Saturday 10 July 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody! 

It's weekend, enjoy! I'm planning on another restful weekend with lots of  reading, crafting and feet up time.

For Alison's summer country challenge at AJJ I have a hybrid piece. The backgrounds were hand-painted, and I added some flowers and some digital elements:

And I have a last tag for my vintage challenge at Tag Tuesday.  I used some DP for the background and stitched it onto 2 mats of scrap cardboard. The Leda stamp is from Lost Coast designs. I added some scraps as embellishments:

These are the last of the photos from my farm trip:

A large and beautiful house:

A tiny and very ancient church:

Seating outside, too:

More animals:

And we peeked in at the Riding Stables:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely hybrid piece and tag. I enjoyed the photos, beautiful animal shots.

  2. Beautiful art and phots Valerie. Enjoy your weekend with lots of reading, crafting and feet up time. :)

    1. Thanks Martha, I certainly will! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. Beautiful page Valerie. And that quote is so true. It is perfect for your page and for Alison's challenge. And nice vintage tag too. Leda looks perfect, and she is a beautiful image. And great photos too. So sleeping goats look so relaxed. Enjoy your low key weekend and hope you have some super weather. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I always love Leda! I love how animals can just relax and sleep wherever they are! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  4. Oh Valerie I love both of these pieces but that first one is my favorite. Wow the Foxglove is just gorgeous. Have a very nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I always love foxgloves. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Beautiful art and photos again. Little S wants a horse, she says we could put it in the garden. Okay, last time she wanted a bear....Have a great weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a lovely weekend. Perhaps you could show S pictures of cats and guinea pigs?! Hugs!

  6. Magnificent post again. Funny even if one is retired the weekends are always two days of a different rest, well it is for me, but then I used to work on weekends too in the hospital....
    Beautiful photos...xx

    1. Yes, the weekends are always special for me, too! Have a great one, hugs to you and Bella!

  7. Enjoy your weekend with your feet up. With the two big Wimbledon singles finals today and tomorrow, my weekend will be feet up too!

    1. Thanks Deb! Have fun watching Wimbledon! I've got an online art course lined up to keep me occupied!

  8. I'm in love with the summer countryside page - those expressive figures so full of life and movement, the tumbledown stone building, the glorious greenery and flowers and that wonderfully atmospheric painting set into the background. It really did stop me in my tracks this morning. The tag is also charming, and I really enjoyed the trip to the farm with you.
    Alison x

  9. Lovely hybrid piece, Valerie, with Great Tits up in the top right corner, and who can go wrong with that? Since I have promised to be on my best behaviour, I will resist the urge to continue down that path any further! This morning I will go to the funeral of my good friend Betty Cooper who enjoyed ninety-three years on an Earth that has been degraded so much during her long life. I will be mourning the loss of two friends - Betty and biodiversity. There are environmental signals all across this planet, this blue dot, that the children of today may not have a chance to celebrate ninety-three years. But enough of that. In the meantime we can come along with you on a visit to the farm, and enjoy the animals. I can sit here and drink my hot, steaming coffee. For lunch I will have cold chicken and potato salad, and tonight I will sip wine with my cutlet. I too have had a long life, but more remains, and there are still birds to see. I hope that the cardinals and the orioles, the jays and the chickadees, the robins and the buntings, will all sing to bid farewell to Betty this morning. She would have liked that. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, glad to hear you are on your best behaviour today! I'm sure you will miss Betty. She had a long life, and I'm glad that ou are going to say goodbye to her. I hope all the birds will be there to sing for her. And yes biodiversity is disappearing, and people just keep trampling on as they want and don't care what happens. There's a good series about it on Arte just now, interesting, but sad. Enjoy your lunch and your dinner, they both sound good. I'm still on my bland diet so it's mashed potatoes for lunch and yogurt for dinner. But better than nothing, and there are too many people in the world who have nothing. Have a good weekend, take care, hugs to you both!

  10. waue gorgeous love this light summer collage. and the photos of animals ofcaurse

  11. Yes to the beautiful flowers and adore your vintage tag. Isn't it relaxing to look at the animals? So many beautiful and unique ones in the world. Hope you're feeling well, and sending lots of hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro. Watching animals is always relaxing and fun. Still got a lot of health problems, but I'm hopeful that things will get better! Stay safe, hugs!

  12. Your art is lovely Valerie and I love that theme! The photos from your farm visit make me want to visit a farm to see all of the beautiful animals! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. The theme is great. It's always good to watch the animals.

  13. I love your art, particularly the first one. Love the horses, too.

  14. Your page and tag are really beautiful Valerie, and lovely photos too!
    Alison xx

  15. Gorgeous page and really lovely tag. Thanks for commenting on my post and following me on You Tube. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, I am looking forward to sewing your Videos!

  16. Lovely art and a great mix of photographs.
    Hope you are having a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  17. The goat photos are so much fun! And of course I like the beautiful foxgloves and lupins. Beautiful page and tag - I do have that stamp, but I haven't used it in a long time.

  18. Love your summery art piece Valerie. I have really enjoyed your photos from the farm, thanks for sharing.

  19. Very fine post 😊 have a nice day 😊

  20. Another beautiful tag Valerie, I love the hybrid piece, the images are gorgeous.
    I smiled at the goats, I often wonder how animals that lie in dirt always look quite clean,, there is only so far they can reach to clean themselves, lol. My mind boggles me sometimes with the thoughts that pop up in my head, lol. Hope you are keeping well.xx

    1. Thanks Sandra. I often wonder about the direction my thoughts take, too! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  21. What an amazing journal page. I love the hybrid page with the flowers, the drawn figures with so much movement, and what appears to be a building in the background that, at first glance, I thought was a lifeguard stand. It's great for Alison's theme, too.

    Your tag is really charming. I liked it a lot. and of course, the animals you shared with us looked petable. I was impressed by the horse stalls, too. Hope your weekend is going good.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth! The goats and sheep all seemed to enjoy some human contact. I loved the horses, too, and their stalls were really noble!

  22. Lovely flowers. And that's a _house_?! Wow! What a pretty little chapel. I want to pet those goats, please :)

    1. The owners of the riding stable seem to live there, it's a tad above my budget!

  23. What beautiful pieces Valerie, I love your stitching! Those animal photos are so lovely. Take care and enjoy your weekend off, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Stitching like that happens when the machine doesn't work properly!

  24. Love the summer countryside page you have made. Especially like the iris which reminds me we have soe in our garden which should be coming up shortly.
    Great tag - I just love that image, she is so gentle and serene.
    Great photos as always.
    Hope you did have a lovely relaxed weekend.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  25. Thanks Neet! Have a great week! Hugs!

  26. I always love your hybrid pieces, Valerie. That tiny church is just wonderful. And of course your animal photos are always some of my favorites!

  27. Fantastic art pieces Valerie and the photos of those animals looked great as well. Sorry I am late again catching up.
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, it's always great to see you here!

  28. Thanks again for another great post! Coming to your blog, is like reading a good book! Love both your art pieces! Very pretty! Big Hugs!


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