Wednesday 7 December 2022

Tag Tuesday - trees, trees, trees

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday we had our first snow of the season, but at the weekend it looks like there's a lot more snows and very cold wind on its way to us. Today I have a tag for Pinky's trees challenge at Tag Tuesday. I matted different papers to make the background, the tree and the stars are die cuts, the beads are self adhesive half beads:

The snow yesterday afternoon/evening:

And some thinkies / funnies:

I thought of Erika's dogs here, as they are not allowed on the beach during the season:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a purrfect tag. The snow pictures are beautiful.The memes made me laugh. I hope you are feeling well. Hugs

  2. OK, before I comment on your great tag, I have to say I had a big laugh at the beach meme. I can see Pete doing that-hee-hee. And that's a cool tree tag. I like how you decorated it for the season. Your photos look cold and wintery. I guess it is December. Stay warm. hugs-Erika

    1. I thought you would like it, it reminded me of Pete straightaway. My dogs always loved water, too. Enjoy your day, hugs!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, but I would be happier without it! Hugs!

    2. I get that. Some folks aren't a fan. Hubby and I are the opposite. Give us a snowed-in weekend and we're happy.

  4. I believe most people are good at heart.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Let the first snow bring you joy and peace :)

  6. That's a nice tag and has a LOT of trees on it, including the background.

    Laughed at the dog on the beach.

    You got SNOW. Lots of it, in fact. More to come? It will definitely be a winter wonderland. Stay warm and safe, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. They are focasting more snow for the weekend, brrrrrrrr, I'll stay home! Hugs!

  7. I like the Christmas tree tag. Love white Christmas. If we start to be nice, then there will be more nice people around us.

    1. Yes, I think being nice is always a better way to get along with people! Hugs!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had good sleep and are feeling better day by day. Love your pretty tree for the challenge, nice idea. All is well here, big hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Still not feeling so good, but I hope it's going in the right direction! Hugs!

  9. A cute Tag, very christmassy.
    Love the photos of the snow, it is forecast here for next week, possibly christmas too.
    My little town may not get any, we usually have better weather while the bulk of the UK get snow,lol.xx

    1. Thanks Sandie. I hope we don't get more snow, it looks nice, but - not my favourite. Have a great week!

  10. Good morning, Valerie: Anything to do with trees is a winner. We need them so much yet we have declared war on them and destroy them mercilessly. We desperately need to realign our whole compact with nature, but I doubt that we will. At this time of the year it's good to have the trees coated in snow, but it's not happening here. The weather has been unseasonably (and unreasonably) warm. Yesterday it was six degrees. Rain was in the forecast but it didn't happen. Take good care. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. Our climate is changing more and more, and the destruction of the world is alarming. I hope you get some winter ❄️ weather soon! Big hugs!

  11. We’ve been lucky with weather lately — we returned to MIchigan last night — no snow here yet! Your “funnies” are , yes, funny.

    Best…mae at

  12. We so rarely get snow... I'm enjoying looking at your chilly wintery scenes.

  13. Look at the snow. I haven't experienced snow since 1975, my last year in New York.

    1. Snow looks pretty, but I don't like cold weather!

  14. Beautiful art tree Valerie. I love the photos too. Have a wonderful day.

  15. I love all the textures in your tag, Valerie, and the Christmas colors. But your wintery snow, you can have ~ lol! The cold is really getting to me this year. I was just pointing out a car with antlers to Terry this morning. It was parked outside the arthritis clinic when we were going in. I forgot to check if it had a nose though. I love the dog with the dog sign. Stay as warm as you can, my friend!

    1. Thanks Louise! I am not a cold fan, either, it always makes my pains worse. Have a great day, hugs!

  16. A beautifully designed tag full of texture and colour. What a cute funny with the dog. We have a beach where dogs are allowed free to roam and another section for swimmers only x ♥

    1. Thanks Annie. My dogs always loved being at the beach, too!

  17. Pretty tag and thanks for the funnies

  18. Zawsze cieszę się z pierwszego śniegu. Rozjaśnia pejzaż. Ale zimna nie lubię. Niestety u mnie też jest zimno.

    1. Yes, snow is pretty, but cold. I don't like being cold, either!

  19. Your photos are so beautiful, and I love the tree collage.

  20. Ooh! A cheery tag, beautiful snowy photos and brilliant funnies- a totally wonderful post Valerie ! Hugs, Chrisx

  21. Hi Valerie, looks like someone is starting toi feel festive.Lovely tag and great photos too. It's started getting colder here too, frosty but no snow yet. Loving the funnies too. Wishing you a very happy weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  22. That is a beautiful tag, Valerie, and I like the half beads with which you decorated the tree. Beautiful snow pictures as well - sometimes I do miss the snow, but not everything that comes with it like driving in it or shoveling. I had to laugh about the dog on the beach!

    1. Thanks Carola. Snow is pretty, but so cold! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  23. Ha. Ha. Ha.Love the car meme. Hope your day is filled with feel good energy. Hugs

  24. Divine Xmas Tree art and beautiful snow photos ~ I agree ~ it is pretty but I can live without snow ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, I think we could all live without snow! Hugs!

  25. I do like your tag.
    That snow looks pretty in the photographs.
    It's getting very cold here in the UK and some areas will be getting snow!

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  26. ...the more trees the merrier!

  27. The elegance and simplicity of your tree tag is beautiful -- a favorite of mine, I think. And I love the photos of the snowy trees -- as long as they are in your world, not mine!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Snow is so pretty, but soooo cold! Hugs!

  28. Great funnies and photos, and I love your festive tag Valerie.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  29. A beautiful tag, Valerie!! Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season and new year!


  30. I love the tag ... I especially love the texture in it. Really lovely, Valerie. I envy you the snow ... we just have cold, damp weather and gray days so far. Snow can be so beautiful and fun ... though I don't like driving in it. And your Thinkies and Funnies are as always LOL fun and a bit of wisdom in them. Always love coming to see you ... Enjoy the holiday season, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  31. Cheese grater humour I love it lol! ☺☺ The snow photos are gorgeous, we are expecting some at the end of this week. But we mostly get snow and ice mixed in this area, not great for driving or for power outages! I love your tree tag too! ☺

  32. Your tag is lovely Valerie. Sorry I am late getting to you, life just took over!! Your icy trees are exactly what I am looking at out my window this week. So so cold!! Keep warm! xx


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