Saturday 5 November 2022

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! 

After a very warm October today was really cold. Okay, it's November, so I'm not complaining - time to get my winter clothes out of the closet!

Today I am sharing some pieces from bygone times. These were made for a challenge where we could choose any theme or style, but had to use neutral colours. I took photos, and created assemblages and  collages. Here are some of my favourites:

And some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It is raining here right now with lots of strong winds. Lovely post I really enjoyed all the photos and the funnies too-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, your weather sounds bad, good weather to stay home! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  2. For awhile we had the heat on and dressed warm and now it's gone back to Indian Summer here. Very nice. Happy Almost Winter!

    1. Your weather sounds as crazy as ours! Today the sun is shining, but it's cold. I didn't want to get out of bed! Happy Weekend!

  3. Awesome collection of photos Vj

  4. Lovely art photos and funnies! We await the cold

    1. I'm sure your cold is really cold! Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. Love this selection of photos, wonderful textures and patterns. We're having a quiet weekend here, and I'm looking forward to it! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thaks Sarah. I hope you really get some rest over the weekend, I'm sure you need it. Hugs to all!

  6. Piękne obrazki zamieszczasz. U mnie pada deszcz i skończyła się złota jesień.

  7. Lovely collages here, Valerie, some enhanced of course by CANADA Geese, benign conquerors of the world, ambassadors of the universe, fertilizers of the planet. May they live and prosper forever. I am also drawn to the wispy white feather and the very handsome snail. There is something very pleasing, and restful too, about a combination of subtle browns and beiges. There is a bird found in the high Andes called a Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe that masterfully displays this. We tried three times before we found this bird, but it was worth the effort, up there on the top of the world. Miriam later made a quilt combining those colours and it was sensational. She sold it, but in many ways I wish she had kept it. Can't keep everything though. Yesterday, on 4 November, the temperature climbed to 20.5 degrees - unbelievable! We had a nice walk at Lakeside Park in Kitchener, and were able to help a couple of novice birders we met. On the way home we picked up cabbage rolls and knishes for dinner so we didn't have to do much preparation. I put in yeoman duty warming them up, and even spooned some sour cream on them. Then I set the plate right on the table in front of Miriam and all she had to do was pick up her knife and fork. I shall bask in this dedication to her every need for the rest of the year. Until the next time I am sending you many, many hugs and kisses. No cabbage rolls though! David

    1. Sometimes I like wild colours but these neutrals are always very pleasing to the eye. I thought you would like the Canada geese who fertilise our fields for free! The feather fluttered down as I was walking along the path, so I had to take a photo of it. And the snail was oozing over the path in front of me, so I paused to enjoy it and take a photo. I have never heard of the rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, I will loook it up later. It's really not possible to keep everything I make, so quite a lot of my paintings have been given away or sold. And I have some hanging in the clinic and in our library. It's really strange - but enjoyable - to have such mild weather in November. The food you bought sounds delicious, but none for me! Good job I just had a great meal! Glad you are looking after Miriam so well, she deserves it! Have a great weekend, BIG hugs!

  8. Such gorgeous art collages! Loving all the photos that you used and how you pieced them together, the shadow of you is my favourite 😊. It's much colder here too, and I think the weather can't decide what to do, one minute it's sunny and the next it's raining. Wishing you a relaxing weekend, stay warm! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you like the collages, I had fun making them. Today is warmer than yesterday, and on Monday it's supposed to get really warm again - we shall see! have a great weekend!

  9. Beautiful photos and collaged pieces. Have a great weekend 😊😁😁 hugs, Martha

  10. Loved all the photos and funnies, Valerie 🧡🧡🧡🧡
    Hugs and blessings, my dear friend 💐

  11. Lots of fabulous photos Valerie, I do like the ones of the Halloween dogs and your 'long' legs. Temperatures have really dropped here too. Time to wrap up in the winter woollies.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. There's a cold wind blowing here today, the c old weather is on its way!

  12. Great photos ;) Have a nice day ;)

  13. I usually think of neutral colors as boring, but you captured so much variety and life in your photos. Weather at my house has returned to warm temps. and I'm a happy, little clam. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ! Enjoy the warmth as long as it lasts, I'm sorting out my warm coats and caps!

  14. It is rainy season here. Day weather is warm but evening nice and cool. I really like the dogs dressed in white sheet.

    1. Those dogs are really funny! Enjoy your cool evenings!

  15. What a nice collection of photos. I especially like that rock tower.

  16. W tym poście jest wszystko co kocham piękne prace, koty, morskie akcenty i cudne fotografie. U nas też zrobiło się zimno. Udanego tygodnia i dużo zdrowia😊

    1. I'm glad you like the things I have shown today, thanks so much . Have a great week!

  17. You picked some good ones. Love the photos and the memes are purrfect:)

  18. Such a nice collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  19. You have some gorgeous photos here today Valerie. And I loved the funnies! Cheers!

  20. Glorious textures today, Valerie!


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