Sunday 26 March 2023

Sunday / Monday post

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I had some painting time in the afternoon, and this is what I made. It didn't turn out as I wanted, the cat looks bad tempered, but okay, it is as it is! I  think the quote is good - here it is in case you can't read my writing. And I made a spelling mistake!

'I have studied many philosophers and many cats.
The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior'
Hippolyte Taine

I am linking to my challenge at AJJ.

Some thinkies / funnies:

Bad weather;

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, hope you are enjoying your Sunday. Your cat has character, and I love the quote. Here it's been raining non stop, I suppose it's the same at your place. Take care, hugs 🤗 from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I'm enjoying being lazy! Yes the cat has character, at least that's something! Have a nice day, hugs!

  2. I love those captivating green eyes on your cat. Those tiny red hearts all over his body indicate what's truly inside and I like the color block overall design too. LOL at your mistakes quote, isn't that the truth?! Sorry your weather has been bad. Here where I live it's been raining and gloomy and I'm having trouble keeping warm. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you found some nice things about the cat! It's still raining here but everything is really greening up, and that's good! Have a great day!

  3. Oh I like your kitty Valerie. I think he looks a bit confused. Maybe he expected the humans to be better than the cats, versus the other way around. Smile. And I like how you made the background. Luckily yesterday we only got a dusting of snow as well as some rain, and today is sunny and going to really warm up, so bye bye new snow. That's the best news of the day. Enjoy what's left of your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, I'm happy for you that the snow is on the way out and that you will a last get a warm up!. We've had rain, sleet and a bit of snow, but nothing on the ground. I'm enjoying being lazy! Hugs!

  4. I love the cat painting. You should love it. Have a great week. Anesha x

  5. Hi Valerie and thank you for being my latest follower.I love your beautiful cat with the beautiful eyes and all the hearts-we have a very loving black cat(well he was my sons but he has adopted me lol) and when he walks he spreads his toes out like the one you painted.Love all the weather pics and agree about the zombie walking lol
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. I love cats, but don't have one anymore. Cats always have their own programme and choose their people. My Kitty always stuck her tongue out, too. Now we have a good reaosn for not being Zombies! Hugs!

  6. I don't think your cat looks bad tempered. Perhaps, he's like Ink who always looked very serious. Awesome sky photos except the ones with snow. 😉

    1. Thanks CJ, black cats are always my choice!

  7. Good cat page and quote. Sorry about the bad weather. Good thinkies

    1. Thanks Christine, the weather will be with us or another couple of days!

  8. Ach toll ist die Katze geworden und sie streckt die Zunge raus lach ich find so toll und auch das Zitat!
    Das Wetter ist so durch wachsen, schĂśne Fotos sind das.
    Ich wĂźnsche dir einen schĂśnen Abend und einen guten Wochenstart!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Auch dir einen schĂśnen Sonntagabend und eine gute, neue Woche. Alles Liebe!

  9. schon wieder eine tolle Seite!

    1. Danke, liebe Rike! Dir eine gute, neue Woche!

  10. I got a special kick out of the zombie walking meme lol

  11. I love your cat Valerie!
    Hope you had a good weekend.

  12. I hope you have enjoyed a relaxing weekend.
    I like your cat, especially the green eyes.

    All the best Jan

  13. I think the picture is perfect! I visited the MOMA and quite honestly, yours appeals to me far more than a lot of the art I saw there.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, much appreciated! Have a great week!

  14. I love your cat too! Great pictures and that first saying is so true .

  15. Thanks Sue, it is indeed 😁😊

  16. Good morning Val. Love your cat, his tongue is hanging out like my Oscar's! Have a great week, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks martha! My Kitty always had her tongue hanging out, too!

  17. Some great comments today, very meaningful too. Cats have always been so important in the history of many countries and your cat today definitely looks the part. Have a great week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! When I was small most people had cats to keep mice and rats away. We lived near the docks by the Thames, and the catd had plenty to do. Hugs!

  18. From what I hear, cats are supposed to have attitude, so yours seems to fit the bill, Valerie. It has always been a mystery to me why one has to have a licence to own a dog, have shots, microchips, keep it on a leash and so on, yet one may own a dozen cats without regulation or restriction, let them wander at will, poop in people's gardens caterwaul on rooftops and breed randomly and with great fecundity. In the process they wreak havoc on songbird populations and small mammals. I am all for people having a cat as a pet as long as it is kept indoors and is not permitted to inflict carnage indiscriminately. And I think they should be subjected to the same licencing requirements as dogs. A couple of years ago a pair of American Goldfinches built their nest and raised young in my backyard, but as the young fledged, and before they had proficient flight skills, they were all killed by the neighbour's cat that was allowed to roam free. It also decimated the local population of Star-nosed Moles, and its owner thought it was sweet "when kitty brought presents for mommy." It is incredibly ironic that when a Coyote or a Red Fox takes a neighbourhood cat, there is a hue and cry for the wild animal to be hunted down and killed. Some of us applaud the Coyote and wish for a few more. A Great Horned Owl or two would be good too! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. My kitties were always house cats, cats outside endanger other species and are endangered themselves because of traffic etc. But painted cats don't hurt anything! I wish I could see the 🦉🦉🦉 here, I Just hear them. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie xxxx

  19. ... the expression of the cat is simple... it accepts no other opinion.
    I wish you a happy week.
    Hug of Viola

    1. So true, Viola! Have a wonderful week, hugs 🤗🤗🤗

  20. I like the cute duck in your blog banner. Cats do have attitude.

  21. I love your bad tempered cat! He has great personality!

  22. You had me at cat. I love your cat. It definitely has attitude. Such an adorable cat, too. I agree with Elizabeth S. I've seen cats in art museums I didn't care for as much as I like yours. and that is great quote, even with one tiny missing letter! It's also perfect for your theme at AJJ, too.

    You weren't joking when you said it rained. Lots and lots of rain. LOVE the photos and the great thinkies, too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth. Oh yes, it rained and rained and rained. Good weather to stay home in my arty kitchen!


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