Friday 2 December 2022

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

I must  confess that I forgot to do my post for TioT on Tuesday, so I'm hanging my head in shame. Our theme is winter wonderland. Anyway, here it is:

It's also ideal for Jo's snowy winter challenge at AJJ.
And as there are lots of faces, I am also linking to Nicole's FFO

And the tag is, of course, meant for Tag Tuesday where Pinky is hosting with the theme of trees. And yes, I'm late here, too. This has not been as easy week!

And I am also linking to Gillena's Friday Art Fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, Loving your art-well always love your art-hugs. great memes Hoping you are feeling better soon Kathy

    1. Thanks so much, dear Kathy. Have a great weekend!

  2. lololol on the tea and still want to smack some people.

    1. I have lots of people on my want-to-smack list!

  3. Lovely art. Zen stuff and still want to smack people 🤣

  4. I got a good chuckle from the unrealistic body for women.Your art is absolutely beautiful. So glad you shared it.

  5. Beautiful winter wonderland vj

  6. Beautiful design and gorgeous post, love each addition on this one xx

    1. Thanks Annie, hope you are feeling better! Hugs!

  7. Lovely page and tag.Fun thinkies. -Christine

  8. That unrealistic image had me laughing. I was totally in awe of how you created that tag. And I think your TioT entry is fabulous. You might be running behind, but your art is still stellar.

    1. Yes, that image isy funny....let's hope it doesn't inspire some fashion gurus! Have a great weekend!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! We've got snow here - have you! I hope it goes away before it's snowball throwing time! Love your snowy pictures, both are very cleverly made, you get the perspective right. And yes, there are people I would like to smack! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  10. Thanks Sarah. I'm sure your kids will enjoy snowballs! I'm not a fan of snow at all, but it does look pretty before it gets dirty and mushy. Have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  11. Jakie piękne zimowe obrazki i krajobrazy. U nas śnieg był i stopniał,

  12. Hello, Valerie: I don't think you should hang your head in shame. Forgetting things is one of the privileges of old age, and if you have been sick too then it is even more understandable. I have been known to go for a book to check something and forget what I went to check! As long as I don't forget to take the garbage out I am okay! There are so many challenges you have to remember. Just look at all those you mention today. And Nicole's FFO challenge sounds like something a nasty neighbour I once had might threaten! I could weave a few choice epithets into that! 'Tis the end of the week and if we have made it so far we have done well! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, that has comforted me! I think we all get a bit forgetful when we get older, and there were really lots of challenges this week, and it's not over yet! Yes, FFO does sound rather nasty, but it's still fun. I would often like to tell people something like this when they get on my nerves, but mostly I have myself under control. But I think nasty things! And thans for the reminder, I need to take my garbage out today, that's important. And we have made it through another week, that's always positive. Have a great weekend, take care! BIG hugs to you and Miriam xxx

  13. Luv the art all of it. Luv the meditation/candles humour😁
    Happy Friday. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


    1. Thanks Gillena, always good to connect with you! Hugs!

  14. I had to laugh about "sitting on the floor." I know how my aging body doesn't like it when I do that.

  15. Sorry to hear it's been a tough week. Hopefully the weekend will be better. I am loving your wonderful winter scene, and it is perfect for Jo's challenge too. I like that tag too. That pathway is as enticing to walk as the one you had on your AJJ page. Hope you're having a nice Friday and weekend ahead. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we have some lovely pathways here, and I enjoy walking along them.

  16. Hey no shame at all. Life is busy and forgetting one little thing is quite OK. LOL Besides how fun is that art page? And the tag is just gorgeous. I love the funnies today too. Have a wonderful day and thank you for joining FFO.

    1. Thanks Nicole, lately I'm really good at forgetting!

  17. ...the manikin split me up!

  18. Those are both beautiful pieces and perfect for the theme! I'm sorry to hear things have been bumpy but hoping by now that it's looking up a little bit. The funny about being on the floor cracked me up. Truer words!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Life is a bit hard now, it can only get better!

  19. You may have difficulties in life, but you do have a wonderful sense of humor. Thanks for the laughs today. Great memes.

  20. Hi Valerie, they may be late but worth waiting for. I am so in love with the tag. The funnies are brilliant, definitely smile worthy. Have alovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I have been playing catch-up all week!

  21. Lovely pieces and outstanding memes. It's my back that gets me wrapping gifts.

  22. Oh ~ wonderful series of holidays creations and photos ~ love the doggie, of course ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. It was such fun to see what you are up to, busy and wonderful art!

  24. All those people enjoying the freezing outdoors! Snow would make it fun :)

  25. Lots of happy faces enjoying the winter day, Valerie! I'm enjoying the cold much less this year. I seem to always be wrapped up in my fluffy housecoat. Terry hates the cold, so we are headed for Hawaii in January. I love your tree piece and the Steinbeck quote. The quote is true for so many opposites in life. And I love the funnies, especially the gift-wrapping one which I can so relate too. As a matter-of-fact, I'm not sitting on the floor to wrap any Christmas gift this year ~ lol! I hope the coming week is an easier one for you! Please take care of yourself! Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Louise!. Hawaii sounds great! Have a great weekend!

  26. Lovely art :)
    A great collection of funnies, the gift wrapping one is so true LOL

    Have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Oh yes, floors are not the right places these days!

  27. Beautiful art as always, Valerie.
    Love your sense of humour!

    Hugs and blessings!💐

  28. It took me awhile to get off the floor this morning, I’ll tell you that, lol. I like your winter wonderland a lot!

  29. Beautiful work on both projects Valerie! Your memes make me laugh outloud lol. Thanks for making me smile. Hope you are improving by the day xx

    1. Thanks Pinky, I hope so, too, I'm just impatient!

  30. You are late in posting and I am late in commenting ... so , we have something in common :) Your winter Wonderland is beautiful and picks up on what we all love about winter as does your tag ... and how true that we need to know the cold in order to appreciate the warm. Oh and how I relate to your little Sloth and the poor man on the floor, Ha! All of your Art for Fun are wonderfully funny ... you make me smile. Be well, Valerie and stay warm.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad you got some laughs! It's really cold just now, goodx to sit with a warm blanket!

  31. Fabulous art Valerie, love it all. Hugs Wendy

  32. Hi Valerie, I loved your piece for TioT and that's a beautiful winters tag. Some great funnies, love the body expectations.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanksy Avril, sorry I forgot to post on Tuesday, I had a hard week!

  33. You created such a beautiful and happy winter scene on your page and tag! Loving the imagery and snowy winter - perfect 😊. Thanks so much for the inspiration for our Snowy Winter challenge at Art Journal Journey! Take care and happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  34. Love your Tag Valerie, something I've always liked is the photo effect, its so crisp, made more nostalgic by the little cutie down in the corner. Hope you are continuing to improve xx

    1. Thanks Sandie. The little cutie was my late husband when he was a toddler, I love that photo! Hope you are doing well! Hugs!

  35. I love both of these scenes Valerie. No snow here but white all over with a very heavy frost! Hugs, Chrisx

  36. Lovely snowy scene, so different to the other one but both are equally nice. Hard to choose a favourite between the scene and the tag, both so contrasting. I do like the little figures in the scene and once again your funnies are great. The first one is me this week.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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