Tuesday 1 November 2022

New challenge at Art Journal Journey

 Hi Everybody!

It seems like yesterday that we started with Elle's lovely challenge at Art Journal Journey, and already we have a new one. Many thanks to Elle for her fun theme which we all loved. Our new challenge is being hosted by Elizabeth and Beubeard. We have a lot of choice this time as there are 2 themes - collage fodder and / or food & drink. I have chosen collage fodder for my first piece. I started with an A3 page with a lot of frustration scribbles on it and then painted over it with some left over blue paint. I had a face painting made a year or so back, and i hated it, so I cut it up into circles and triangles and collaged them onto the page. Then I added some more doodling, the stenciled birds, and the text which is too blurry to read. It's a found poem, made out of random words: 

FLY   she wanted to fly away
she did not understand
She believed in the good
of birds and flying things
of flight and freedom
she could taste the wind
where she can be found

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your take on collage fodder. Using a painting you disliked and cut into circles and triangles was the perfect way to both recycle and turn the face into collage fodder. This is a wonderful first entry for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

    Nice thinkies. The memory one was spot on, I fear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you like it.
      I love reusing pieces this Way. Have a great day, hugs Valerie

  2. Collage fodder? Hah! That looks like the product of a tormented mind! Van Gogh a half hour before he chopped his ear off! Collage fodder gives you lots of scope, Valerie, and I suspect you will succeed in grand form with this challenge. After all, there are few rules so have at it and see what you come up with. The second choice of food and drink is inclusive too. Maybe throw some mashed potatoes against the wall and you could combine the two. The possibilities are endless. I will look forward to seeing what else you come up with. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, you always manage to cheer me up. Why dxidn't I think of mashed potatoes on the wall? I just rolled out of bed here and made myself my first cup of coffee, after taking my morning medication, of course. I have so many tablets they almost constitute a three course meal! Collage fodder is a new term which has become fashionable this past year, and not one I like, either. But who asks you or me? Have a great day, take care, Big hugs!

  3. Hi Val, wonderful pieces, how did you manage to get so much done? Well, you always were clever! We're going to the park today to feed the birds and eat ice cream, a little treat for us all. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, enjoy yourselves, I will be thinking of you all, hugs!

  4. I love your piece Collage Fodder! I find it hard to throw away work even when I really dislike it. So, your piece today just goes to show it's worth keeping everything. Even if you need to go out and buy a bigger house to keep it all in LOL. I usually end up using gesso over the parts I don't like or covering it with tissue paper layers. I never think to cut it up! Brilliant. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Cutting up or tearing up is sometimes very satisfying! Yes, a bigger place would be good....Hugs!

  5. I like your blog header and the nice collage fodder. I have my own incidents of long term vs short term memory. Lol!

    1. Oh yes, I know our first telephone number from the time when I as little girl, but have trouble with my smart phone number! Hugs!

  6. Great page Valerie, love the use of using a painting you don’t like. Lovely colourful page for the new theme. I’m so pleased Bluebeard got his way as I’m not keen on food and drink as a subject. Hope you are feeling a bit better now, hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I prefer collage to food and drink, too. Hugs, Valerie

  7. I love the collage fodder face. It is amazing. And who can go wrong with circles? This is a wonderful way to start the new month. Already! I hope you are feeling good today and get to have some fun time. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I always like geometric foms. I'm not feeling so good today, so I'm enjoying being home and just doing a bit of this and that!

  8. You did well with an interesting new theme. Lovely thinkies

  9. I LOVE your art-and the poem is wonderful....

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. Much appreciated, hugs!

  10. Beautiful collage and the circle design adds lots of interest! I love that Rumi quote too 😊. Hope you are keeping well and Happy November! Hugs Jo x

  11. Always fun to come to your post !

  12. My first chance to take a look here - it's been a long day! I love what you've done with your unloved face . Hugs, Chrisx

  13. I do like the collage fodder face, and some good thinkies.

    All the best Jan

  14. What an ingenious way to use a painting you are not keen on. Mind you I do not know why, the circles with the various parts of the face in look fine to me. It is a good idea to cut the painting up like that, I would never have thought of circles but boy, it works!
    Some great funnies and some beautiful photos.
    Hope you are feeling a little better by now.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. Love the thinkies and your beautiful collage art Valerie x

    1. Thanks Alison! Have a great day!

    2. I just typed a response and lost it when I sneezed - lol. You may have 2 from me.

      I love the collage with that saved face repurposed - brilliant that you saved it! Super cool words and patterns to support it or the other way around....

      Love the funnies/pretties. Especially the one on memory and the quote by Rumi.

      Many hugz

  16. "she could taste the wind where she can be found" ~ What a wonderful poetic image, Valerie!


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