Friday 30 September 2022

Friday post

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, the weekend is coming.....

Today I am sharing my last journal page for Neet's lovely challenge at AJJ, and to Gilena's art fun challenge. I could carry on with this fur or feathers theme for a long time, and I would like to thank Neet for hosting so well. Tomorrow we will be starting a new challenge, with a new host, and I am sure you will all enjoy it! These feathers were made after Tam's lesson on the Lifebook taster sessions, which are keeping me busy just now! I used watercolours and acrylic stifts on an A3 page:

And I have some photos for Nicole's Friday Face Off.
This was me, playing about with the packaging from a computer screen:

These 2 little Kitties, Hänsel and Gretel, stayed with me as 'foster children'  till they were old enough to be adopted. Here they were tiny at the animal sanctuary, by the time they were adopted they were big and strong:

My dog Struppi:

And this is Scruffy:

And some thinkies / funnies:

And I hope we can all be as happy as this little dog:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love that you fostered the kittens! The feather challenge is gorgeous and I really love your offerings. If I did challenges, I would have wanted to do this one -- you aced it!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, this was my fave FB lesson. I used to regularly foster kittens, as long as I still had my cat, she was a big help!

  2. I'm with you about continuing on with Neet's challenge. It's been so much fun. Your feathers are so pretty. I love the details you added. And that is a fun photo of you in the wrapping. And I loved seeing Scruffy and Snowy. They are so cute and look so sweet. And how fun to have been a foster kitty mom. Did you feel any desire to keep them? Have a wonderful Friday and start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I loved having the kitties for 2-3 months, and sometimes it was hard to give them up, but the next babies were always waiting to be fostered. I only ever kept one, my Kitty, and she lived till she was 22!

  3. Loving your leaves. Beautiful faces and good thinkies

  4. Your feathers are so pretty, Valerie! Beautiful colours and patterns. That is a fun photo of you and the photos of your dogs are wonderful! Love that you foster kittens. I would have been a foster fail, they would have ended up staying with me. Have a great weekend!!


    1. Thanks Soma. I stopped fostering kittens after my cat died, she was a great help as surrogate mum! Have a great weekend!

  5. Peekaboo. I see you. You have a lovely friendly sparkle in your eyes. I can tell you would be good fun. Your feathers are really good. I haven't done as much with life book as I'd intended. The lessons are just too long. So I've spun off and now I'm painting my pumpkins. Have a good weekend. Hugs Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, I often get up to mischief! I am just choosing the lessons I like, otherwise it would be too much stress for me just now. Painting pumpkins sounds great! Hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love your pretty feathers with the quotes written into and around them. I remember you once had four little kitties, and they were climbing everywhere nd always up to no good except when they were sleeping! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I rerember that batch of 4, they were such fun to watch! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  7. ...I like you peekaboo selfie. Your have some fun quotes today and that dog sure loves ice cream and so do I.

    1. Thanks Tom. My dogs always loved ice cream, I always had to share! Happy Friday!

  8. I adore the photo of you playing. As artists we must play to keep the joy in creativity. And we must NOT take ourselves too seriously. (grin)

    1. Thanks Gene. I love playing about, and being serious is always hard for me!

  9. Pretty feathers. Peekaboo! Cute selfie. Thanks for the funnies. Love Ned the bed and the happy dog enjoying ice cream.

  10. Love those feathers. They look like fun to make and they can be leaves, too. Adorable fur babies. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Great idea, they could eally be used as leaves - thanks for the tip, happy Friday!

  11. I am smiling! I LOVE this post from the top to the bottom! Love your feathers.

    1. Thanks Deb, the feathers were such fun to make, and very relaxing!

  12. I showed my husband your funnies and we laughed so hard!

    1. Glad the funnies gave you both a laugh, laughter does us so good! Happy Friday!

  13. Luv todays art feathers. Happy you dropped by and linked to Art For Fun Friday at my blog

    Much 💛 love

  14. You know I love your feather art. Wonderful photo of you and all the others. But I love the happy dog eating ice cream. Thank you for joining FFO.

    1. Thanks Nicole. That dog's expression is priceless!

  15. you are so funny!!! I'm finally back to the paint party friday group and life just got in the way... LeeAnna

    1. Nice to see you again. Life does sometimes get in the way, that's true!

  16. Fun designs in the feathers. I loved that you fostered and smiled seeing your doggy pics. The memes were great. Have a joyous weekend. Hugs

    1. Thanks. Fostering was fun, and my Kitty always helped!

  17. Lots of cute photos and memes about animals today. It's all good.

  18. What a happy post to finish my theme off at Art Journal Journey and a big thank you for all the lovely posts you have done this month. I love todays feathers. Such gorgeous shades of green and lovely patterns within the feathers which you emphasised with the pen work. Thank you.
    Those kittens you fostered are adorable, as are the dogs. Such soulful eyes with Scruffy. I never heard of anyone fostering kittens, what a wonderful job you did with them.
    So glad you enjoyed my theme this month. Have a wonderful weekend, take it nice and easy please.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! As you know I loved your theme and had fun with it! It was good fostering the kitties, my cat always helped! Have a great weekend 😊😊😊

  19. Hi Valerie, your posts always make me smile. The kitties are so sweet and I;m loving your feathers they are gorgeous. Happy creative weekend my friend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  20. Your feathers are just gorgeous Valerie, Love the colours and details, the kittens are so cute and your dogs are adorable and I'm sure great companions, I love the dog bed with the kittens too, so cute and lots of fun pictures today and quotes..all good..have a great weekend, I'm peeling, chopping, boiling, mashing and making Kumera [sweet potato] croquettes this weekend..5 doz down and probably 5 to go..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy! I would love to try those croquettes, yummy! Hugs!

  21. The feathers you painted are beautiful, such pretty colors. And I love all your animal pictures today. Fostering little cats - I bet you were quite busy with the little rascals. We cannot have pets due to my husband's severe allergies, but the neighbors' cats kind of adopted me, so that is nice as well (and I don't have to pay the vet bills). Have a lovely weekend, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Carola. If you foster pets for the animal sanctaury they pay all of the bills, but it was still a lot of work running after all those little rascals! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. Oh what a fun post from beginning to end, Valerie! I adore Scruffy, and that precious little lamb! Your feathers are pretty and have great quotes surrounding them. How kind of you to foster such little kitties. I'm glad they were big and strong by the time they were adopted. Struppi is cute. Does he or she like to chase balls? I think I see one in the photo.

    1. Thanks Louise! I had fun with the feathers. All of my dogs were ball mad! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  23. I love those feathers... the designs on them are wonderful and the tiny lettering is impressive.

    Awww, little kittens are so sweet :)

    1. Thanks, I had fun with the feathers. Little kittens are always sweet!

  24. Lovely mystical green feathers and sentiments!

  25. Of course I love your feathers and your adorable pets. Your Thinkies and Funnies bring to mind the National Geographic I just read about the minds and emotions of animals that we have forever underestimated and are just beginning to realize how complex and intelligent they are. If those faces don't say it all ... What a pleasure to visit with you, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  26. Love the feathers :)

    All the best Jan


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