Tuesday 15 June 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend, and I wish you a great week, too! I had a great weekend, went out with 2 friends as we are now all vaccinated, and we went to Zons, and enjoyed ice sitting on a lovely patio - I will show the photos in the next days!

For Mia's challenge at AJJ I have another journal page:

Blogger has once again reversed the order of the photos, sorry!
The Basilica:

Inside I lit a candle for a friend:

The houses in the close are beautiful:

Market Street is pretty, too:

Flowers in neighbours' gardens:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Lovely art work Valerie, so good you can get out with friends. There are some beautiful rose bushes where you went.

    1. Thanks Sue, it was good to get out for a change!

  2. Glad you can enjoy being out a bit more now that you are fully vaccinated! Lovely photos!

  3. What a fabulous journal page. Your three butterflies are wonderful and fit so well with Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Beautiful photos around your village. Lovely flowers in front of houses. So glad you were able to get out with friends and share time together.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It's been a long time since it was possible. Have a great day!

  4. Really lovely art and those photos are just beautiful.

  5. So glad you were able to go out with friends! It's so nice to feel a bit more normal again. Beautiful art and photos as always my friend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. It really was good not to be alone for once, good company is so nice!

  6. Those are beautiful flowers.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Hi Val, good morning, love your pretty butterfly art! The photos are all beautiful, too. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all! Sarah

  8. I wonder why your lovely photos are being reversed? Do you put them in one at a time, it's what I do? Maybe you are putting them in all together and then Blogger knows better! Just a thought. Stay safe, Deb

    1. I have tried both methods, same results. Lots of people seem to be having these problems! Blogger likes to keep us on our toes! Have a great day!

  9. Beautiful journal page. Love all the layers and images you used. So glad you are able to meet up with freinds. Enjoy your week. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, it was so good to get out again! Hugs!

  10. This is a beautiful work of art, papers and complete design is just gorgeous. The Basilica is beautiful and nice of you to light a candle for a friend. xxx xx

  11. Good morning Liberated and Newly Adventurous Valerie: Butterflies to begin a blog post is always welcomed by me and then you go on to regale us with a day out in Zons, with friends, and sunshine, and ice cream! Surely you are having too much fun. Time for COVID to rear back up again so that we don't all get too used to this frivolous and unimpeded use of our time! Patio dining, well spaced and in reduced numbers is once again possible here, and I will be having lunch tomorrow with my young friend, Josh, after almost a year. I am sure it will be very enjoyable. He got a big promotion and I will be anxious to hear all about it. Your photographs, in reverse order or not, are delightful and show us all what a pleasant corner of the world you live in. As George Gershwin so famously said, "Summertime, and the livin' is easy!" I hope that you have more fun in store. I will look forward to seeing the pictures of your adventures in Zons, in any sequence you care to show them! hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, it's a great feeling to be vaccinated but I am planning on staying cautious! I much enjoyed my ice coffee, and hope you will enjoy your patio visit with Josh. Great that he got a big promotion! I don't know why Blogger mixed up the pics, but lots of others have had the same problem. Yesterday I had my washing on the map and one of the pigeons pooped on it, that's gratitude for you! I feed them well, they could be considerate enough to poop somewhere else! Spellchecker keeps turning 'poops's into 'looks'. Have a happy day. Hugs to you both!

    2. Inconsiderate little so-and-sos!

  12. Lovely journal page. Beautiful flowers around town. The roses over the arched gate are breath-taking

  13. Glad you are socializing with friends again. Yes, it is great to be vaxed. Love your photos. So clean and beautiful.

    1. Thanks, it is indeed good to be able to go out and about again!

  14. A beautiful Journal page! Full of color and great details. It definitely makes me smile. Your outings are always wonderful. Lately the news reminds me of ...”just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...”

    1. Thanks Annie. Yes, you are so right! Have a great day!

  15. Super pretty art journal page. Wow. I love those fabric flowers. At least, they look like fabric.

    I really liked the quick captions for your photos. It made me feel a part of your adventures.

    Glad you are feeling well and able to get out with a friend.

    hugs & smiles,
    Teresa (PEI Canada)

    1. Thanks Teresa. I'm mostly too lazy to write captions!

  16. That piece is joyous.
    And, as always, loved the pics.

  17. Liebe Valerie deine Kunst ist was so prachtvolles, deine romantische Ader umzusetzen in dieser Seite liebe ich.
    Schön dein Spaziergang mit all den Eindrücken von Rosenbögen und überall blüht es so schön und in der Basilika!
    Schöne Abend wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, Liebe Elke, dir auch einen schönen Abend, bleib gesund!

  18. Those floral arches are beautiful and so is today's piece, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I love those rose arches, too!

  19. What a beautiful piece Valerie, the colours are just stunning! I'm so glad that you got the chance to go out, it's so nice to have a little piece of normality isn't it. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! It was great to meet up with friends and get out for a day! Have a great week!

  20. those flowers near the gates are just stunning:)

  21. Wonderful photos and a beautiful page Valerie! xx

  22. Thanks Lin, have a great week.


  23. I am very glad you had a great weekend. Mine was successful too. Beautiful work and photos. Have a nice new week :)

  24. Beautiful page Valerie, and what a lovely area-enjoyed all the photos Happy Tuesday

    1. Thanks Kathy, it's a beautiful place to wander!

  25. The basilica looks like a lovely place. That rose arbor! and all the flowers! You have many green thumbs in your area.

    1. Thanks, es so indeed. I Wish I had green thumb!

  26. Gorgeous art piece! Again, I love the colours! Thank you for treating us always to such beautiful photos! Big Hugs!

  27. Another wonderful collection of photographs.
    Than you.

    All the best Jan

  28. So pretty lovely blooms that frame your butterfly display. Really glad you managed to catch up with friends and enjoy a drink together.. sounds like a delightful day.
    Hugs Tracey x

  29. A lovely butterfly page for the challenge, I love the script that says 'Smile', it reminds me of the meandering of a butterfly when you see them flitting from flower to flower. That is a lovely blue that you have used for the main part of the background and the torn strip of scripted paper adds to the interest in contrast to the flowers on the left hand side.
    I was unsure if these were photos of where you live or where you visited. Nevertheless such beautiful houses, I love the arches of flowers. What a way to welcome someone to your home. Of course the cobbled streets always get me, they look so beautiful and what strikes me is how clean they always are. Thank you for sharing those photos.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The photos were all taken here in Kaiserswerth. Glad zou like the butterflz page, it~s a fun challenge! Hugs!

  30. Your butterfly page is a real beauty -love that heart! Fabulous photos once again - love that rose arch! Hugs, Chrisx


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