Monday 14 November 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope  you all had a great weekend, and I wish us all a good, new week! I have another collage for Elizabeth's collage fodder / food challenge at AJJ. The background is a brush-wipe page which I randomly stamped with 2 large stamps and embossed with white. Then I gathered all of the flying bits from my table and a couple of magazine cut outs before  I started to arrange it all. The hand holding the diamonds was an ad, also from a magazine. I had several of those hands, but this is the last one. The cat is drinking milk, so does that count as food?

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang:

Some photos from the weekend:

These photos were taken in what used to be the moat. The bridge was one of the three entries to the town back then

It's great to be able to sit outside and eat ice in the middle of November, but it's not normal!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Interesting montage. I think if you ask the cat if the milk is food, it would definitely be a yes. Lovely photos of the scenery. I especially like the mushroom one. Have a great week. Hugs Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb! My cat always loved milk! Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  2. Lovely page, good thinkies and gorgeous photos.

  3. I enjoyed your beautiful post-lovely photos, art and thinkies hugs

  4. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love your collage and the beautiful photos. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. THanks Sarah, have a good start in the week, hugs to all!

  6. Nice creative page. Beautiful photos. Have a wonderful day.

  7. With Canada Geese at the head of everything else all will be perfect that follows. And so it is, Valerie. As to whether the cat drinking milk qualifies as food, it certainly does - especially for the cat! I just finished a boring bowl of cereal with milk and I am told that is food! One day soon I am going to make scrambled eggs and hot toast for a nice change, or maybe I will go totally crazy and make blueberry pancakes. I just scrolled up to look at your page again and there are many components, all pleasing. I have never seen a woman with a fist full of diamonds, but I have been to a couple of high class functions where I am sure if you had scraped the necklaces and earrings from just a couple of the aging faces it would be a handful in a hurry. I remember chatting to one patently over the hill matron - sixty trying to look thirty - whose makeup was so plastered on you would not have been surprised had she told you that it was applied with a trowel. She was a positive magician the way she could make cocktails disappear. The cause was right though, so I was happy to attend and the exorbitant fee I paid served to expand habitat for wildlife - or so I was told. I also exchanged a few words with a well known author who has become a Canadian icon in her own lifetime. I have rambled enough. Enjoy the week ahead. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ceral and milk is a good breakfast. My breakfast is always coffee - what else? And sometimes a banana! Scrambled eggs and hot toast sounds very good, I think I will make that for my evening meal! Blueberry pancakes sound good, too, yummy, send me a few, please! I often see people here with make up so thick and exaggerated that it's scary, they must waste a fortune on it! Okay, if it wsas for wildlife it was for a good cause. I hope you got a few cocktails, too. Today it was cold and grey, I think our long summer is over! You have a great week, too! Big hugs, Valerie

  8. Oh I like this page and all those assorted images Valerie. They all work together so well, even though one might think they wouldn't. And Happy early T day to you also. That cool dog with his cup of cappuccino is adorable. And it looks like you had a lovely weekend. We had some sun Saturday afternoon but lots of rain. It was relaxing though-smile. Have a happy early T day and happy new week also. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's fun to combine disparate images and see what happens! That dog is really fun, isn't it. Today it's cold here, I think winter has arrived! Happy T Day, and have a great week, take care of yourself, hugs!

  9. Lovely collage. Yes, milk is food. Beautiful pictures from your town. We've had unseasonably warm weather, too. I'm not complaining. I wish it could stay like this through the entire Winter. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks, CJ, I know you love it warm! Have a great week

  10. Intriguing collage art vj ! Love the mushroom pic. !

  11. I like your art today. Lots to look at. Wise memes to read, and I love those horses!

    1. Thanks a lot. I always go past the horses every day wsheb I go walking!

  12. WOW, what a fabulous collage piece Valerie, love all the element and they meld together to make one..awesome.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  13. A great collage with so many images to look at. The girl with the diamonds is a great focal point.
    Love all your amazing photos from the weekend. Did you photograph the mushrooms? Wow, what stunning colors!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I was so happy to find those sweet mushrooms! Happy T Day!

  14. Edgar Allan Poe is an interesting presence in your collage (upper left corner). Funny to see him with all that glitz and glamor, and I like the way his shoulders merge with the hair of the woman below.

    Have a good week... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. It's fun to play with disparate images and see what final picture they make. Happy T Day!

  15. Beautiful collage art, I love the little cat and the nails on the hand look so pretty with all the sparkle! Loved seeing your weekend photos, with that dramatic sky they looked like oil paintings. Of course those mushrooms caught my eye, I love the colours and you captured them so beautifully 😊. Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I wish I had nails like that, and perhaps a few diamonds, too! Happy T t, Jo! Hugs!

  16. I love your collaged art, Valerie. The hand holding the diamonds really stands out - I especially like her nails!!! LOL! And everything on your page works so well together. I really enjoyed seeing your fall photos, too. You captured the autumn sky beautifully! We had some of that very warm weather here, as well. You are right, it was nice, but definitely not normal. I hope your cup overflows with peace, love and pure awesomeness, too! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon, those nails make me envious! It seems to have been too warm everywhere, the climate is changing! Have a great day, hugs!

  17. Ohhh this is fabulous. I love those fingernails. I don't know why they speak to me so much. Wonderful photos as always. Hope your days are filled and your are feeling well.

    1. I think we all love those fingernails! Have a great day, feel well!

  18. This is BRILLIANT!! What a wonderful collection of images- I'm sitting with a pile of magazines in front of me - all destined for the recycle bin- I'm going on a hunt now!
    Your photos are fabulous, some of them look like paintings . Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks. Keep hunting, there are always so many lovely images! Happy T Day!

  19. That is a fun collage. So much to look at and see. Yes, of course, for a cat, milk is food ( albeit liquid)
    Thanks for the lovely walk and the ice cream in the sun. Yes, it’s crazy weather. Here too.
    Great thinking, especially the one about self care.
    Happy T Day,

  20. What a collage! There is so much to see! Milk is certainly food, especially for the cat. I love all your fall photos, you live in a beautiful area. Sitting outside in November is indeed unusual for Germany - I remember a German November as being dominantly grey. I hope you have a good week, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Carola, I love making these collages. The ice cafe has now closed for winter, and it's still good weather for eating ice, but probably not much longer. Have a great week!

  21. Your page is very creative and colourful.
    Great mix of photographs.

    I was out earlier doing my best to escape heavy rain showers!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, we had some rain in the night, but we still need lots more!

  22. I've never seen a red spotted mushroom in person and have always wanted to! Someday -- but till then there are your beautiful images!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. They are rare here, too, but I have been lucky a few times.

  23. Your collage piece is amazing. I keep collecting stuff to do some myself but keep getting distracted by other stuff. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I know what you mean, there's never enough time to do everything I would like to! Hugs!

  24. Great photos, and I absolutely love your art Valerie!
    Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks Alison, collage is always great fun! Hugs!

  25. Layers and layers in your silvery, sparklely collage, Valerie. So interesting! I enjoy seeing photos of the beautiful area you live it. The moat walk looks truly inviting. I'm still trying to internalize the self-care truism. You think I would have learned by now!


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