I think the women in my life do far too good a job keeping watch on me with two eyes, Valerie, so I will hastily avoid one with three! Eyes in the back of the head is one thing, but winking from the base of the neck is quite another! Imagine what it must be like when she weeps - Niagara revisited. I'd love to see the optic circuitry inside her body! Her scientific name surely must be Bellisima trioptica, a distinctive subset of Homo sapiens, a misnomer anyway because we have proved time and again that we are not so sapiens! I bet she would be right there to eat chocolate along with the conventional woman in your last piece of humour, and if the chocolate were hidden she would have a distinct advantage in finding it. I'll be thinking about her all day. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, once again you have succeeded in making me laugh our loud! I always fnd choclate, no matter where I have tried to hide it from me. Hmm, homo sapiens, no prizes for all he has managed to destroy up til now, and the best/worst is probably yet to come, unfortunately. It's half past 12 here, and I have just rolled out of my bed and am now drinking my first bucket of coffee of the day, I haven't slept so long for ages. But okay, as long as I don't do it everyday it's okay. Have a wonderful day, enjoy a nice walk, big hugs to you and Miriam! xxxx

  7. I forgot to mention that your photograph of the feather is exquisite.

    1. Thanks David, it just fluttered down in front of me!

  8. Das dritte Auge ist interessant für diese hübsche schöne Dame, ein wahres Wunder!
    So hübsche Fotos hast du gemacht! Ich wünshe dir einen schönen Restsonntag, Elke

    1. Danke , liebe Elke, ich mache heute einen Ruhetag, muss sein ab und zu! Hugs!

  9. I always finish reading your posts with a smile on my face. I LOVE the punctuation one. The flowers are beautiful and your portrait is so interesting with the 3rd eye in the throat area! The portrait is so beautiful.

    1. Thanks, I thought I would try something different. I love the chocolate funny, too - punctuation makes a big diference.... Have a great, new week! Hugs!

  10. Lovely spring flowers! Encouraging :)

  11. Hi Val, good afternoon! We just got home from Leah's, and had a lovely day with her and all the family. Now I am tired but I need to start on the washing etc! Love your beautiful art today, sometimes I would love an extra eye or 2 to keep a watch on my brood! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  12. Thanks Sarah. I would have liked lots of extra eyes back in the day when i was teaching! Hugs to all!

  13. Fabulous piece Valerie and love her blue eyes with the flowers and vines through her hair, lovely, and look at Spring coming for you, how nice, where as I'm plunging into
    Autumn which makes me happy indeed, the cooler weather is perfect..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy. Enjoy Autumn, my fave season. Have a great week!

  14. H Val, lovely post as always. Glad you are feeling better these days. Hugs, Martha

  15. Thanks Martha, have a great week!

  16. Spring has come to your world, both in art and outdoors! It's wonderful!

  17. Your lady is a beauty.
    Love the gorgeous spring flowers, Valerie.

    Hugs and blessings.

  18. A really different and unique lady for your theme at AJJ. What a different place to put an eye. I guess the eyes have it!

    Spring is MUCH further along in your world. Mine is still dull and gray with little growth. The chocolate punctuation was hilarious, but my favorite was the dog and the cookie! Have a super day, dear.

    1. Thanks E!. I just fancied giving her another eye on her neck! That cookie would not have lived long with my dog, she was more interested in food than art! Hugs!

  19. Ooh Valerie! I thought at first your beautiful lady was giving me a Paddington 'hard stare' but then I realised she was looking right past me! A fabulous page for AJJ! Loving the Spring pics too. That last funny cracked me up! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. Love your clairvoyant lady . Her blue eye3s look lovely and make a change from green. No idea why but my ladies with fair hair always seem to have blue eyes, red heads have green and dark haired have brown, It is surprising what a difference eye colour makes to a face though. I don't stick to the plan above always, just something that goes on in my head.
    Love the funnies/thinkies and especially the last one - that is me - as chocaholic.
    Hope all is well with you
    Hugs, Neet xx


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