Thursday 1 December 2022

New challenge at Art Journal Journey!

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ, and this time our host is the lovely Jo of Let's Art Journal  and her theme is   
snowy winter

As always, the challenge runs for the whole month and your snowy and wintry journal pages are very welcome. Cards and tags are not allowed.
I have a hybrid page put together with a blue, vintage background, a photo taken here near the castle ruins, a vintage Santa Claus scrap and a photo of Erika in her winter finery:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh WOW, Valerie. What a brilliant first entry. Erika is so special and I adore that Victorian Santa. I love your photo of a wintry scene. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme.

    Cats do NOT forget. They also let you know every day who is/are the boss(es) of the house.

    Too good to be true. No trouble publishing until now. Got that dreaded "failed to publish."

    1. Glad you enjoyed my first entry. I love the Victorian scrap, too, I buy it in a small, old bookshop from 1850, and still in the same family, that's impressive!

  2. Beautiful festive page with Santa Claus and Erika in it. I agree, life is so much better with a dog. Have a great day.

    1. Yes, dogs are good companions. Have a great day hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling a bit better and that your nasty cough will soon be better. Love the new journal page, so pretty with Erika. She was such a sweetie, except when she got her tantrums! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. The cough seems to like living with me and is still flourishing. Oh yes, when Erika got a tantrum it was time to handle! Hugs to all, Valerie

  4. What a beautiful hybrid page! I love your snowy winter design and how you layered and blended those snowflakes into the darker background - amazing 😊. Thanks so much for the inspiration and for inviting me to Guest Host this year, it's always a pleasure to join you all at AJJ! Take care and Happy December! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, we are happy to have you with us, have a great month! Hugs!

  5. You put together a great winter page, Valerie, and the inclusion of Erika makes it even more lovely. You will have to send it to her so that she can see how her childhood lives on. Winter flexed its muscles here yesterday with quite a bit of snow. I will be having lunch with a friend in Kitchener so I had better get the driveway shovelled this morning. The birds will be glad to see first light so that they can get breakfast at my bird feeders. It doesn't take them long to clear the snow so that they can get at the seed. Last night we had chicken stew for dinner. Great winter comfort food. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. Erika died back in 2009 when she was 94. She was mostly sweet and nice but could sometimes be very cantankerous and often had tantrums! No snow here, but it's cold with a thin spray of rain, nice weather to be home. I'm sure you care for your birds very well. Have fun in Kitchener! Big hugs!

  6. Nice work on the page Vj ...

  7. If I bundle up that road does look so inviting. I love how you used it on the dark background and added Erika and Santa. Erika certainly looks ready for a run down the road, even if her muff may flop around a bit. Happy new month to you. It's amazing it is December already. hugs-Erika

    1. That's a pretty road with and without snow, I go along there almost every day. Have a happy December!

  8. Oh by the way, your link at AJJ didn't work. Just an FYI.

    1. I just read Erika's comment. Seems this has happened before (a few months ago), but to MY link. When I remove the previous link, I didn't get it all and the final "l" didn't get removed. I have added it again, this time it is hopefully correct.

  9. I love your Christmas collage, it looks beautiful. :)
    I love all the details in it.

  10. Wow Valerie this is just gorgeous. It feels like a dream. Hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Hope you are feeling better, too, we both seem to be struggling just now.

  11. Beautiful page and fun thinkies!

  12. Hi Valerie, I love your funnies today. I don't know where the socks go but there's always one at least that manages to disappear. Gorgeous journal page very cleverly done too. Happy creating, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. Yes, where do those socks 🧦🧦 go? Hugs!

  13. Excellent page. Perfect use of all elements. This could easily be a Christmas card.

    Hugs and Blessings

  14. haha pictures with socks so true;D

  15. Love your snowy hybrid page Valerie and great thinkies, love Snoopy and Charlie Brown.

    1. Snoopy and Charlie Brown are always wonderful! Hugs!

  16. A beautiful page.
    I enjoyed your collection of thinkies.

    Hope you may be feeling a little better, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. Some nice ones Valerie
    Happy Friday


  18. Absoluty gorgeous work👏👏👏
    Happy day

  19. The joys of winter scene does highlight the joy :)

  20. You always amaze and inspire me, Valerie! You are constantly creating beautiful art, and this winter piece is no exception. I adore the meerkats. I took a bunch of kiddos to the Denver Zoo one year, and we were looking at a bunch of meerkats all tangled up together. I kept trying to count them with no success. I had a little pistol of a third grader and she said, "No problem, Mrs. Barbour!" She smacked her hands together loudly and all the meerkats scattered. I can't remember now how many there were, but every time I think of it, I laugh. This little pistol mooned her teacher and all of her classmates in kindergarten. I never knew what she would do. Fortunately, by the time she landed in my class, she was no longer mooning anyone. I enjoyed all the funnies. I'll be back later to catch up more. Hugs to you!

  21. Just love trees and your art is great. Love the funnies as well. Hugs Wendy.

  22. What a wonderful page Valerie - I love your hybrid pages especially when they include Erika. Sorry to be so late ‐ we are in Paris an early birthday treat from hubby! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Enjoy! How the other half live!! Hugs!

  23. Love your winter page - it looks very much like outside our window at the moment. Snow and that winter freezing fog. Stopped me going to my party today so am feeling a little sad that I let people down but honestly it was too hazardous a journey. Nice and warm inside though.
    Love the bright Father Christmas in the corner, he provides the "pop" on the page which would look lovely on a Christmas card too. Great to have a little Erika there, lover her muff.
    Fab funnies too and the meerkats are so cute,
    Hope you are well and the weather is not as bad as here.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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