Monday 21 June 2021

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody! 

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was extremely hot with loud and flashy thunder storms during the night. My telephone kept sending me messages to inform me that it was extremely hot, perhaps the weather app thought I wouldn't notice it! I stayed home, rested a lot, and am pleased to say that my bronchitis is a bit better. Thanks to all who sent well wishes!

I have another hybrid journal page for Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ
The main image is from Gecko Galz:

This evening we are celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all who visit here.

I have some photos taken last Sunday on our trip to Zons. After the long walk our first stop was to a wonderful, shady yard where drinks and ices were on sale. This time it was only self service,  and only outside because of Covid restrictions. My friends queued up and I safeguarded a table:

Lovely ices for Cora and Susanne:

Iced coffee for me:

Susanne had a tea as well, and Cora a coffee:

After enjoying visiting some of the sights and shops:

It was time to walk back to the car:

And happy Midsummer Solstice!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think your art is so colourful, as are the selection of photographs here.
    The ice cream that your friends had looks very yummy, ideal on a warm summers day.

    Where has the year gone!
    It doesn't seem possible that Midsummer Solstice is upon us!

    Pleased that you were able to rest a little this weekend, hoping the bronchitis keeps improving.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, have a great week! Time flies by so quickly!

  2. Beautiful art and fun outing. Love the ices! Glad you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks Christine, it was fun to be out again!

  3. I'd nearly forgotten how much I enjoyed looking at your artwork. :) Lovely, as always. The butterfly piece made me smile, as did your comment about the phone app waking you up repeatedly to inform you it was hot. Sorry to hear you were ill, but I'm glad to hear you're on the mend.

    It's so nice to visit you again. Take care.

    1. Thanks Susan, I am really happy for you! Yes, sometimes phones can be stupid! Have a great week! Hugs!

  4. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! Beautiful art and those treats look delicious - I want one of each. You made me laugh about your phone sending you messages to tell you it was hot. Like we really don't notice it ourselves! Have a great week Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, help yourself! Yes, messages like that are really superfluous! Have a wonderful week!

  5. Great news on your health, love to hear/read it. Your artwork is always so amazing and loving your photos. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, take care, have a great week, hugs to you and Bella!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Glad your bronchitis is getting better, keep resting! Love the beautiful art and the wonderful photos. That colourful flower bike is gorgeous. All is well here, take care of yourself, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. Did you get rain in the night, too? Here we must have had a huge amount. But it's cooling off, that's the main thing! Have a wonderful week, hugs to you all!

  7. I am glad you feel a bit better. Those ices look delicious. I love iced coffee. Self service is a good idea, it might be a way forward. The tail end of us easing out of lockdown has been halted due to rising numbers again. Stay safe, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! The ices were delicious! I found the self service idea good, too. Hope the numbers soon go down again. So many people here have thrown caution to the wind and are celebrating in huge crowds, I just don't understand it! Have a great week!

  8. Wundervoll, ich liebe deine Kunst sie ist so romantisch und verzaubert einen!
    Schön von deinen Ausflug deine Fotos zu bewundern. Das leckere Eis und Eiskaffee hätte ich auch gerne gehabt!!!
    Toll dass deine Bronchen besser werden, alos war das Ausruhen das richtige!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir und einen schönen Sommeranfang!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, du hast bestimmt auch dort Eis genossen! Dir eine gute Woche, Alles Liebe!

  9. It was good to read you are feeling better. Rest is always the best solution. LOVED your entry for Mia's theme. I love that hat!! I'm not a hat person, but I would wear that hat (grin).

    I enjoyed more of your trip to Zons. I really loved seeing the ice cream your friends had, too. Of course, the iced coffee you had would have been my favorite, too. Thanks for sharing your lovely art journal entry, your trip with your friends, and your iced coffee with us for T this week, dear Valerie. Stay cool (as possible) and rest, too, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Rest is always a good healer, so I'm keeping on with it for a few days. That picture in the middle is fun, Gecko Galz has some fun pages. But I love hats and caps, rarely go out without one! Have a wonderful week, take care, hugs!

  10. Good morning Your Exquisite Valeriness: I am very pleased to hear that the attack of bronchitis has retreated somewhat and I hope that a final defeat is coming soon. You deserve to be well. The heat you are having to endure sounds quite awful. Extreme heat is the worst for me. Cold can be overcome by dressing properly but it is impossible to escape from oppressive heat, which can become downright dangerous very quickly. For the past few days here it has not been too bad, staying below thirty at least. I hope your apartment is air conditioned. I am looking at those decadent treats you had in Zons and I can clearly see this is the reason to go there! All this talk of a pleasant walk through a lovely old town is just a ruse to get to the ice cream parlour! I bet your iced coffee tasted fabulous. We often make a pitcher of it and keep it in the fridge, to be consumed on the patio mid afternoon. It doesn't have a fancy appearance, but it tastes great! Last night for dinner I made a Southwest Salad, a dish I had not made for ages, and it was delicious. I will be sure to do it again before the summer is out. As you have pointed out the solstice has passed now and we are heading towards fall and winter. I am quite convinced that each year passes more quickly than the one before. Take care, stay cool, get well, drink coffee. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks, dear David, omnipotent master of all birds on the planet! It's cooled off here, we had big storms again in the night, and lots of lovely rain. Okay, you've seen through me - I just wanted ice-cream! I must make myself some iced coffee, too, that's a great idea for hot afternoons. I don't have air-conditioning here, it gets just as hot inside as it is outside, and that is the part I really don't like. Especially with bronchitis. My cough is getting less and my ribs are hurting less, so that's something! Southwest salad sounds good, although I don't know what is it exactly. Yes, now we're in the second half of the year, time flies by so quickly. I think even more so when we get older! Now, I'm not saying we're old, David! Have a wonderful day, hugs to you and Miriam!

    2. Southwest salad contains mixed greens or romaine, chickpeas, avocado, jalapeno, grated Monterey Jack or cheddar cheese, tomatoes, crumbled bacon, green onions, red onion. The recipe calls for ranch dressing but we prefer our own celery seed dressing. I am sure blue cheese dressing would be good too. We make the salad other then for the avocado and put it in the fridge for about an hour before serving. We add the avocado just before eating. And we have nachos and salsa on the side. It is quite delicious. And if I am forced to have a glass of wine with it, I don't object!

    3. This sounds very yummy indeed, a wonderful meal for a summer's day! Thanks for the explanation, much appreciated! And now I keep thinking of blue cheese dressing, shame I don't have any blue cheese in the fridge!

    4. Thanks, are you sure it's right now?!

    5. I am smart-ass! Actually olives were not part of the original recipe but we added them because we like them. Last night's variety was green olives stuffed with pimento.

    6. And if you are feeling especially carnivorous, grill a chicken breast and cut it into chunks and add it.

    7. Yummy, I think I'd prefer chicken breast to olives! Thanks!

  11. Glad to hear you are slightly improving. There is nothing worse though than being sick when it is really hot. Loving your beautiful piece for AJJ today. It has great layering and an interesting lady. And your trip to Zons looks like a great day. Boy those ice creams look delicious. Yum. Too bad they can't be packaged and shipped without melting-smile. Have a wonderful early T day and start to the week. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I'm glad things are improving, too. It's cooled off today, now I'm trying to get the heat out of my apartment. I would send you an ice if I could! Have a great start in the week, hugs!

  12. I'm glad you're getting better. Beautiful photos and work. It's also hot here with us. :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Today it's cooled off here, so good! Stay safe!

  13. Happy Solstice! I'm glad you feel better :)

    The ices look tempting. Pretty presentation :) Happy T Day!

  14. Fantastic page.
    Your friend’s ice creams look really yummy. I love ice cream

    1. Thanks Marjut, I think we all love I've cream! Nice to see you again!

  15. I love your main image. It looks like Zons would be a spot I'd enjoy visiting. Wonderful photos and your drinks look terrific.

  16. dear those ice creams look so jummy;D

  17. Zons is an attractive place to visit. Love your iced coffee.

  18. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better! I love the butterfly piece and the outing looks like it was wonderful!

    1. Thanks Lisa. It's a great place to visit! Have a great week!

  19. Gorgeous page Valerie, love the main image! Great photos, the ice cream looks so yummy! Take care.
    Hugs Tammy

  20. Hi Valerie, so glad you are feeling better from your bronchitis and so happy we were able to get out and enjoy being with friends-and getting treats-perfect.
    Lovely photos as always-Happy T hugs Kathy

  21. Your outing looks very relaxing, and the ice creams and coffee drink look very cooling and tempting.

    best… mae at

  22. gorgeous art for AJJ Valerie!! And how wonderful to have such a beautiful day and outing. Oh I would love any of those iced treats:):) And I am in love with that ancient tower- whatever it is! Happy T day, and keep well!

    1. Thanks Linda! I love the tower, too. In the good old days people were imprisoned there! Happy T Day!

  23. I'm glad you're feeling better. Rest and warm (dry) weather helps bronchitis.
    Your butterfly tag is gorgeous. I like the quirky doll.
    By the way, I love your header with the geese(?).
    Zons is beautiful. The cafe looks a lovely place to sit down with a drink. You always find the most interesting places. Those ices look delicious. My mouth is watering. And the ice coffee is inviting. I'm not such a coffee person like you, but I would like iced coffee.
    Like some other people, I was fascinated by that beautiful tower.I found out it's called the Judde Turm, but I have not been able to find out any more other than that it was part of the city wall.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca! Zons is Always lovely.The tower was used for many years aS a prison!

  24. Valerie I'm pleased to hear you are feeling better, we've had a lot of thunder and lightening too this year.
    The cafe looks wonderful, those ices, wow, would love to taste them both, that is an unusual glass for the green tea, well lets say I've never seen one before! I like coffee but have never taken to iced coffee, not sure why! The flowers are so gorgeous and colourful too. You have some very scenic walks.
    Your artwork is lovely, bright colours, I do love the Geko girl.
    Happy T Day and take care, Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! We seem to be getting more and more storms as time passes, I'm sure we didn't use to have so many! The ices did look good, but I prefer my iced coffee, sorry you don't like it! Happy T Day, and have a wonderful week, hugs!

  25. Lovely art, Valerie. I love the layers and elements such as the writing pen, girls, pretty flowers, and butterflies. So well done as always. Your pictures are fabulous and fun and make me wish I was there! The drinks and treats look yummy. Happy T-Day and many hugz (glad you are better).

    1. Thanks Nancy! I wish you were here, too, we would have fun! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  26. What a stunning butterfly piece Valerie, full of beautiful elements. How wonderful to be able to spend a day out with friends! We are allowed to now, but kind of warned against it for another month or so. It was nice to catch up with family over the weekend though. I definitely have iced coffee envy, it was something that I was sure I wouldn't like until I tried it - yum! Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue, glad you were able to catch up with your family at last. It was great to go out with friends, first time in many months! Iced coffee is YUMMY! Hugs!

  27. The ices looks delicious and what beautiful flowers! Looks like a wonderful outing.
    And I really love the composition of your hybrid piece.
    Happy Tea Day,

  28. Wow I love this art piece and what a wonderful sunny day.

  29. Another fabulous page for Mia's theme Valerie - must look through my Gxeckogalz images again!
    Zons and the outdoor cafe both look great!
    We have missed the storms, although it did rain overnight on Saturday - my SIL in Poitiers said that had several nights of thunderstorms so they must be rumbling around. Pleased that you are feeling better. Happy T day, Chrisx

  30. I am so glad you are beginning to feel much better. Perhaps the iced coffee sat outside in a cafe helped a little as I know you have waited so longingly to do just that.
    Zons looks lovely, I love the pink bicycle and those birds are such fun.
    Take care, hope there are no more thunder storms.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Yes, one dream has come true! It doesn't look like storms tonight. Have a great day!

  31. Gorgeous journal page. You are quite the artist. I enjoyed your beautiful photos of ice cream and the flowers. The colors were so vibrant. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon, I love being out and about with my camera!

  32. Oh my, what a fabulous post! Loving your page, it looks so unique with the pretty images and butterflies 😀. I think those ice-cream sundaes and iced coffee stole the show though, they look so delicious and the shop looks so delightful with all the flowers and bike outside - perfect. I loved walking with you too and that metal parrot would be the perfect addition to my garden 😉. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. I wanted that parrot, too! Coffee is always the star for me!

  33. Beautiful art and great photos Valerie! Those ice creams look yummy! xx

    1. Thanks Alison, I had an ice again today, yummy!

  34. I loved your mixed media journal page Valerie and it was good that you had a lovely walk and enjoyed the ice creams with friends.
    Yvonne xx


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