Tuesday 27 July 2021

Tuesday This and That

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a small - 8 x 6" journal page for Butterfly's challenge at AJJ, this will be my last one for this challenge. This was a piece of scrap-paper with a gelli-plate print on it. I sometimes make these to use up left over paints. It looked like a country scene when I looked into it, so I doodled some of the things I could see in it. I didn't like the dragonfly after I had stuck it on, but couldn't get it off again without tearing the paper:

And I have another of my book-print faces, which I collaged onto an image from an art magazine. I added some sewing and some dots using structure paste through punchinella:

The weekend weather was very mixed with clouds, rain, thunder etc, but no damage this time. In Belgium the heavy rains caused havoc again, so awful:

I recently showed this photos of the meadow behind our garden:

This morning the farmer came along with his tractor:

After half an hour all of the flowers were gone, so sad!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I do like your journal page, a very nice country scene theme.

    We had storms over the weekend in many areas of the UK, in fact parts of London had flooding.
    Weather patterns seem very strange this year.

    Take care and have a happy Tuesday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I remember lots of floods in London when I was a kid, we lived near the docks, and that was before the flood barrier had been erected. Have a good week!

  2. Beautiful art Valerie. I really like your book-print face today. Great sky shots too, but I sure hope the rain will stop soon! It's a shame they mowed down that beautiful field of flowers, it was so pretty. Have a great week my friend, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. We had lots of clouds again yesterday, but it didn't rain too much. Yes, I'm sad that the flowers have gone, but that's life! Have a great day!

  3. I like what you saw in that last page for this month at AJJ. The green is beautiful and you made wonderful country scene. And I think this lady is my favorite so far. I love the fabric trim and that pink dot texture. We had sun and some heavy rain this weekend. The weather is just crazy this year. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Funny how we sometimes see things that aren't there! Crazy weather indeed, at least it's less humid here today!

  4. I love your art Valerie-did the farmer turn this cut grasses and flowers into hay? that would be nice for the animals. Hope you don't get any more rain-we are in a very hot spell right now-no rain. Happy Tuesday

    1. Thanks Kathy. The farmer will be back in a day or so to bale the hay, at least the animals will have some good hay. Here it's cooler today and less humid. Hope you are oka in the big heat!

    2. oh thats good won't be wasted then thanks we are careful in the heat for sure-hugs

    3. Take care, we need to rest more in the heat!

  5. Beautiful art Valerie sorry the meadow is lost.

    1. Thanks Christine, I wonder what will grow there next?

  6. Brilliant art and just love the green. xx Hope all's well. x

    1. Thanks Annie, green is such a wonderful colour in many varieties. Hugs!

  7. Wonderful art Valerie, so sad for the meadow to be mowed.

    1. Thanks Sue, it was sad indeed to watch all those lovely flowers disappear!

  8. I love all those bright high summer colours, and wouldn't have given the dragonfly a thought had you not mentioned it. Looks fine to me. We need rain so much here, we are getting a string of notifications to use less water almost daily now. Of course we have thousands of tourists, campers, AirBnB guests etc putting immense strain on our reservoirs. I only water my pots of plants using the grey water from the bathroom now.

    1. Thanks Deb. It was like that last year here, no rain and not enough water. Now we've had more in 2 weeks than we usually get in a year. The tourists are surely a problem when so little water is available. have a great day!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry your meadow has been mowed, it was so pretty. But the animals will surely enjoy the hay! Love your beautiful art, as always, that pink lady is fun! We had a lot of rain here, too, the garden will be even soggier now. Lucky the kids all have wellies! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I'm sure you'll have plenty floors to clean if the garden is soggy! Have a great day, whatever the weather, take care, hugs to all!

  10. Two amazing creations. Love the face collage, works perfectly. Have a great day. Anesha x

  11. Thanks Anesha, have a great day!

  12. The flowers will bloom again. Beautiful jobs. Lots of health and smile.

    1. Thanks Lucyna. It's comforting to think that the flowers will come again! Stay safe, be happy!

  13. Love both your creations! The green is refreshing and fun on the first and the flowers are so pretty, but the face one really captivated me. So creative and so well done!

    Beautiful pictures as always - love the sky ones - wow!


    1. Thanks Nancy, I have had so much fun playing with these strange faces! Have a great day, take care!

  14. AJJ and gelli-plate prints on scraps of paper! i can see that we are back into the arcane world of the International Sisterhood of Crafters, centred in Balconia-on-the-Rhine, where High Priestess Valerie is no doubt telepathically leading the incantation of an OM around the world. Then, I look at the woman you have created and I am cheering you on. I can only imagine what a wild night in the woods with her might have been like! I will pin her image to my PC and dream of things that might have been! A pox on that farmer who brought his machine of destruction to chop down the wildflower meadow. It was so beautiful, and the myriad life forms he destroyed are the subject of great sadness. The hay he will make will satisfy his cows, however, so perhaps we may take some solace in that. And the meadow will recover. This morning for the first time in almost a year our Tuesday morning bird group will meet for a walk, so I cannot tarry longer. Have a great day liebe Valerie. Millions and millions of hugs and kisses. David

    1. Good morning David, holy Pope of the bird world, leading bird brain in the Dominions! Sorry, I always forget that the art/craft/speak is not a language that everyone speaks, or even wants to speak! Anyway, have fun with that rather wild looking girl, but perhaps it will be better to wait till you get back from your bird walk group, you don't want to tire yourself out beforehand! In a couple of days the farmer will be back to bale the hay, his animals will enjoy it. Have big birding fun today, so glad you can all meet again! Here the restrictions are getting more once again! Hugs to ou both!

  15. Lovely page and your collaged piece is wonderful. hugs, Teresa

  16. I heard some news about Belgium. Scary! There's a nature center here that has a meadow they mow periodically as part of the management of the space. Maybe there's a plan? The before picture does look prettier.

    1. Scary indeed! The farmer just does what he wants! Have a good day.

  17. wow those juicy hair in your art made my day:)

  18. I love the pieces and the photos are awesome. That green and blue background on the first is awesome.

  19. Cool art pieces! Hoping no more storms come in. Poor flowers! They we're very pretty. Have a great day. :)

    1. Thanks Aishu. We had bad weather all day again! Stay safe!

  20. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely Art. Have a great day!

  21. Gorgeous pages Valerie, love the colors on your countryside piece! Love all of the beautiful sky photos too!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

  22. A wonderful country scene and I love your face art Valerie. Beautiful skies too, such a shame to see the wild flowers go.

    1. Thanks Alison, it was indeed sad to see the flowers vanish like that. Have a great day!

  23. We've been getting lots of rain too!
    I love your dragonfly on the green piece of art! So pretty! And, I love your face!! Gorgeous pictures! That is too bad about the farmer and the flowers! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, the weather is crazy all over the world, take care!

  24. Your journal page is fabulous. I love the background green and those sunflowers are wonderful. You can never have too many sunflowers. That face is really clever, too. I think that's what my hair would look like if I allowed it to grow.

    Now I know how the bunnies felt when I mowed my back yard. Unfortunately, I live by a city code that requires my lawn to not exceed 12 inches. I could have been fined if it hadn't rained so much we all had an excuse for long grass. But not THAT long. The farmer doesn't have those same requirements/city code. Sad that the meadow is gone, but I bet the horses will be happy to get the hay.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I can imagine you with hair like that! I'm sure the animals will enjoy their hay!

  25. What a wonderful scene! Love the face! I hope that they collect and use the hay. I never used to like haymaking time! The weather may be just right for a second flowering in the meadow! Hugs,Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, The hay always gets collected here, we have lots of horses and cattle, always hungry!

  26. What gorgeous shades of green you have on your page. It really looks like the whole page is alive. I did enjoy looking at it and seeing how you worked the trees into the whole composition, what a lovely way to use a background like this. Of course the sunflowers add a lovely contrast as do the tiny figures stood by the stream.
    If this was mine I would be proud of what I had achieved and I can just picture it in a large white mount on the wall.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it's fun to 'see' things in the paint and then just play!

  27. Ooh, I can absolutely see how that gelli print reminded you of the countryside. I adore how you've created a beautiful scene with such depth and those luscious deep greens of late summer - it's a wonderful final contribution to the Summer Countryside theme, thank you.

    I love the surprised expression of your bookprint face too... and I could do with a nice big tractor, or even a lawnmower to deal with my back garden meadow when I cut it at the end of the season. At the moment it looks as though I'll have to do it by hand!

    Glorious cloudscapes.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! It's funny how we 'see' things in the paint! I would gladly send you the farmer and his noisy old tractor! Have a great weekend!

  28. I always seem to be catching up. Your pages and art look amazing. The sunflowers are beautiful and I love how the silhouette style figures drew me into the countryside scene.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, always nice to see you here! Have a great weekend, hugs!


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