Thursday 17 June 2021

Thursday / Friday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. Here it is still very hot, inside and out and I am trying to keep out of the sun's hot rays. And I have bronchitis, which isn't nice either, so I'm hoping it will go away soon.

Today I am sharing a piece meant for  Paint Party Friday. I made another woven piece out of strips of chopped up paintings. This is 18° x 18". Sorry about the bad writing, my hands are very shaky these days:

And I have a hybrid piece for Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ, one again with Frida Kahlo:

And some pictures from here:

The evening birds:

The sower is not wearing a mask!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val,good afternoon! Beautiful post, as always, love the woven piece and Frida. Wonderful photos,too. I hope you are resting! When do you have your next appointment at the doctors? Hugs from us all!

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. My next in 2 weeks. And yes, I am resting! Hugs to you all!

  2. Your woven mat is very colorful and pretty. I like that statue in the fountain.

  3. As always great pieces and pics. I especially love the hollyhock pics.
    YOU have an energy and fun-filled day.

  4. Love the paper weaving. The colours and textures are wonderful. Love your photos as well. Have a great week. Anesha x

    1. Thanks so much Anesha, have a great evening!

  5. Great art and your writing looks very nice to me. Beautiful photos too. I sure hope you are feeling better soon and hope it cools down a bit soon. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. From next week it should get back to normal! Have a great day!

  6. wow this of paper art is so great:D i used to made those when I was a little;)


  7. First of all, good health. Beautiful works and photos. It is also hot here and we hide in the shade. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Lucyna! Europe is an oven Just now. Try to stay cool!

  8. Your paper weaving always makes me happy! And I really loved today's photos -- especially those fabulous hydrangeas!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it makes me happy, too! Yes, beautiful hydrangeas!

  9. So sorry to read you have bronchitis, please make sure you rest and recuperate.

    I like your paper weaving and the hydrangeas in your photographs are wonderful colours.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I am resting as much as I can! Have a great day!

  10. Your artwork and photos always amaze. Have a beautiful day.

  11. I was really impressed with your weaving. I loved how you tied off the ends of thread. Clever and unique. I've never seen that before.

    Lovely take on Frida and Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. And it's colorful, too.

    Enjoyed all the flowers, but the hollyhocks were my favorite today. Hope you get rid of your bronchitis soon.

    1. Just read you didn't remember sending me that butterfly stamp. You explained to me it was a LaBlanche and I love the feel of it, as well as the results I get.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth. Hollyhocks are also my faves, I wish I could grow them on my balcony! Ah, if the stamp is from La Blanche, then it surely came from me. Her stamps are so easy to use, light and uncomplicated! Have a great day!

  12. The paper weaving is awesome. Beautiful flowers. Like Elizabeth, I loved the hollyhocks. Mitty, the fur baby before Ink loved to hang out in the shade of the hollyhocks on a hot summer day. Take care and feel better.

    1. Thanks CJ, paper weaving is fun and relaxing. Hollyhocks are always beautiful, they remind me of my childhood. Have a great day!

  13. Oh, that woven piece is beautiful. I like how you mixed the colors.
    Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks so much, have a great weekend! Happy PPF!

  14. A beautiful woven piece, and I love your Frida page Valerie!
    I'm so sorry to hear about the bronchitis, and the trouble with your hands. I hope you are feeling better very soon.
    Alison xx

  15. Love your woven paper and the frida page.

  16. Das ist so schön mit den Streifen und diese Farben *wow* grossartig und auch Frida seite so beeindruckend wieder!!!
    Tolle Fotos sind das, so schön... aber deine Bronchitis nicht so pass gut auf dich auf und diese schwülheisse Luft tut nicht gerade das wahre dazu.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Die Bronchitis ist ärgerlich, aber ich hoffe sie geht bald weg. Meine Rippen tut weh vom Husten! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  17. I so enjoy your woven strip pictures. You have such beautiful colours and textures shown with the paints you have used. The shades of blue light up with their contrast colour of orange.a. REally lovely choice of colours to marry.
    Of course I do like your Frieda page. Such a strong woman who is wearing such strong colours which suit her dark complexion, she sits so well against that pale background. Incidentally I love the script at the top left.
    Oh dear, bronchitis, no fun with that. Funnily enough I have just this morning received a message from a friend to say she has a bad chest and needed the doctor.
    Wonder if there is something in the air? This hot weather will not help with the breathing I guess.
    I know what you mean about handwriting, mine is getting worse as I get older. I used to have such a neat hand (no pun).
    Thank you for the photos, such lovely and interesting places to see - but I am surprised nobody has given the sower a mask. I can think of parts of England where they would have done. Much better behaved where you are.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The sower has been masked very often, recently he also had some underpants, but others remove all the 'extras'. The young people are not better behaved here than other places, although this is a very quiet place to live. Most of the rowdies prefer the Altstadt! My doctor says he thinks it's an allergic bronchitis caused by everything that's floating around just now, especially the 'cotton' from the poplars. It will pass. Have a great weekend, Neet, take care! Hugs!

  18. Love your woven piece wonderful colours. Your journal page is lovely as are your photos.Have a great weekend, hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I love these colours, too. You have a wonderful weekend!

  19. This is interesting. And love the colours you have chosen. And beautiful shots, as usual.

    1. Thanks Tarang, happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  20. So sorry to hear you have bronchitis Valerie. It is not fun (as I have had it several times myself). Please take care of yourself and get some rest. Your woven piece is amazing. That could be framed and hung on the wall for sure. And your page for AJJ is also a beauty. Anything with Freida works. Hydrangeas are not blooming here quite yet, but they will be coming. Take care and try to stay cool. I hope your heat breaks soon. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it really is no fun! I am resting, and drinking plenty, and stopping home till it cools off a bit outside. Glad you like the weaving, I've got another one nearly finished, it's addictive! I love hydrangeas, and am enjoying the pink ones on my balcony! Hugs!

  21. If It were in my power to banish bronchitis, Valerie, you would be clear of it in an instant. And I would fix those shaky hands too. You have had a rough go of things this year to be sure, more than any one person should have to endure. Your woven piece is very attractive. Better submit it to the gallery without delay! And I see that you are already working on another one. I will look forward to seeing it. I note that the sower is not wearing a mask, but that's not all he is not wearing. What a bold fellow he is! No doubt adolescent girls look and titter! We had to cancel our walk with Heather and Lily today due to rain, but I have some great shots from last week for my next blog post. Heather has so much fun reading everyone's comments about Lily, who two days from now will be a year old. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, a bit of magic would be great, wouldn't it!? Yes, this year has been hard, and I'm hopeful that it will soon get much better! Strangely enough, the old ladies seem to titter more about the statue than the teenies. And NO, I'm not including myself. I just take photos.... Sorry you didn't get to meet up with Heather and Lily. I can't believe she is already a year old. It would be nice to get some rain here, but heavy storms have been predicted, so we shall see what happens. Have a great day, hugs to you and Miriam!

  22. The hydrangea are out in full force aren't they?
    I love the different angles you got of your first piece.
    Hope your day is filled with energy and joy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. The gardens here are all full of hydrangeas, I love to see them, and I have a huge pot on my balcony! Hugs!

  23. Oh that bird is singing so happily! What great photos!! I love your weaved art piece Valerie and I hope you feel better soon. Not fun to be sick when it's so hot out!!!

    1. Thanks Rain. The birds always sit on the top branches of the tree and watch the sun go down! Have a great weekend!

  24. Loving the woven pieces. And the added details adds so much to it. Such gorgeous photos as well! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Jean, I'm having great fun with weaving paper! Happy PPF!

  25. Bronchitis is horrible. I have suffered all my life, since I was just 6 weeks old. Take care of yourself. I love your weaving, so original. Feel better soon, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Sorry you have problems with Bronchitis. I am resting a lot! Hugs!

  26. What glorious pictures. I like the woven artwork. It makes perfect sense.

    I've seen that blackbird in my neighborhood. He gets around!

    1. Thanks Jacqui! That blackbird keeps itself busy! Good luck with the book.

  27. I love the colors you used in the web of life piece. The hydrangeas are stunning!

    I've had bronchitis and hope you get over yours soon. The coughing can wear you out :(

    1. Thanks. My ribs are very painful, I'm wheezing like a 90 year old!

    2. It's hard! I tried all the remedies suggested but never found a cough medicine that worked for me.

    3. I know what you mean! It just has to get better!

  28. Wow for this whole post. Everything is so beautiful.

  29. Lovely piece for PPF! Enjoyed your Frida art and the photos too.

  30. Oh what beautiful woven artwork and gorgeous photos ~ favorite is blue shuttered windows Xo ~ Happy Weekend to you ^_^

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. Your woven piece is gorgeous Valerie, the added texture look awesome! Beautiful photos, love the flowers! I hope you feel better soon, sending hugs.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy! I hope so, too! Have a great weekend!

  32. Both the woven piece and Frida art are gorgeous Valerie!! Hope your bronchitis goes away quite quickly- ugh- especially in a heat wave. Our heat wave is finally gone and we are having perfectly gorgeous weather. perhaps it's coming your way:) Stunning hydrangea blooms! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! Yes, bronchitis is not nice! I hope it soon cooks off here! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  33. Nice woven piece. I'm thinking I should do something with my stash of painted papers.

  34. Wonderful art and photos. Happy PPF


  35. I love your woven art - great colours! The Frida page is fabulous - great quote too! Your photos are wonderful - you do live in a lovely area. Great shot of the castle window! Do take care dear Valerie, Hugs, Chrisx

  36. The weave is incredible! I love the hybrid piece and photos too, they are so pretty.

  37. A fantastic woven background for this journal page and I love the one with Frida and her butterfly wings.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I'm on a weaving trip! Hugs!


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