Wednesday 28 September 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's already the middle of the week, time flies as always.

Today I have aother journal page for Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ. One of the LB lessons this week with Tamara was about painting feathers. Mine was painted on A3 watercolour paper using water colours from Schmincke and white and black Posca pens for the decorations. The quote is from Psalm 91 verse 4:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Taken at a fashion show. The jeans cost nearly 200$. I didn't buy any....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. wow this feather art looks so pretty!

  2. Beautiful feather Valerie. I love how you decorated it. It is perfect for Neet's challenge. But I must say the $200 jeans blew me away. I wonder what statement they are actually trying to make. I'm glad you didn't spend $200 on about $10 worth of jeans. Have a great middle of the week. Time is flying by. It is almost October too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, those jeans are awful and I am sure some silly people will wear them! Have a lovely day!

  3. Beautiful feather. Thanks for the thinkies.

  4. Your feather is especially beautiful. What a good theme for the challenge.

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. My night was somehow too short! Love the feather, such beautiful colours and the quote is very good. Have a great day, take care, hugs fom us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Hope you can manage a nap before the kids come home! Hugs!

  6. I love your feather. It's so very different to mine. I'll be sharing mine in a post later in the week. As you know, I only post once a week or thereabouts. It was fun to do, wasn't it? I don't know if you're on the Facebook group. I did actually share my Toni Burt's lesson outcome. It's such a shame there are so many lessons given to us each day, but they take so long to complete. Will never manage all of them. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, looking forward to seeing your loely art. I am in the FB group, but these days I have to do either Blogger or FB, it's hard to manage both. It Is really a lot to do each day, and picking and choosing just now! Hugs!

  7. Catching up here again Valerie, your feather is beautiful. $200 for those jeans??? Someone is having a joke!!

    1. I am sure some people will wear them.....sad and mad!

  8. What a beautiful work <3 Have a nice day!

  9. Your feather is delightful, Valerie. You always reveal the depth of your talent when you produce bird-related objects, and I am sure your lineup of hummingbirds appreciated the glowing feather. After all, they would be the best judges of such things wouldn't they? As for those jeans, if that's all the material you get for $200 imagine what it would cost if they filled in the gaps! If there is a way in which the fashion designer relates to the average person it has eluded me and some of the runway performances resemble a freak show. Mid week already. Tomorrow my daughter and son-in-law will be here for a visit until Sunday so lots to look forward to. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. Of course, anything avian related brings out the best in me! I am sure you would enjoy watching women wearing those jeans, but they are perhaps not really suitable in a Canadian winter. Freak show is a good description for some of these fashion shows, I'm sure no normal person would even think about wearig them. I am sure you are looking forward to your daughter and her husband visiting you, and I hope you will all have a great weekend. I am happy that the weather is cool and rainy, so nice after all that heat! Have a great day, hugs, valerie

  10. I love the colorful feather. It goes well with that quote. I remember that quote from way back. Those are jeans?! lol

    1. Yes, they are jeans. I take it you won't wear them either?!

  11. AWESOME jeans but I wouldn't wear it. LOL. Love your feather.

  12. I love your feather and the beautiful quote.

  13. Thanks 🙏 Debra, have a great day!

  14. Love the feather and the birds on a limb just segue write into it.

    1. write-definitely an author error. Heh.

  15. That is a beautiful feather art and quote. I know people do buy and wear torn jeans. Suppose to be trendy. This piece is called "jeans" and it costs $200? Wow!

    1. Some people must have too much money to throw away!

  16. Love all the pictures that follow your beautiful feather painting. What a gorgeous page that is to have in your journal. I wish I had done that lesson. I love how the different colours work and the words are just perfect for it, as is the background.
    Have a lovely weekend ahead
    Hugs, Neetxx

    1. Thanks Neet, I am enjoying the lessons, but not doing them all, just the ones I like! Hugs!

  17. Hi! The journal page is really beautiful. The jeans... XD so unexpected. Hugs, Raquel

  18. Hi Val, hope all is well with you. Lovely art as always. I still can't post! Hugs, Martha

    1. Hi Martha, not too bad at the moment, but could be better, and I am still permanently exhausted - apart from that, I'm fine! Hugs!

  19. Purrfect prose to go with the feather piece. Hope your day today is grand.

    1. Thanks, we even have nice weather today - cold, but blue skies! Hugs!

  20. There is a lady on the new Taster Series who made a feather. I like yours better. It is beautiful and deserves all those stars, too. It's perfect, along with the Psalm, for Neet's theme at AJJ.

    I LOVE that cat. That was cute. I think the birds are giving great advice, too. Hope you are having a great week, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Glad you like my feather. There are more feathers to come for tomorrow!

  21. Valerie I really love this feather art and the quote. It is so beautiful. Good funnies too. I saw these (not) jeans and thought.... well I can't even tell you what I thought they are so stupid. LOL Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Can you imagine wasting your money on something like those jeans?!

  22. Awesome feather art ~ love the colors and wonderful post ~ xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Beautiful journal page and I love that quote, bought a lump to my throat, and the feather is gorgeous, lovely colours..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, this is one of my fave quotes! Glad you like it, too. hugs!

  24. Valerie, your feather is beautiful, and the quote is perfect to go with it. I'm doing some of the taster lessons as well, some I only watch while knitting socks since my shop is getting busy. I don't have that much time for anything else and I need to prioritize - first knitting, then the garden, then some art. Cleaning the house - not happening. I love your funnies - the hummingbirds are wonderful and I also love the cat (of course I do). Enjoy the rest of the week and the last day of September.

    1. Thanks Carola I am just choosing the themes from the taster that appeal to me, otherwise it gets too much. I am sure your socks are lovely, have fun knitting them.

  25. wow. love the feather and all hummingbirds and other 4-legged friends. But, what about those Jeans?? Well, I would not be surprised if it was for real. I would not have bought any either :) :)

  26. Beautiful art ... but my goodness those jeans!

    All the best Jan

  27. Your feather is beautifully colored, and that baby elephant is adorable, but those jeans are absolutely ugly! lol!

  28. Did you know it is against the law to collect feathers of wild birds? Yes, that was passed because of all the birds that were being killed to make fancy hats for women back in the day ... so the best kind of feathers to have are the ones like you have given us today ... beautiful! Love the hummers (did you paint them?) and their message and who wouldn't just love the adorable baby elephant. Oh and my heart goes out to the cat ... what a life he must lead :(
    Fashion? I don't think so ... not in my book anyway :0 Never a dull moment with you Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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