Saturday 4 March 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

Today I am sharing another piece for my anything goes challenge at AJJ

Allow me to introduce you to Picatso, a tough guy cat from the city streets who always gets his way. He reminded me of Macavity, a poem we learned at school, and I wrote a few lines on the page. the poem is from T.S. Elliott, and you can read it here. Picatso doesn't look like Macavity, but he behaves like him!

Signs of spring and life in our little town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like Macavity, very clever Valerie. Wonderful photos from around your town, signs of spring must make you feel happy, how happy does the accordion playing man look! Lovely photos.

    1. Thanks Sue, glad you like my Macavity Picatso! Hugs!

  2. Well done on Picatso! Loving your spring flowers.

  3. Picatso is a handsome guy. And I a sure, he is a little bit of a trouble maker because any cat with that expression would have to be. Not in a bad trouble maker way of course. And wow, you have some beautiful spring signs. You must be loving that. Have a wonderful weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. I think all cats can be trouble makers, and enjoy doing what they want! Hugs,

  4. Oh yes, macavity the mystery cat!
    All your clicks are lovely vj

    1. Thanks Ashok, we all loved that poem at school back when!

  5. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  6. Oh I love him Valerie with his patchwork design and colours. He sure has the look of a cunning cat hence the poem line *He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare*
    I like how you decorated him with a handful of flowers to show his sensitive side Hee hee.. A great journaling piece.
    Happy crafting this weekend I'm hoping there maybe a little time left in the day for me to get some messy time in. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Yes, cats always have different sides! Hope you get some fun time at the weekend, hugs and thanks again for linking to AJJ!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love your Picatso Macavity, too funny! Little S loves him, too, and we read the poem together, which she also loves! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Yes, it's a great poem, and I'm sure she'll remember it!

  8. Picatso is a very handsome cat, of course I know he won't be there if I scroll back! It's great to see signs of Spring in your photos! Have a great weekend, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, he is probably hiding under your bed! Hugs!

  9. Picatso is quite handsome and I love his name. Winter still has a grip here. We had some snow and now Saturday morning it's turned to a freezing mix so you're Spring pictures area a welcome relief. We won't see flowers like that for another two months! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. Sorry it's still so cold over there. Have a great weekend, keep warm!

  10. Liebe Valerie, die FrĂźhlingszeichen lassen mir das Herz aufgehen - und Macavity kenne ich aus dem Musical Cats, das ja nach den T.S.Eliot-Texten geschaffen wurde. Picatso ist ein cooler, verwegener Kater, er sieht ein bisschen aus wie von Picasso gemalt, vielleicht daher der Name? Ich denke, unsere Gastkatze Samia wĂźrde mit ihm flirten ;-)
    Hab ein wunderbares Wochenende und glßckliche März-Tage
    ❤️ Traude❤️

    1. Liebe Traude, Frühling ist immer eine ganz besondere Zeit. Picatso ist wirklich an Picasso angelehnt. Ich habe Cats mehrfach gesehen, einfach wundervoll! Dir ein schönes Wochenende, pass gut auf dich auf, Liebe Grüße, Valerie

  11. I love the cat! Thank you for all the flower photos!

  12. Dein Kater Picatso finde ich so grossartig, grosse Kunst mit dem Geidcht , liebe Valerie was du da zeigst.
    Deine FrĂźhlingshaften Blumen sind auch so ein HIngucker!Ich wĂźnsche dir ein schĂśnes Wochenende, pass gut auf dich auf!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Freut mich wenn Picatso dir gefällt! Dir ein schÜnes und erholsames Wochenende, alles Liebe, Valerie

  13. Wow he's gorgeous - he certainly look to have an attitude lol! So sorry I've been MIA but the dreaded Covid has struck here again. Take care and have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Covid seems to be very fond of you! Get well soon, take care of yourself! Hugs,Valerie

  14. Picatso! lol! Your spring walk looks delightful :)

  15. Like Picasso. Very clever! Love those colorful flowers.

  16. Wow! It's all so beautiful!

  17. this picatso art looks amazing;D

  18. You KNOW I love the cat. So adorable. What a great entry at AJJ using your great theme.

    Of course, I love those spring flowers, too. I noticed when I returned this morning I am getting a few leaves popping up in my winter garden.

  19. I thought you would like that cat 😺😺😺

  20. Oh my! you have this great ability with faces and the cat is amazing. Love the photos of your lovely town too. Hugs, Angela xXx

  21. Just the name, Picatso, is very creative, Valerie, and gives us a glimpse into the workings of your innovative mind. He looks like a cat with attitude - wouldn't want to mess with him! The images of spring are very encouraging - all of them - but I especially like the one of the fellow on the bench with his accordion. He looks so jolly, glad to be alive, and I bet he played a fine tune. The first spring flowers here are not so far off now. I have one little patch of snowdrops in the backyard, courtesy of the squirrels I think because I didn't plant them, and they will perhaps soon bloom. Soon you will be back at home, snug and cozy in your little apartment. Hooray! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, he's not a cat to mess with, that's for sure! Hugs!

  22. I enjoyed seeing the lovely photographs from your town.

    All the best Jan

  23. Picatso is fantastic. Beautiful spring flowers too.
    Hugs Alison

  24. Your little town looks inviting with all its pretty flowers and the lovely man playing the accordion. he looks happy and reminds me of such a man who used to play beautifully for us when shopping in town. Sadly I have not seen him since covid and wonder if he is still around.
    But I am here for Picatso, a very handsome cat, unusual colouring but then this might be a disguise he is wearing if he truly is as wily as Macavity. He has a certain look in his eyes and I wonder if the slight twitch of the tongue means something? A lovely page for AJJ again.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Picatso is VERY wild, and like me, he loves colours! We have several people playing the accordeon or other instruments, and it's always a nice addition to the 'flavour' of our little town! Hugs!


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