Saturday 17 July 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

The past days here have been very sad. Many places have been completely destroyed by the water masses after dams burst and the rivers overflowed. More than 100 people have died, many are now homeless, and lost everything they had. The water masses washed bridges and roads away, houses were broken apart, and some houses floated along the streets. Many places are completely cut off from the rest of the world, and have no electricity or telephone. My heart goes out to all those who have lost so much, and to the families of those who lost their lives. You can read more here. The helpers, emergency services and army are working round the clock to help, and some idiots get in the way while trying to get a good 'catastrophe selfie' to post on their social media accounts. Unbelievable.

In our little town there is flooding at the Rhine and on the meadows, but up till now not more. The Rhine will continue to rise, as we are here on the Lower Rhine, and the flood water will pass through here, so I hope it will be moderate. And I wonder how long people will continue to ignore the climate changes that are taking place. We need to act NOW, tomorrow will be too late.

For Alison's  summer country challenge at AJJ I have another hybrid journal page, the sentiment seems rather cynical after the events of the past days:

And I have another tag for Sandie's music challenge at Tag Tuesday
You still have a week to join in:

And I have some flower and insect  photos to cheer myself up, I don't want to show pictures of the flooding:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lo for coming by!


  1. I am so sorry to read about all this sadness, mother nature can be rough at times. Hoping you will remain safe.
    Lovely art and I always enjoy your photos-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, lets hope people start protecting Mother Nature soon. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  2. Gorgeous art and nice cheery photos Valerie, but I am so sorry to hear what's going on there. I haven't seen anything about it on news here. You're so right about global warming, I'm beginning to wonder if we're already too late to do anything about it. Small changes over the years isn't going to cut it, very drastic changes need to happen immediately if there is to be any hope. I sure hope and pray any flooding in your area won't be too bad. Please stay safe!

    1. Thanks Martha. We really need to do a lot to prevent the situation getting worse. Our government is making plans, but they are taking too long. If they don't act now, we will have to get used to catastrophes happening. Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs!

  3. Very sad to see what is happening in your country at present Valerie, there seems to be chaos all over the world at present. I hope the flood water is not too bad when it gets to the lower Rhine. Your art work and photos are beautiful, love to see the bumble bees.

    1. Thanks Sue. This really is a disaster, we need to start protecting the world before it's too late! Have a good weekend, hugs!

  4. So sorry to hear about the flood devastation I was thinking of you when I heard on the news. Beautiful art and photos that belie the situation.

    1. Thanks Christine. Have a great weekend, take care!

  5. i wonder that too when i see my lawn in my neighboorhood cut down to one cm. insect have no place to go. Its so sad in germany too. my thoughts go out to ;O))
    and now to tell you that i simply love your collages Journal with the bikecycle and the beautiful photos of nature you show is amazing. much love from me in Denmark

    1. Thanks Dorte. Yes, we kill off the insects, we destroy the world, and then bad things happen. We all need to act now. Thanks for your kind words! Hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. The whole situation is awful just now, the news on TV is so alarming and sad, I think of all those homeless people and those who have died. Did you hear from your friend who lives in the flooded region? I hope you have good news. Have a good day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Yes I did hear from my friend, she is okay, but everything destroyed where she lives. Look after yourself, I'M so glad you are all safe. Take care, hugs to all!

  7. They say "This, too, shall pass" but how? When? I cannot bring myself to look at the news now, between everything. We only know each other through our blogs, but I have thought of you, and fellow Europeans, for days now, holding everything in my prayers.
    Keep making your beautiful art, keep the heart in your art. Some days it might be all we have to hold on to.
    Gaia is hurt. She is deeply wounded. We must help her heal.

    1. Thanks Deb. That's the question, how and when? Plans are being made to reduce this and that in a few years, instead of acting now. I am really sad just now to see this awful destruction and loss of lives. I'm spending my days making art, I need this just now. Yes, Gaia is badly wounded, and needs our help, not more devastation. Stay safe!

  8. Very sad situation. Hope that you stay safe. Love you creaitons, they are always full of lovely layers of interst. Enjoy your weekend. Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. Have a great weekend, take care!

  9. Beautiful post makes all the sadness in this world a bit more cheery. We too are again in lock down, Delta virus spreading like wild fire, wish it would all end...xx

  10. Oh yes, the world is in a bad state just now. Stay safe!

  11. I’m sorry to hear of all the tragedies due to flooding. Selfishly, I’m glad your home was not directly affected. I’m glad you are safe.
    Your page is lovely. I especially like the watercolour elements. The bird on your tag is delightful and I love the bright pink breast. Your insect and flower closeups are amazing. They are like something I would see in a nature magazine. Wow.

    1. Thanks Teresa. It's a strange feeling indeed - happy nothing happened to me, but devastated about what has happened to other places. Glad you liked the flowers! Have a great weekend!

  12. Good morning Valerie: I have watched the images of the flooding in your part of the world on the nightly news here, and they are horrifying. I am so grateful that you are safe and I hope that you continue to remain so, but catastrophe is occurring all around you. It will take decades to recover from these events, but unless we come to grips with climate change NOW, we will be unable to recover from one disaster before the next is upon. I heard a commentator talking about the wildfires that we are dealing with, in terms of hundred-year conflagrations now being ranked as annual events. As you know, entire towns are being reduced to ashes. Nothing is left after the fires have gone through. And entire ecosystems are destroyed exacerbating the situation even more and recovery becomes more problematic. Your art must be a bit of a refuge in times like this, and a cheery pink bird is good medicine for all of us. There is not a shred of hyperbole, Valerie, when I say that my mind instantly turns to you when ai see those raging torrents sweeping everything before them and carrying houses away. Surely it must end soon. In the meantime stay safe. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David. It has been horrifying watching the news, and seeing places that I know and love being destroyed by these enormous floods. I Can't imagine what the people who live there must be be thinking, and how they are suffering. And as you say, these things are recurring with a terrible regularity, this is the new 'normal' - fires in Canada. floods here, ice melting, people losing their lives and other losing all they have. Art is a help, when I can lose myself in things like that it brings some respite. Let's hope and pray that people wake up soon and see what they have done to our world before it's irreversible! Hugs to you both!

  13. Your post was a good and bad kind of post. On one hand, you talk about the devastation created by a flood. My heart goes out to all of those affected.

    On the other hand, I must comment about your beautiful photography. Your flowers are exquisite, and the bumble bee is a real treat. The colors are so vivid, too.

    1. Thanks Fonda. The floods are awful, the devastation in many places is total. I needed some beauty today, and posted some of my photos which always soothe me. Walking in nature and capturing its beauty is good for my soul. Have a great weekend!

  14. I saw the news images. Horrific. We've had heavy rains and "floods" in my area, but othing as devastating. A relief to know you are safe.

    1. Thanks CJ, it really is bad. And so many have died. Have a great weekend, stay safe.

  15. Thanks Laurie. Some have lost everything, and so many lives have been löst. Look after yourself!

  16. I saw the flooding in the news and I am relieved it is not you nor Iris. I am worried as my cousin and his family live someplace around your area, but their daughter is someplace else in Germany, and I haven't heard if they are OK or not. I am not exactly sure where they live and I haven't heard from family back yet. It is awful, as is climate change We have had so many wildfires out west and extreme heat in places not used to it, even here in New Hampshire we had 27 days over 32 degrees C last year and this year we are counting them up again.

    I am loving your beautiful art today for AJJ. That is a wonderful summer scene and I love the addition of the bicycle. And your tag is beautiful and has one of the best kinds of music on it. And of course I love all your insect photos. They are great. A good part of summer too.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  17. Very sad to hear about the disaster heart goes out to the people passing through a tough time.

    Your pictures are awesome

  18. Thanks Erika. I Hope your cousin and his family are Safe. I heard from a friend this morning, she is okay but the town where she lives has been badly hit. We need massive changes to prevent the climate Chaos and further damage to our Planet. Take care!

  19. Being part of a prayer chain exposes me to many sad hardships and disasters. I worried that all was well with you. It saddens me to know so many have been impacted by the floods and loss. My prayers go out to all.
    Love the journal page. The Tag is gorgeous. love the bird. Your photos are bright and cheerful. Wonderful post. Please stay safe and God Bless.


    1. Thanks Jim. I haven't been very well lately. The people in the flooded and destroyed places need your prayers, it's a hopeless situation for many. Thanks for your concern!

  20. Beautiful photos :) Have a nice day :)

  21. As others have also commented, the terrible floods and loss of life have featured in our news. So sad to see, my thoughts and prayers go to all who have been affected. I hope you are able to stay safe.

    On a more positive note I think both your journal page and tag are very nice.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. It's very sad that the floods have not only destroyed homes,but taken lives too. Nature at it's worse,we have had some terrible floods in the UK over the years and I always appreciate how lucky I am not to have been affected.
    Your tag is so sweet.
    Thank you for joining in again with my theme..xx

    1. Yes, we are lucky not to have been affected. So many people have died. And now the same seems to be happening in the South of Germany.

  23. So sad about the flooding, my heart goes out to all those affected too ❤️. Your page is full of the summer countryside, I love how you layered everything together and your photos are amazing too, so pretty 😀. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it really is a tragedy, so many dead and homeless. Here we've had some excitement, too - a huge hole opened in the street in front of the house, the foundations of the road were apparently washed away by the huge amount of water in the stream. Now they're busy trying to repair it. Enjoy your Sunday!

  24. I was so sorry to hear the news about Germany and Belgium, so many lives destroyed. I'm glad to hear that you are ok where you live. Hopefully the Rhine won't overflow too much.
    Your art and photos are beautiful as always.
    Take care,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Now it's flooding in the south of Germany and Austria.

  25. I love your beautiful sunflower in particular.

    It is distressing to see what had happened in Germany. We really do need to do much more to combat climate change.

    I hope you are are safe.

    1. Thanks so much. If the climate Change isn't fought now it will be too late. I am safe, thanks.

  26. I have been hearing about the flooding in Germany and thinking of you and other blog friends, wondering if they are in the path. I hope your town stays as safe and dry as possible. Stay safe and dry, my friend. And yes, you are spot on with climate change.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We need to act now, No other way.

  27. Yes, we read about that catastrophe in Europe here in Hawaii, too. It is awful. However, your art is not cynical. It is beautiful and uplifting.

  28. I hope the rising Rhine spares you and your town, Valerie-Jael. Climate disasters are impacting people all around the world, and every disaster is heartrending. Your art is lovely, as are your photographs.

    1. Thanks so much, here we are relatively Safe. Have a great, new week!

  29. Oh my friend, it's devastating. I've been following along with the flooding and recoeries and it's horrible. We had a similiar thing in my town with the Surfside collapse - and we knew 2 of the family members :( I am glad you are bringing color to our world with your beautiful art and photosgraphs! Hugs and stay safe xx

    1. Thanks Kelly. This is really a difficult time, we've never had this before. Have a good week, stay safe!

  30. I am having trouble leaving comments. In fact, for nearly two days, even though I kept refreshing, there was no comment box at all. This was especially true for embedded comment boxes like yours. It must have been a Blogger glitch. Now at least the comment box is back.

    When I first read about the floods, my thoughts immediately went to you. The news, although quite horrifying and detailed, doesn't explain where the flooding is. It's like we in the states are incapable of discerning where Germany is, other than a country. There are several large rivers in Germany, and I would love to know which one(s) were affected. On this side of the pond, we are being inundated with wildfires, civil unrest, and daily murders. It's enough to sicken even the most staunch person.

    At least we have your lovely art to ease some of the pain and suffering. Your tag is absolutely beautiful, and your journal page is perfect for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. Your flower photos are soothing and calming, contrasting the misery, destruction, and suffering going on around you. PLEASE stay safe, dear.

    1. The world is in a bad state just new. The devastating flooding was such a shock. It will take years to rebuild those towns, and so many lives have been lost. Now the flooding has affected the south of Germany and Austria. I just hope it stops soon.

  31. Beautiful art, I love the countryside page and your tag, even though I am not a fan of flying insects and creepy crawlies those photos looked amazing.
    I hope the water levels are going down its been awful seeing the news coverage, hearing about the damage and heartache the weather has caused in your part of Europe.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I don't mind bees and these insects, but I hate spiders! The damage and destruction here has been enormous. The people who have lost everything are in a bad situation.

  32. I'm so glad you're safe Valerie! There really is no denying climate change, and I feel so sorry for all the people effected. Your journal page and tag are really lovely, just what we need to lighten our spirits. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. So many people have lost everything, so sad. Have a great week!

  33. Beautiful tag Valerie. You macro flower photos make me feel happy


    1. Thanks Gillena! Flowers are always beautiful!

  34. I've been seeing the stories about the devastation in Germany. It's horrifying and scary. I hope the flooding isn't as bad once it gets to you. I wish I thought something would be done, but the alarm has been sounding for so long (I remember the first Earth Day) and any actions taken have been mere tweaks around the edges. That just won't be enough.

  35. It has been awful seeing the devastation on TV of Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. Words cannot say how sad I feel to see of the terrible state people are in and sadly some lives have been lost. Dreadful!
    So glad you tried to cheer us up with the delightful journal page. What a lovely page it is. I do like how you have included the bicycle.
    Fabulous photos too, as always. I love the photo of the wood with holes in, fantastic - and the last two with the water - absolutely brilliant! You are good at this. Thank you for sharing s9mething to make us feel happy.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  36. As I said earlier - I have seen pictures of the flooding in Germany on the news.
    Glad you are doing okay. I have said before, I am always watching but not always commenting.
    Sandy xx

  37. The flood images looked dreadful - while office blocks are still lit and heated through the night and people keep making short journeys in huge cars (as well as lots of other factors) the message is still not getting through to folk! After a shopping trip this morning the wearing a mask message seems to be lost too for many! Love those photos and your journal page and tag are fabulous, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, the floods are terrible, and all a result of climate change.

  38. It's been truly awful seeing the footage from right across Europe. I've friends in Germany, Holland and France, as well as here in the Czech Republic, of course - all lucky enough to escape the worst weather. And between the storms, tornados and flooding, it has been an apocalyptic summer.

    On a happier note, this is probably my favourite page yet - the gentle watercolour effects of the tree and flowers, the beautiful background, the birds perched amidst the vines... a perfect countryside scene that I would like to live inside.
    Alison x

    1. It has been really bad here, so many places destroyed, and many lives lost, just awful. Glad you like the page, it looks like the peaceful place I would like to be in! Stay safe!

  39. I am so sorry about the floods and for all the people!! So sad!!
    Your art pieces are so pretty and so are the pictures! Thank you! Big Hugs!


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