Monday 21 November 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a great weekend and that we all have a good week. Here it has suddenly got very cold, which is a big contrast  to the warm and sunny weather we have been enjoying till now.

Today I have a hybrid piece for Elizabeth's challenge at AJJ, collage fodder and /or food and drink. I have put together a journal page made entirely from old pieces made some years back and digitally combined. Everything used was made by me, but the text was added digitally. The figures are inspired by the artist Baj. For me it's hard to paint pretty pictures to describe what is happening in Ukraine and many other lands:

On Moday evening we also meet at Elizabeth's to share a drink, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

My drink is coffee!

Some thinkies/funnies:

Have  agreat day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your collage is very powerful, and I like the message that you portray that is behind it.

  2. awesome thinkies, and your collage is just so true Happy T and new week Valerie hugs from the lake

  3. Your journal page is powerful and I love the point you are making in it. Thanks for sharing this lovely piece with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    Gosh Valerie. I haven't even started my T Tuesday post and you have yours live already. Love them all. Thanks for sharing your thinkies, especially the diapers, your AJJ art, and your coffee related images with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad the meaning comes across! The diapers quote is good, it made me smile, too. Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Another fabulous page, love the significance in the figures and the colours of the circle and strip with words- the woman seems to be hiding under it. Great coffee shots, too. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great Monday, hugs to you all!

  5. What a marvelous page Valerie, such a powerful message! Politics haven't changed have they, Mark Twain got it right all those years ago! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Politics really haven't changed, and probably won't!

  6. A sobering collage, Valerie. Butchery, savagery, deception, cruelty, disregard for others, self-aggrandizement, exploitation - these are inherent components of the human condition, unfortunately. One has only to focus on two current events, although there are many more. Ukraine is a tragedy of immense magnitude and the world stands idly by as one madman destroys an entire country and its people. (I know of a good target for a hypersonic missile). In Qatar, poor migrants have been used mercilessly to build soccer stadia and other venues, sometimes dying in the process, so that multi-millionaire "sportsmen" and their billionaire owners can indulge their fantasies. It never changes, does it? Hugs and kisses - David

    1. The world is full of so much hate, greed and destruction just now. The events in Ukraine are horrifying, and nothing happens to really help them. And as for Qatar and all of their superlatives, trying to cover their corruption and use of quasi slave labour - I am speechless. One world for the rich and corrupt, another one for the poor, homeless and displaced. No, it never changes! Have a great day, hugs xx!

  7. Lovely page, I enjoyed the thinkies. Happy T day

  8. Hello, powerful messages you show. It is sad that human history repeats itself over and over.
    I sometimes think we have a serious flaw as humans.
    Many greetings to you. Have a good week... and yes, I'll have the coffee.

    1. I think we all like coffee! Yes, history repeats itself, but it always seems that bad things are repeated. Some people are definitey flawed, that's true. Have a great week!

  9. A sober and thoughtful page. I love the foam dome on your cappuccino. Stay warm and Happy T Day

    1. Foam domes on Cappuccino just have to be there, yummy! Happy T Day!

  10. Guernica by Picasso is beautifully echoed in your art here, and the sentiment of horror at the brutal attacks on innocent people is exactly the same. You have echoed the power of his images so effectively!

    best… mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, How can one man do so much damage? The world is in a bad way just now!

  11. Awesome collage as usual vj ..lovely post!

  12. That Preposition meme got to me. Haha.

  13. Super z kawą kolaż. U mnie jest -5 stopni.

    1. Coffee i good with everything. It's really cold where you are!

  14. Alsways such beauty in your art. I hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Nicole, some days are better than others. Hope you are doing well!

  15. You have definitely made me smile today, the funnies are brilliant and even hubby liked them especially the Door Bell and the Politicians one. I think a pair of memory foam slippers should be on my next shopping list Lol! And of course loving the Hybrid piece, great art woek. Have a good week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. My fave funny was the doorbell one, I often had problems to get into bed when I still had my cats and dog!

  16. I don't think it is possible to paint pretty pictures to describe what is happening in Ukraine. It is ugly and cruel and the pain should be reflected in those paintings. Yours does exactly that and it is very powerful. Oh, and the diapers! So very very true!

    1. Thanks Carola! You're right, what's happening in Ukraine is ugly and evil. And it can't be shown with pretty pictures. Happy T Day!

  17. A very powerful journal page.

    Many thanks for the funnies/thinkies.
    Enjoy your coffee :)

    All the best Jan

  18. That is another great collage page Valerie. I remember those figures, and I like how you used them. And nice drink related pieces too. And funnies too. The one about diapers and politicians is too true! Have a lovely T day and Tuesday too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, diapers and politicians....I am sure we could talk about a lot of people where that fits! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  19. Love your fodder piece, Valerie. Your funnies are great, definitely more than a few that made me laugh.
    Happy Tea Day,

  20. Haha! Love the funnies, especially the memory foam one and the train of thought one. I completely do not get the first one! Very thoughtful art and creative , too. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon, I need memory foam insoles, too!

  21. Love them all love your gorgeous post. Sorry still got covid and not too flash x

    1. Sorry to hear it, dear Annie. Get well soon and rest! Hugs!

  22. A cup of coffee would be great at this moment. Love your funnies/thinkies. Keep well and have a great week.

  23. What a great collage. You have expressed very well the awful feeling seeing another country devastated and not being able to do anything (significant) about it.
    I love your thinkies and funnies, especially the diaper one.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, it's hard having to watch and not help enough! Hugs!

  24. I like that piece with the French press coffee maker. It'd be nice if memory foam worked that way lol Happy T Tuesday!

  25. Enjoyed your art Valerie! And the pictures and funnies. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  26. Sorry to be so late. After food shopping yesterday I only had time to write my post before going for meal and to see The Lion King at the theatre with my youngest son.
    Your journal page is really striking - it's hard to think that it is still going on.
    I need a pair of those slippers! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I think we all need those slippers!

  27. Hahahahahaha on the door bell and clearing the dogs off the bed!!!!!!

  28. Still looking after sick kitties, so I'm very late to the party. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  29. Your Ukraine image is powerful, Valerie. The Ukrainians are reminding us of the meaning of freedom and democracy, which so many complaisant people have forgotten. I never thought I'd live to see such days. Love the coffee images and the funnies. I need some memory foam for my shoes ~ lol!


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