Wednesday 30 November 2022

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a great week. Today is the last day of Elizabeth's food/drink or collage fodder challenge at AJJ.  Thanks for hosting, Elizabeth! I have made a digital collage. I have combined 2 different pages, one over the other with an added frame and some other bits and bobs. Tomorrow we will be starting a new challenge, so don't forget to check the new theme and our lovely new host tomorrow:

Some photos from the Christmas Market here:

Reibe Kuchen - potato cakes with stewed apples:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Potato cakes and Christmas. I'm in!

  2. I enjoy visiting Christmas markets at this time of year.
    Thanks for sharing the photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. I love how you overlapped those 2 pieces. Together they make a great piece. And Christmas markets look so cool. We don't have them here. I haven't had potato pancakes (as we call them) with apples in so long. Boy those look yummy! Thanks for sharing. And happy last day of November. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erik. I love those pancakes, we make them for Chanukkah! Yum!

  4. Dramatic collage and lovely to see the markets

  5. Lovely page you have created vj. The Christmas market looks colorful and alive!

    1. It's a fun place for a drink and a snack in winter!

  6. Lovely memories today, I remember being there with you 2 years back! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Was that 2 years ago? I thought it was longer. We had fun and tried nearly everthing! Hugs!

  7. Ein fabelhaftes und kreative Collage!
    Der Weihnachtsmarkt ist so schön bei dir, danke für das zeigen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks Elke, the market here is very small, but always pretty! Hugs!

  8. Hi Valerie, I called in to have a catch up and a closer look at your TioT's DT page and I couldn't find it. Anyway I enjoyed my visit and reading your posts.
    I hope all is well with you, I have up and down days and the cold, dull winter days don't help very much.
    Be safe Yvonne xx

  9. Your collage looks terrific, Valerie. Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "two-faced"!
    The Christmas market looks very attractive and I am sure is well patronized and enjoyed by many. Potato cakes and apple sauce - count me in! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Two faced is good! And potato cakes and apple 🍎🍏 sauce are wonderful!

  10. These Christmas markets look like such fun!

  11. Pięknie i świątecznie u Ciebie. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

  12. What a fabulous piece, your collage is amazing! I love a Christmas market (thoush I'm not sure about potato cakes with apple sauce lol) I hope you are feeling better today. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

  13. Thanks Sue, you don't know what your missing! Hugs!

  14. Your collaged face is absolutely brilliant! Looking forward to the Christmas Market in Paris this weekend. Potato cakes and apple sauce sounds amazing- I wonder what we'll find to eat? I hope you are feeling a little better today, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, have fun in France! Potatoes cakes and Apple sauce is brilliant! Hugs,Valerie

  15. You brought back such happy memories with the Christmas market photos. We travelled to lots and each had a different thing about it that we liked. The soup in Berlin is an everlasting memory, the glasses I brought four of home in another and my favourite because it was my first to experience was Dusseldorf. I used to love those potato cakes. They would ask did I want apple and I'd say "No, salt" and the reply would be "ah English". I loved standing under a shelter to one side of one of the markets where I would eat my bratwurst and drink my "gluhwein mit rhum". Oh how I wish I could travel now.
    Anyway, now to your journal page. Love the large central face with the two silhouettes standing to attention at the sides. What a lovely idea to combine two pictures into the one. The other figure and the raven at the base all add to it and I love the warmth of the colours you chose.
    I hope you are feeling better and stronger each day Valerie.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet, glad you enjoyed the Christmas market! It's only a small one here, but every district has their own, as well as the huge one in the Altstadt. Wen I first came here I didn't want apple sauce either, but you must try it, it's just wonderful! Glad you like the hybrid collage, too, it's fun taking old pieces and turning them into something new! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  16. I was in awe of these two images you combined. It was like a transparency, only digital. I am always impressed with your digital art. I love how the smaller faces go so well with the large one and the crow/raven adds that touch of mystery to the entry, Thanks for this final entry you have given us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my themes.

    Someday I hope to visit a Christmas market. The sights, sounds, and scents might even be overwhelming. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the beautiful photos you shared. Such beauty and happiness after not having a Christmas Market for a couple of years.

    Please feel better really soon, dear.

    1. BTW, I found your original comment from yesterday in my spam folder and published it.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth, gad you found my comment and saved it from the bin! And I'm glad you enjoyed the Christmas market, it's always fun to visit there, and especially to eat potato cakes!

  17. Piękna praca jak zawsze . Jarmarki Bożonarodzeniowe u nas też powoli się zaczynają. Lubię czas Adwentu bo to czas radosnych przygotowań. Miłego weekendu😊🎄

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Happy Advent to you and your family!

  18. I love a Christmas market but sadly the one here in Lincoln just gets so busy that we can't get near anything. Thanks for showing us round yours. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Sorry about that. In my time in Lincoln there was no Christmas market! Long,long ago!

  19. Oh, the market! I am so longing to go to one, sometime in my life. Enchanting.

  20. What a compelling face, Valerie! And an important message. I find it really hard to quiet my mind. I enjoyed seeing your Christmas market, but, boy it looks cold outside! It's really cold here tonight with a strong, bitter wind. I hope you're warm inside and enjoying the weekend!

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