Wednesday 23 November 2022

Tag Tuesday on Wednesday

Hi Everybody!

Just a short post time, time has run away from me and I can't catch up. Today I have a tag for Tag Tuesday . Wendy is hosting and wants us to put a saying or quote on our tags. You still have  the best part of a week to join us with a tag:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a great tag Valerie. And I especially love the funny with the 3 cats. The left orange guy is my Leo, and that's why he's called Leo, because he was so lion-like and the scientific name of lions is Felis leo. Happy mid-week. hugs-Erika

    1. My cat was 🖤 black with one white paw, so pretty. I still miss her, and my dogs. Have a great day 😊❤️😊

  2. Love the 3 cats and their reflections. Cute kitties. Sending you hugs.

  3. Your thinkies / funnies are always fun to see

  4. Albert Einstein was so far superior to the rest of us he could lick his tongue at the world with impunity. Human intellect can soar to starry heights yet we seem unable to harness its use for the common good. If something new can be be discovered, devised, invented we'll find a way to convert it to a weapon of war. Better to snuggle up like the kittens. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Einstein was really a great guy. I wonder if he would have an answer to all the problems we have today. Today I often wonder just how enormous the stupidity of people is. Today it's cold and windy, I've already had my walk and now I'm going to put my feet up and disappear under a blanket! BIG hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good afternoon. I'm late today, I had an appointment this morning! Love your tag, I still have your Einstein painting on my office wall. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, No hurry, no worry! Glad Einstein is still watching over you! Hugs to you all!

  6. It's been wet and windy here too but managed to get a few things done. Loving the funnies especially the three kitties. I also wonder where one buys the ears! Have a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Yes, I have been thinking about that, too. They seem to be rare! Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, lovely Tag and funnies! Hugs, Martha

  8. Bardzo pięknie u Ciebie. Ciekawa zabawa

  9. Great tags Valerie and love the quote..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  10. Thanks Michele, happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Your art and photos made me smile Valerie.
    Sending hugs,

  12. I like your tag and I enjoyed the funnies/thinkies, especially the hug one :)

    All the best Jan

  13. A super Tag, loving that quote,lol. xx

  14. Such a fun tag - love it! The image and quote are perfect together 😊. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  15. I absolutely love your tag Valerie, made me smile instantly. Hope you are improving by the week. Sending hugs xxx

    1. Thanks Pinky, enjoy your weekend!

    2. Your tag is hilarious, Valerie, and I always enjoy your funnies/thinkies


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