Monday 14 June 2021

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and hope you have a great week.

This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Wendy is hosting. Her theme is 'a tag on a tag ' and I'm looking forward to seeing what you create for it. Thanks, too, to Michele, who hosted our last challenge, and to all who joined us. As always you have 2 weeks to link to us, and tags of all formats are allowed. The challenge goes live at 9 this evening. I made a tag using mostly scraps. The flower fairy tag is part of a set I got years ago in a magazine - now I'm glad I didn't get rid of them!

This evening we will be celebrating T sTands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog. I would like to give a warm welcome to the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. There's a lemon cake up for grabs, so help yourself:

And my drink is, of course, coffee:

This was taken in a museum, but I can't remember where:

And another mug of my favourite drink:

One of my mum's old china cups:

And this is a piece I made years ago which is still hanging on my kitchen cabinet door. The poem is from me::

Along the stream:

The grass verges on the roads are allowed to grow wild, and are full of bee-friendly flowers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Lovely tag on a tag, your lemon cake looks delicious! Enjoyed your photos today.

    1. Thanks Christine. Lemon cake is always good! Have a great week!

  2. Beautiful art and photos Valerie. I especially like that first tag and your cake looks delicious! Have a fantastic week, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, you have a great week, too!

  3. I love your tag and the idea of a tag on a tag.Your tag is very sweet. I also would love a bite of your lemon cake. It looks delicious. The Mom's china cup is very pretty. I like the heart floating on the top of the coffee. And you have some wonderful flower patches. The wildflower growth is beautiful. Happy Monday and new week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The floral verges are a great idea and good for bees, too! Have a great week!

  4. What a fun way to add a tag to a tag. I really like how you did that one. it makes ME feel happy.

    Wow, now I'm starving. Your cake looks great, but I especially like the coffee. And I finally don't ever have to buy creams or facial products because you showed me a way to keep wrinkles away. I love it and the poem in general. Like you, I must have my caffeine fix every few hours, too.

    I especially loved the wild flowers and what looked like poppies. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your art, your cake, your gorgeous flowers, and your coffee choices with us for T this week, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Keep it up with the coffee! The wild flowers are beautiful, I always love seeing them. Have a great week!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling well and fit after your day out yesterday. Love the pretty tag, great idea with tag on a tag. All is well here. Take care, have a lovely week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks, I am feeling fit just a tad tired. Have a great week, take care! Hugs to all!

  6. Love your tag and will try hard to make one. Love that cake, enjoy. Have a great day. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, hope to see you at TT! Have a great week!

  7. Stunning tag, love the colours. Your photos are glorious and oh the lemon cake, save me a slice but guess it'll be gone bye the time I get across the world...hugs. x

    1. Thanks Annie, I'll send you slice via magic - it should be there noe, enjoy! Hugs to you and Bella!

  8. I simply adore Flower Fairies! Your tag is utterly gorgeous, one of my favourites of yours. The lemon cake is making my mouth water. Your museum photo makes me think, very much, of Jane Austen and the kind of space she would sit in. Oh, your springtime flower verges, how I wish my stupid hip wasn't keeping me at home again. Sighs. Did you see the news on English lockdown? Stay safe, my friend, hugs, Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, flower fairies are always pretty, I have some stamps, too. Lemon cake is my fave! It's a beautiful setting in the Museum, it's somewhere in London. Sorry your hip is playing up! Have a great week!

  9. Now who among us has our own artwork with our own verse hanging in our house? No one I suspect other than The Bard of Balconia! And we are not surprised of course that coffee is the subject, just as mine would be birds. It is quite possible I suppose that among the rare and unusual birds yet awaiting discovery in your island of speciation is a coffee drinking bird of some kind. Given the oddities that have been revealed before it is not much of a stretch! The idea of the wildflowers along the roadsides is wonderful. Not only is it beautiful it provides habitat for a myriad of small creatures. Please award your local city planners the Common Sense Prize. It doesn't get any better than that! A new week begins, Valerie. Enjoy it to the fullest! Hugs and kisses, David.

  10. Thanks David! Hmm, coffee drinking birds would really be something, I'll have to think about that! Yes, the Bard of Balconia only hangs her own works, the Picassos are confined to the closet! Our town has really improved lately, lots of green verges everywhere, flowers along all of the tram tracks, and the new buildings in the city centre are all beautifully covered in green. And people with flat roofs are being encouraged to keep bees. Things have changed for the better here, and I hope it continues to improve all the time. Have a great day, whatever you have planned, look after yourself, hugs to you both!

  11. Your tag on a tag is beautiful Valerie, such pretty images, and I love the scrap of lace. I think there's nothing nicer that wild roadside flowers, and they're so good for the bees. Your ode to coffee still makes me smile! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! I love the wild flowers, too. Have a great week!

  12. Sweet tag and sweeter cake. Your coffee poem made me laugh. Pretty wild flowers. Glad the highway/roads department doesn't just mow them down.

  13. Your tag is so gorgeous it deserves to be framed.

    1. Thanks Teresa, much appreciated! Have a wonderful week!

  14. The poppies are such a bright spot. Lemon cake and coffee, yes, please :) Breakfast! Happy T Tuesday

    1. Thanks, poppies are always beautiful. Help yourself to coffee and cake!

  15. Your tag is gorgeous Valerie, I love all of the textures and that sweet image! Your lemon cake looks delicious and I love all of the beautiful wildflowers! Take care and enjoy your week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy. Have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  16. happiness is a piece of cake and a cup of coffee:D

  17. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely Art, have a great week!

  18. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful art and photos. The flower photos were really pretty. Lemon cake sounds perfect for a hot day and your coffee always looks so delicious too-Happy T wishes hugs Kathy

  19. Lovely art and photographs ...
    Yummy lemon cake, I do enjoy the taste of lemon :)

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thnaks Jan, lemon is always so refreshing! Hve a great day!

  20. Beautiful fairy on your tag. Those wild flowers are beautiful.

    1. Thanks, the wild flowers are a beautiful sight!

  21. such a beautiful tag Valerie. Love your teacup art and prose, and that lemon cake sounds so nice. Of course the poppies have really caught my eye:) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Poppies are always pure summer to me!

  22. Ohhh I love this tag and these photos are gorgeous. I have not forgotten the lemon cake one of my faves.

  23. Morning Valerie, your tag is lovely as is your Lemon cake, made my mouth water. Beautiful Poppies and photos, I love seeing the scenery when it's green, not something we see often here in Spain!!
    Happy T Day

  24. Such a beautiful tag and the coffee poem on your art journal page made me smile, such fun 😀. The wild flowers look so pretty and I'd love a piece of the yummy lemon cake with my cuppa today - perfect! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  25. Tags and wildflowers, enjoyed them all


  26. These are lovely pieces -- and that lemon cake is to die for!

  27. What a lovely tag on a tag, and what a great idea for a Tag Tuesday.
    I had to smile at your poem about coffee. I'm sure it's all true. Especially the bit about the wrinkles (Note to self: Must drink more coffee)
    Those wild flowers are absolutely stunning. It brightens up the road and it's excellent for urban bee population. I really enjoyed seeing those wild flowers.
    Yes, I'd like a piece of lemon cake. Yumm! Thanks.
    Happy T-Day,

  28. I love your flower fairy tag Valerie, and I'd love to join you in a slice of cake!
    Have a great evening,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, help yourself to cake! Have a lovely evening!

  29. Great tea photos. I love teapots. Your tag on a tag is gorgeous! Happy T Day!

  30. Such a fun and happy post! Love your happy art piece! Love your poem! LOL! I love the wild grass and flowers for the bees!! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy. We need to treat the bees well! Hugs!

  31. Your tag is really beautiful Valerie, lovely layers and stitching.. and the lemon cake well it's a real favourite of mine looks delicious. The wildflowers are so pretty, i'm trying to grow some in my garden to fill in some gaps but the hot weather has really taken it's toll on them.. still keeping my fingers crossed.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Hope your flowers do well in spite of the hot weather. It's scorching here!

  32. I'm obviously playing 'catch up' so maybe the lemon cake is all gone. Shame, I like lemon cake.
    I don't drink either tea or coffee but your little poem made me smile and I think I need to start drinking coffee with sprinkles if it stops my wrinkles. That really made me happy. That and the poppies, which always make me happy, and the various vessels you chose to show us that held your coffee at one time. What elegant shapes they are.
    Your tag is lovely and made me realise what a silly old thing I was to give myk flower fairies away, and not long ago either. I just thought I would nevwer use them but now seeing how you coloured yours in it makes me realise what fun I would have had with them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, the cake is all gone, but I'll let you know when I bake a new one! I never thought I would use the flower fairies, either, but I did! My daughter used to love them so much!


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