Monday 12 December 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Have a great, new week; stay warm or cool as the case may be, and stay healthy!

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang who come by! As it's all about drinks, I have some pics of my favourite one:

Last week I had a lovely suprise from Carola, who sent me a letter with a beautiful card that she made, and an additional picture of Leda, as I had said that I liked her. Thanks so much, Carola, much appreciated. The envelope has some nice stamps on it which will be used in collage:

The wonderful card:

And beautiful Leda:

Thanks again Carola!

And now I have some thinkies / funnies:

Happy T Day, have a great week,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy new week Valerie. I like your coffee tag and your fun coffee photos. And what a lovely card from Carola. I hope you had a great weekend. And happy early T day to you. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Carola's card is really lovely. Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  2. Hi Valerie, I am loving all the coffee art and photos. Beautiful card from Carola, and fun memes too-Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Have a great week, too, and a very happy T Day hugs!

  3. Lovely art for the tea party and enjoyed the funnies!

  4. Loved everything. You put a smile on my face. Hugs, dear Val.

  5. You and I are on the same wavelength, Valerie. We both love our coffee. I especially like the one of your hand drawn face and the angel. thanks for these fun drink related beauties you shared with us for T this Tuesday on Monday.

    What a beautiful card Carola sent you. It is fabulous. BTW, it appears your gift and card made it through, even though Iris said all return address labels MUST go on the back of the envelope. I can see why you like Leda, too.

    Adorable thinkies and funnies. I think the last one is my favorite, although that wasn't the case when I was a child!

    1. Yes, no life without coffee. Carola'a card is really special. Nearly all the post I get, private and business, has the address top left. I can understand people wanting to be younger. I can't believe I am already so old. ...

  6. coffee is always a good choice;D

  7. I love all your coffee artwork. I only have one coffee a day though, first thing in the morning. After that, I'm a teapot. Hope you're managing to keep warm. Hugs. Deb.

    1. Coffee is great, but I can't drink as much as I used to! hugs!

  8. Good morning Your Delicate Valerieness: Coffee, coffee, coffee. What did the world do before coffee? Who can even imagine a world without coffee? My daughter, that's who. She doesn't drink coffee. Better check on her DNA! I think her mother was fooling around! As we speak the coffee pot is on and I am looking forward to my first cup of the day - always the best. I am glad that Carola was so kind to you. I have come to know her quite well of late, and I am not surprised. She is the very essence of kindness, good taste, has an amazing command of English, and is the kind of friend you wish lived right around the corner. Today I have to go for a minor procedure on my right eye. Last year I had cataracts removed and there is a minor issue, easily resolvable I am told, and today is the day. I think the problem was caused by squinting at the news every night trying to find something good. They should put Carola on TV every night and my eyes would be wide open and taking it all in. A new week begins, Valerie. I hope it will be good for you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I hope the problems with your eye cam be solved easily. I have had many eye operations, and hope I won't need more! It's hard to find something good on the news just now, chaos, war, corruption and football....Coffee is always good, hot and strong! Carola really is kind and lovely, I will make something nice for her and send it after Christmas, the post is too chaotic just now. Today I went shopping with my neighbour, so the cupboards are well stoc ked for the rest of the week! Have a great one! BIG hugs xxxx

  9. Hi Val, good afternoon. I'm a bit late today, had to collect the kids and bring them to school etc. Lovely coffee and funnies, as always. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you are always welcome, early or late! Have a great week, hugs!

  10. I know you like soffee, too! Hugs!

  11. A great tag Valerie, and those coffees look delicious. Mine's a decaff oatmilk one shot cappuccino. Such a mouthful! :D

  12. What a fun post Valerie. As I sit typing this I have my coffee next to me - we are never far apart lol. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Yes, coffee is my companion, too! Have a good week 😁😁😁

  13. Coffee is my fav the post vj

  14. Nice to have friends like Carola, who cheer you up. I didn't know you are a doctor. Wow!

  15. Hi Valerie, Coffee for me definitely anytime anywhere. The funnies are great. I love the sweet animal photos and I would love to find a medicine bottle that did that for sure. Wishing you a lovely week. Hugs, Angela xXx

  16. Yes to all the coffee, and I'd say yes to those sweet treats to go along with it :)

  17. Coffee is one of the most perfect human creations. So comforting! Did you ever hear the definition of a mathematician — “a machine for turning coffee into theorems.” (Usually attributed to the eccentric mathematician Paul Erdos).

    best… mae at

    1. That's a fun definition, never heard it before!

  18. I love the coffee break tag as it makes me think of my neighbor, Prissy. She always invited me over for “coffee” even though we had tea! Lovely card, and the sleepy kitty so cute. Happy T Day - CJ

    1. How funny! I will stay with my coffee. Happy T Day, Valerie

  19. Such lovely thinkies and funnies! I love the lemon-aid.
    What a beautiful card from Carola.
    I love all your coffee related art. Is the mug with the frog (prince?) yours?
    My friend who visited drinks gallons of decaf coffee all through the day as she likes the taste and now I have gotten into the habit as well so I think I'll put the kettle on....
    Happy T-Day,

    1. I only drink 'real' coffee in the morning, after that it's decaf! That mug is not mine, I wish it was! Have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  20. Hi Valerie, as always beautiful art and just the best photos and memes. Have a very lovely day.

  21. Fabulous art work dear Valerie! I think coffee is your thing and those mashmellow and hot chocolate image is adorable! Your funnies/ thinkies are wonderful too 😊. Sending you happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, coffee is really my thing! Have a great day, hugs!

  22. Love your tag and seeing all the coffee, which I know you enjoy :)

    Such a lovely card from Carola.

    Hope your week is going well, it's almost Wednesday! How did that happen!!!

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  23. 'Coffee what else? indeed! I love your photos. What lovely treats from Carola! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Yes, coffee is always at the top of my list! Happy T day, hugs!

  24. What a lovely surprise from Carola! Lovely art, great thinkies and pix! Big smiles!

  25. Hello Valerie. Love your coffee art with the dessert. Yum. Great stuff from Carola - lucky you! Fun inspiration items here - I especially want those pills (if they actually had those side effects - lol). Fun post. Happy T-day a bit late.

  26. Lovely Tag! I also enjoyed the coffee pictures and funnies. The medicine bottle one is my favorite! Have a great week, Valerie.
    Happy Tea Day,

  27. Hello Valerie! What a lovely card and picture you received from Carola!I apologize for being late to the party... Not 5 minutes after i linked up hubby walks in the door and says' We need to go to the hospital' .. He tried to cut off his fingers with a power tool.. sigh.. not to worry he still has all his fingers. 12 stitches later and one broken finger...ugh.. so happy Belated T day! Hugs ! deb

    1. Oh dear, that soundxs awful, hope he's soon feeling better. Hugs!

  28. I really must copy that quote about mistakes and stepping stones, it is perfect as a kind of mantra to remember.
    Love all the pictures that remind me how much you love your coffee. 'the first one made me realise I have not yet had breakfast, my tummy is now feeling the need for food. But I love the frog glass, that is my favourite of all of the pictures.
    Lovely card from your friend. I love happy mail.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, that is really a good mantra. Hugs, Valerie

  29. Beautiful photos ;) Have a nice day :)

  30. How kind of Carola to send your a lovely card, Valerie! I enjoyed your coffee pictures. I'm not sure I could live without coffee. Fortunately, my husband usually has it on when I stumble out of bed in the morning. Here's to great coffee to start the day!

  31. Lovely card, love happy mail. Sorry for my lateness, have a sick kitty. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Hi Elle, don't worry about commenting, look after your sick Kitty, all the best! Hugs!


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