Tuesday 20 July 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT

🦜- our feathered friends - 🐦

As always, you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us, and projects of all formats are welcome. Hop over to out blog and see the beautiful pieces my teamies have made.  I have filled my head with feathered friends and their beautiful songs. I am also linking to Alison's summer country challenge at AJJ:

The meadow behind the back garden:

Bachelor's buttons:

Lots of water on the meadows:

The Rhine has got very wide:

The jetty is usually at a downward angle of about 45°:

The ferry is parked on the other side of the river till the floods recede:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the birds as I write this there is a crow outside expressing its concern about something! I hope the flooding eases soon.

    1. Thanks Sue. Crows can express their feeling very loudly! But I love watching them! Have a great day, stay safe!

  2. Beautiful art Valerie and I love the shot of the meadow behind the back garden. The Bachelor's buttons are beautiful too. The rest is all just scary! Please stay safe my friend, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. It's really all scary just now, but I'm thankful it isn't worse. Have a great day!

  3. I know you will enjoy the feathered friends theme. I have to paint your bachelor's button, deceptively simple looking.

    1. Thanks Christine, have fun painting it, I look forward to seeing it! They're sprouting all over the place just now!

  4. Oh my! That's a full river! I am so glad you live up high!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I'm glad I don't live directly by the Rhine! Have a great day!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely to see inside your head again! I'm glad nobody can look into mine just now! Hope the road repairs are progressing! Look after yourself and stay safe! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Hope you have got your garden cleared up by now, I'm sure it's a lot of work! Stay safe, hugs to you all!

  6. Brilliant art and the pics are gorgeous....freezing here today...xx

  7. I am delighted with your work. Be careful. The flood will be over soon.

  8. Such a beautiful page! I love how you filled your head with birds and their songs - so perfect for our challenge 😁. Such pretty flowers and wow, the water level in the Rhine is so high, I hope it's back to normal soon. Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it's always good to have your head filled with nice things! The Rhine is still high, I just came back from my walk, but it should start receding soon. Have a great week!

  9. A fabulous page and I love how you filled your head with beautiful birds, could be noisy at times but when birds sing there is no better sound.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, better birds in my head than just an empty space! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Good morning Valiant Valerie: With birds and birdsongs as your theme you know that you will have started my day off on the right foot. I should play birdsong as a background to these comments. No doubt you will wish to trill along, so make sure you stay in tune, no discordant notes allowed. The Rhine looks like the Amazon! Rhine cruises have become popular in recent years, but I am sure that many people were disappointed this year. The impact of the terrible flooding and the devastation and loss of life will be felt for many years to come. The meadow behind your house looks remarkably untouched; it doesn't seem to be waterlogged even. Perhaps it is on high ground and well drained. A wildflower meadow is one of nature's most glorious sights and if you search a little there are insects to be found, harmless snakes and amphibians, ground-nesting birds, butterflies - so many wonderful discoveries. And the fragrant odours are sometimes a balm for the senses. Enjoy! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Good morning David! I thought you would like this challenge, perhaps you could join in yourself? The birds woke me this morning very early, but I turned over and went back to sleep for another hour. I sing like a bird, so no worry about wrong notes, I can compete with any crow or raven! Yes, the Rhine is very wide just now, so I'm hoping the water doesn't rise again. The road where I live is about 8 feet higher than the old town, so it#s unlikely that it would flood here. I think the water from the stream next to the house prefers to flow under the road than through the fields! The meadow is very pretty. It used to be planted with various crops, but the farmer gave it up after he lost the crops 2 years in a row as it was so hot and dry. Talk about extremes....But it looks much nicer now as a wild flower meadow, so I hope it stays that way. And there are often deer there in the evening. I hope you will have a lovely day, with lots of birds and insects visiting your back yard. Hugs to you both!

  11. Our world would be a sad place without birdsong.. but they could wait until 7am to start singing instead of 5! LOL! LOVE your art journal spread!!! Have a fabulous week! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. You are so right there, Helen, here they start very early, too! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  12. It is great to see one of your heads again. I love all the birds in this one.It's super it also works for Alison's challenge at AJJ. And wow, the Rhine is really high. You've definitely had a lot of rain too. But the summer meadow is beautiful and that blue bachelor button is a great color. Flowers are just amazing, aren't they? Have a great day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I haven't used my head for a long time! flowers and birds always bring beauty into our lives. I had carpenter bees on my balcony yesterday, we don't see many of them here. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  13. I love how you literally filled your head with feathered friends. Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Teresa, it was fun to make! Have a great day!

  14. I am so glad you are ok. I have caught up with your latest posts-I always get cheered up by your art! I'm so sorry about all the devastation in your country...

    1. Thanks Debra, this is a sad time with so much devastation and so many lives lost. Look after yourself, hugs!

  15. LOve your creation and your flowers. So sad about the distruction caused by all the heavy rain. hope you keep safe. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. I am being careful about where I walk just now. Have a great week, hugs!

    2. Love the Head and birds. Brought a smile to my face. The flood pictures are a painful reminder of the devastation such catastrophes can bring. Nature is truly greater than we are. Stay safe and God bless.

      Hugs and Blessings,

    3. Thanks Jim. We need to respect nature more. Have a good week, hugs!

  16. This challenge has your name all over it. I know how much you LOVE birds. I'm also delighted you used your head and found a way to share it with us at Art Journal Journey using Alison's theme, too.

    The river photos are scary. Anyone who doesn't believe how quickly water can kill, should see your photos of that fast moving river. Stay safe, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The Rhine is dangerous at the best of times, but when it floods no-one would have a chance of they fell in. I'm being very cautious! Have a great day!

  17. Oh my gosh, look at that lovely meadow.
    What could be better than a head full of song and beautiful birds.
    They were showing a sink hole in Belgium on the news:(
    Take special care.

    1. Yes, the meadow is beautiful. It's scary having that hole in front of us! Have a great week!

  18. A beautiful page and I love the idea of adding interest inside the silhouette. Wow! What a river!

    1. Thanks Autumn. I Hope the river will soon be back to normal! Have a great week!

  19. Oh very cool! All the pictures are amazing.

  20. I love this art piece. I think that's what my head looks like inside :)

    Such pretty flowers :) Such high water!

    1. Thanks. Then you've got a good head! Have a great day!

  21. Beautiful page Valerie, love all of the birds and that awesome quote! The water levels are so high and dangerous, I hope things get back to normal soon.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. We are all hoping for a return to normality. Stay Safe, hugs!

  22. I love those birds on your art. Lovely work. That river is super high. Wow!

    1. Thanks Glenda! The river will hopefully go down soon!

  23. so lovely river... so peacefuly:)

  24. Love your head full of birds, great piece. The floods have been dreadful, hope it all recedes soon


    1. Thanks Joan, the floods have destroyed so much. Stay safe!

  25. I enjoy hearing birdsong and your art is lovely.
    Such a terrible shame about the floods, the destruction and loss of life.
    The river does look high in your photographs ... take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. this has been a hard time for so many people! Stay safe!

  26. Fantastic page!
    Have a nice day!

  27. Lovely AJ page, Valerie. So true about birds and their songs. They are one of God's special gifts for sure. You captured that here and love the head shape too. Great pictures of the meadow and water. Hope the water levels go down soon! Praying for all the people impacted by the rains. Stay safe! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. That's my head, and sometimes it's filled with nonsense! Nature and beautiful birds are really a gift of God. I went past the flood meadows this morning, and the water is definitely receding. Thanks be for small miracles! Hugs!

  28. Wonderful post Valerie - I love feeding the birds and watching them in my back yard. Amazing pictures of the amount of water in the Rhine. I heard on television about the flooding in Germany. Do hope you have not been negatively affected.

    sandy xx

    1. We have the usual flooding but not such destruction as in other places! Hugs!

  29. I love what is in your head this time Valerie! I see that the meadows take up a lot of your overflowing river just as the golf course does here - it was designed that way and has stopped any serious flooding in our area at times! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks, things would be bad without the flood meadows!

  30. A beautiful page Valerie. Your head is full of my favourite things. We've seen the heron a couple of times this week, on the golf course where we walk early morning.
    Glad you have those flood meadows, I hope the river goes down again soon.
    Alison xx

    1. The river is slowly going down, thank goodness for that! The heron was at the stream here, watching the people mend the hole in the road!

  31. My head is full of countryside thoughts and sounds at the moment so I love how you've captured that idea on your page - beautiful soft blues which add to the serenity too. It's less serene in real life of course, with the flood damage in so many places and more storms forecast here in the next few days... but I can dream.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Imagining serenity in my head was one way of coping with the ugliness and destruction all around! We all need our dreams!

  32. Love your song bird art!! Beautiful!
    Wow, that is so much water!! I can't even imagine! That meadow is gorgeous! Big Hugs!


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