Tuesday 13 July 2021

A new challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our wonderful and talented Sandie is hosting. She has also helped me a lot with the admin and getting dates right etc in these past months, so thanks a lot for that, Sandie! 

Her theme is music / musical and she has made some very inspirational tags which you can admire on our blog. I made a hybrid tag using a photo of the Rhine at sunset. The quote is from Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'.

And I have another journal page for Alison's 'summer country' challenge at  AJJ
I used a freebie from the Graphics fairy, which was digitally cut out and placed on a painted and decorated backgound:

Some photos from summer in Nord (north) Park and the Japanese garden there:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What beautiful photographs you've shared here, I always enjoy seeing them.

    I do like your tag and journal page.
    Happy Tuesday

    All the best Jan

  2. I like your new header. Beautiful art and photos too, those fountains sure are impressive! Have a great week Valerie, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, it's a great park to visit! Enjoy you day!

    2. That should be your day not you day!

  3. Lovely header and it is the right size, mine has come out super small. Beautiful tag and art work Valerie. That is a beautiful garden.

  4. Beautiful post as always your work is always of interest and great designs. Lovely header and photos. xxx

  5. Lovely tag and page, the photos are absolutely stunning!

  6. Music is a good theme and you made a beautiful tag Valerie. And I also like summer in the country. That is a beautiful vintage image, and those cows look very happy. The gardens are very beautiful. I would be happy to visit there, especially the Japanese trees on that island. They are really fun shaped. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm sure you would enjoy the Japanese gardens, so much to see and enjoy!

  7. An awesome tag Valerie.
    You have posted such gorgeous photos on your blog too, I could almost smell those flowers.
    Hope you are having a good week.xx

  8. Lovely photos, but I especially like your header.

    1. Thanks Deb, I love to sit there and look at the Rhine!

  9. Good morning Valerie: My hope for Tag Tuesday was to tag along with Heather and Lily, but it looks like rain might put an end to that, and Friday doesn't work for Miriam this week. She will be lunching "at the lake" with three friends whose association goes all the way back to their days at high school together. And they all still live in this area, which is quite amazing in itself given the degree of mobility these days, when everyone seems to come from away. As far as your birds are concerned it must be "M" day in addition to being Tag Tuesday. After all you are featuring a Mallard and a Magpie. Magnificent they are too. Marvellous in fact. The milkmaid certainly contributes to the M theme too. I hope that you are feeling at least a little better, liebe Valerie. It is no fun being sick. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, it's afternoon here already, the hours have gone by too quickly. I hope you will be able to meet up with Heather and lovely Lily, and that the rain will cease for you! That's great that Miriam still has friends fro her school times, I have lost all contact with mine we all went different ways and are scattered through the world. And yes, it could be M day. They are beautiful creatures indeed. A pigeon is looking miserably through my window just now, the food outside has already been gobbled up. Have a great day, and thanks for the good wishes! Hugs to you both!

  10. Those garden shots are just terrific (but then all your photos are!) And I love the restfulness of the water. Music is a great theme!

    1. Nord Park ist a wonderful place to relax. And music ist always good!

  11. Thanks Laurie! Have a great day!

  12. Hi Val, Bill here! Nice Art and pics!

  13. Oh wow your photos are just amazing today and I love the photo in your blog banner Valerie! Great take on the music tag!!

    1. Thanks Pinky. That Van in the Header serves coffee and French baked goods every Wednesday.

  14. These are fabulous pieces Valerie, I always love your hybrid pieces, and the river looks beautiful. What a great new blog banner too! Have a great week, Sue xx

  15. That Japanese garden is beautiful Valerie, and your tag and page are gorgeous. I love that summery scene on your hybrid piece.
    Love that coffee and snack van in your header too, so lovely.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I Love drinking a coffee from that van, it's so good!

  16. Beautiful tags Valerie. Luv the photos. The macros are awesome


    1. Thanks Gillena, so glad you Like them! Hugs!

  17. Gorgeous tag Valerie, I love the stunning sunset photo you used for your background! Beautiful photos of the garden, looks like a wonderful place to visit!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Sunrise and sunset are my favourite Times. Hugs!

  18. That tag is amazing Valerie. What a beautiful part too. Have a nice day.

  19. Beautiful tag Valerie, those little cherubs are gorgeous and I love the colours...gorgeous photos, what lovely gardens to visit..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy! That is indeed a great place to visit! Hugs!

  20. Beautiful tag and fab countryside page. The page reflects all your beautiful things you see and post! Love it, Valerie. You capture such wonderul views of the world. HUgz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Nature is the best artist, and there are so many Beautiful things to see. It does me good to always look for them. Have a great day!

  21. I have no idea how I missed this post, but the tag you created is lovely. I like how you interpreted the theme. I always love your hybrid art.

    I have to admit, that journal page you created screams summer in the country. It is really a quintessential summertime scene and you can't get any more country than you got with the cow and the other farm animals. Thanks for this great entry using Alison's theme.

    Your park photos are soothing. I especially like the Japanese Garden, but the water features are all calming and lovely.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Water fountains and pools always have a calming effect!

  22. Its a great rural countryside page you created, a bit of peace to watch such a scene in these difficult times we are having. Loved the photos you shared as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Take care, look after yourself!

  23. I miss out so much from Tag Tuesday, not sure where the weeks go before it's time for another theme. Great vintage musical tag.
    Now your journal page is full of the countryside, thats such a grand image, reminds me of a print from a charger my gran used to have.
    The Japanese garden is amazing, the tree's look like there is not a branch out of place. Hugs Tracey xx

  24. your tag is magical, just perfect! xo

  25. I didn't miss the post but i see my comment didn't arrive! Your tag and page are wonderful and of course the gardens at Nord park are wonderful ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, Nord Park is great, you would enjoy it there, too. And there's nice Cafe there!

  26. Another lovely countryside page... if only the activities in the countryside were still that bucolic and peaceful. With everything done by noisy machines now, there's very little peace here in the Czech countryside!! Love the Shakespearean tag too.
    Alison x

    1. Too true! It's all noisy machines here, too. But we can still dream!

  27. Your art is stunning and the gardens are stunning!!! Big Hugs!


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