Saturday 10 September 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

I was very sad to hear of the death of the Queen, who carried out her 'job' for 70 years.I hope her son Charles and his wife will be able to carry on her work, but in their own style. Things will change, but Queen Elizabeth ll will not be forgotten. I like this picture:

This is meant for Neet's challenge at AJJ. I had a postcard with spotted  chickens sometime in the past and tried to recreate it from memory:

This beautiful rainbow appeared yesterday evening, about the time where the Queen died:

Have a great weekend,  take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a loving tribute to your Queen. I love the image of her with Paddington you shared.

    Those are darling chickens. I love their spots. Nice to see there was love at first sight, too. Thanks for this really clever image you drew for us using Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Lovely memes today and there was a similar rainbow in England at the same time yesterday. It must be heaven's way of welcoming her home.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! She is a person we will not forget! The rainbow was so beautiful, it really was like a sign. And she deserved a rainbow! Hugs!

  2. Lovely art. May the Queen rest in peace.

  3. Ein sehr schönes Posting für die Queen, sie war eine tolle Frau! Mal schauen wie es so weiter geht jetzt.
    Deine Hühnerseite ist süß gemalt!
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir ein schönes Wochenende!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! A nice tribute to our Queen, may she rest in peace. And I love your chickens! Have a great day, take it easy, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. The chickens were fun to make! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs to all!

  5. I have just watched the Proclamation to the Accession. History in the making. The last time this happened, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister, and many present then were born during the reign of Queen Victoria.

    1. Yes, it really is. It's sad that the Queen has passed, but now we have a King, and I hope he will do his job well. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  6. I have no wish to be curmudgeonly for the sake of being so, but it both saddens and astounds me that the world is tripping all over itself to remember an old lady in Britain who died after a full and long life (no sadness there) while continuing to mercilessly abuse and destroy the key components of life on Earth, personified by Mother Nature, for who we don't give a damn, and upon whom we inflict more punishment every day.

    1. I'm sorry you can't join in the sadness for Queen Elizabeth's death, but your harsh words have really upset me today. We all do things which contribute to the damage to the world - flying, driving cars, heating, a/c and everything else we do leaves a footprint, as well you know.

  7. Your postcard is very cute. We've been watching the news about the Queen. The memes with Paddington bring tears to my eyes. I thought the spot she did with Paddington for her jubilee was so cute. May her memory be a blessing.

    1. Thanks CJ, I loved the Paddington memes, too. She was a great lady.

  8. It is really sad to hear about the Queen. That Paddington bear piece is such a lovely tribute. I hope she and Phillip are reunited and happy together. And your birds are so much like mine today. Great minds do think alike, don’t they? Smile. Have a lovely weekend Valerie. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Paddington was such a fun video at her Jubiläum. Yes, great minds think alike! Enjoy your vacation!

  9. I was really sad when I heard the news about The Queen. I really like the Paddington art piece, and the rainbow is beautiful.

  10. Gorgeous photos and a lovely start to your weekend journal with that picture of the Queen making her way to Philip. I love how Paddington has been used so much of late with Her Majesty and it is so fitting that he helps her on her final journey.
    Love your chicken page. I do like the fact that you chose to have black ones with white spots, they look fabulous, especially with the red cockscomb on top. I cannot remember what the name of that kind of hen is called but I do recall seeing them. Glad it was love at first sight for them.
    Hugs Neet xx
    ps hope you have a lovely restful weekend

  11. I think the Paddington cartoons are really suitable here. We are all sad about the Queen. Glad you like the chickens. Are they guinea fowl? Have a great weekend.

  12. Love your chickens and the Paddington cartoon, so Lovely! Have a good weekend, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, have a great weekend, take care!

  13. Very interesting post. Have a nice day 😊

  14. Hi Valerie, it seemed that rainbows were everywhere when the Queen died, it's quite spooky isn't it? I love your chickens, and the Paddington drawing is very apt isn't it. Take care and have a crafty (and relaxing) week xx

  15. It was sad to hear about the Queen. Somehow it was a shock, too :(

    1. Yes, it's hard to imagine a time when she's not there!

  16. I love this whole post. Paddington and the quess is special. The recreated chickens are cool. The double rainbow is a perfect finish. Hugs and Blessings.

  17. I love that Paddington/Queen photo. I'll miss her.And your chickens are fabulous!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. It's astrange feelinat she's no longer there. Hugs!


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