Wednesday 28 July 2021


Hi Everybody! 

We had another very wet and stormy day here, the weather is crazy everywhere. And in Leverkusen, a town between here and Köln there was a huge explosion in a chemical factory there, with people killed and missing, and huge black clouds poisoning the air. 

Today I am sharing another woven piece made just for fun:

Today I am sharing some photos from our neighbouring town of Neuss. The town goes back to the Romans, who called it Novaesium.
It's still possible to walk along the old walls and enjoy the shade:

I love the manhole covers there:

A town model:

The model again with the Hamtor Roman arch in the background:

Love the mural on the house wall:

A beautiful door:

I will show more photos next time.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am so sorry about the explosion! That is horrible!
    I love your woven art piece! I love the colours and the feathers!
    Your pictures are stunning! Those old walls are so beautiful! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, I love the old walls, too. Have a great day!

  2. So sorry to hear of the explosion. Bad things seem to be happening all over. Love over the Rainbow. The Romans were pretty good at building walls weren't they!!

    1. Thsnks Sue, it's true, so many bad things are happening just now. The Romans were very good with their walls indeed!

  3. Your woven art piece is so colourful and pretty!

    So sorry about the explosion.

    Love your stunning photos of the town. How quaint!

    1. Thanks Veronica! The explosion is bad, I'm so sorry for the people who were injured or killed. Neuss has some beautiful, old places to see.

  4. Sorry to hear of the explosion and deaths.
    Love the woven piece. Very creative and colorful. Always love your photography of your excursions. Fascinating.

    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jim! We have lots of beautiful, ancient places near here. Stay safe!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good night. Love your beautiful art as always. Great photos from Neuss. We saw the pics of the explosion on the TV, awful! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad all is well at your place. The explosion was really bad, the catastrophes just keep coming!

  6. Beauty and great interesting photos lovely post. xx

  7. I had a few minutes this morning before heading out so I thought I'd stop by. I love the woven piece with those feathers. They look great and add lots of colorful texture. And I love the old walls of Neuss as well as the other photos. Have a great middle of the week! Hugs-Erika

  8. I like your woven piece with its feathers. Now if you can find me the bird that sported those colours that would be something to see! It is quite dreadful to hear about that explosion. Life can be lost in an instant. The old town of Neuss looks like a wonderful place to ramble and explore, and I could not fail to notice that you were doing so in a pair of your funky shoes. I am willing to bet that you have every great coffee spot nailed down, every cappuccino corner on your list. It is already mid week, Valerie. Where does the time go? My daughter and her husband are camping in New Brunswick right now and she called me yesterday to report on the birds she is seeing. Like father like daughter, I suppose. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, good to see you here as always! I can indeed tell you from which bird they come, it's the Purplexus Pinkiensis, and can, once again, only be seen in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. It's a gregarious bird and likes hanging out on balconies, and is talented in copying the ring tones of doorbells and telephones. The male has purple feathers, as befitting his high status, the female likes to dress in vivid pink. I wouldn't say I know every café between here and Holland, but I am well known in quite a lot of them! Glad you noticed my funky footwear, I have an assortment which covers every situation! I would have been very surprised if your daughter had no interest in birds! I'm off for an afternoon nap,have a great day! Hugs to you both!

    2. I should have known, Esteemed Professor Tups, that you would have been able to identify the bird and provide further information as to its dichromatic plumage and vocalizations. Perhaps in the near future we may see a pair in all their resplendent glory. Enjoy your nap in the meantime.

  9. I'm so sad to hear about the factory...
    Your feather weaving is so pretty! I LOVE the pictures of the town and walkways-so beautiful.

    1. Thanks Debra. Such a lot of bad things happening everywhere just now. Stay safe!

  10. So sorry to hear about the explosion. Hope things get sorted over there. Your photos of that old Roman town are awesome! I love the antiquity.

    1. Thanks Glenda, I like living in this place with so much history.

  11. That's terrible about the explosion. I hope they find the missing people soon. That must be horrible for the families waiting for news.

    I love the pictures of Neuss! Especially the old walls. That is so cool.

    1. Thanks Danielle, so sad for the families. I love those old walls too! Have a great week!

  12. A chemical factory explosion sounds dangerous and scary. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of life :( and hope the missing are found safe. I always like your woven pieces. I did one for an ATC once, and I enjoyed doing it. I'm amazed by how far back things like your walls go. Nothing like that here, nothing at all. Impressive! That fountain is lovely. I imagine it provides a refreshing atmosphere.

    1. Scary indeed! People are still missing. I am a fan of old walls and places, we have a lot here. Enjoy your day!

  13. Gorgeous photos. What an interesting place in which you live. I'm sorry to hear about the explosion. How awful. I'm glad you are safe, but feel awful for all those people who were killed.

    1. Thanks Teresa, it is another catastrophe, so sad. Se have lots of ancient places here. Stay Safe!

  14. i have heard about this chemical factory issue... that sounds terrible...

  15. Hi Val, Bill here. Hope you are safe and well.

  16. Beautiful art and lovely photos of Neuss. We are having a lot of forest fires in Canada.

    1. Thanks. We are experiencing catastrophes all over the world Just now. Stay Safe.

  17. Great photos, and your woven art is beautiful Valerie!
    It's been stormy here too. Terrible news about the chemical factory explosion.

    1. Thanks Alison. There are problems all over the world just now. Take care!

  18. It does look like you had fun doing the woven piece.

  19. Sorry to hear about the explosion Valerie, it's awful. Gorgeous woven piece, love the colors! That town looks amazing, beautiful brick walls and town model.
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love old walls and stones! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  20. How sad about the explosion. Just another thing we never hear about here in the states.

    Your rainbow woven art is beautiful. I like that it uses so many different materials.

    What a beautiful town you took us to. I love, love the walls and the model of the city. I also enjoyed the statue. Interesting that the tourist information center is next to the police station!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. There's still a huge, black cloud in the air, 5 people missing, presumed dead, and they have said that Dioxin could have ben released.... Here in our little town the mini police station is opposite the church, and in rooms belonging to senior housing!

  21. I do like your rainbow woven art.

    I enjoyed your mix of photographs, the old walls do look nice.

    All the best Jan

  22. Ohhh I love the colors in your art. Your photos simply take me away. Have a nice day.

  23. I'm really booked on your book print faces. They are all so interesting and I just love the technique and colors.

    1. thanks Jeanie. I have made a lot of faces, so you'll be seeing them for some time! Hae a great day!

  24. Sorry to read about the explosion!
    I nearly missed this post - Love that woven piece of fun!!
    I think I could enjoy a walk in Neuss - so much to see!
    Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, it was a bad explosion. You would enjoy Neuss, and there's a lovely park there, too!


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