Monday 30 November 2020

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend in spite of the general situation at the moment. We just have to get through this! 

Today I am showing a piece which was not exactly a success, perhaps I should have concentrated more on the painting and less on the TV programme I was watching at the same time, which caused me to forget something....I painted the picture after watching a video from the Art Sherpa, and was feeling quite pleased with it, until I noticed that I had forgotten the legs on one of the birds....As you can see, the bird on the right now has its little legs dangling, so I painted a little twig coming from nowhere so he could rest his feet....But it does have birds on it, so I can link to Wendy's 'birds' them at AJJ:

This evening is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang who visit here.
My fave drink is always coffee or cappuccino:

I baked some raisin scones, but they didn't live long:

My kitchen cabinets are old and shabby, so I have various posters, pictures and postcards on the doors to liven them up a bit:

And these nice cows live on top of the cabinets:

Some trees still have some leaves:

Beautiful mornings:

Watching the moon rise:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The bird painting is so cute. If you hadn't pointed out what you thought was a mistake, no one would have noticed. The scones look so good, and I love the coffee theme of your kitchen. Awesome photos as usual. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ, coffee is important for me! Have a great week!

  2. Nice save on the bird art! The scones look delicious. Beautiful photos as usual.

  3. I actually quite like these cheeky birds. They looks like they are dancing to some music. I loves the cows, including your mug. The scones look yummy, and I bet they vanished like most of the pies I made for Thanksgiving. And that is smart to cover your cabinets. My cabinets are old also; they aren't bad but some of them don't close tight. I painted them 6 years ago but they are worn in some spots. I hope you had a nice weekend and your week starts out great. Happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Funny how freshly baked stuff just disappears, isn't it? Perhaps I will paint my cabinets one day, they need something! Stay safe!

  4. Lovely birds, that little one could have been flying in for a visit. Your cabinet decorations look great.

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I LOVE those cheery little birds, who cares where their legs are?! And your scones look great, no wonder they were quickly gone. Love your kitchen decorations, too, I see a postcard from me in the card collection! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yes, one of your cards is in the collection, well spotted. Take care, hugs to all!

  6. Great post and colours, Love the styles and added goodies of the fab photos. xx

  7. As with most art if you don't point it out the beholder often does not notice. I was so taken with the bright and cheery colours I would not have noticed at all.
    Pictures four and five up from the bottom are super, and so is your man, or hare, in the moon. Which do you see first? I learned that for nearly 60 years I was looking at a different man in the moon, before someone pointed out the real man, and then the hare!
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I see the man in the moon, but I'm mostly more interested in focusing the camera! Have a great week, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Your "love birds" are gorgeous, and your raisin scones ... OMG! My mouth is watering here! LOL
    Have a very nice and healthy week! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. The raisin scones were delicious with quark! Have a good week!

  9. A lovely bird page Valerie, and I love your cupboard decorations. Wonderful photos too.
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  10. Happy and fun birds - such interesting shapes and the BEST color. Seems to be a happy mistake as it adds more interest to the already very interesting scene. Cute, cute cute. I always have shows playing in the background and the good ones are always distracting (actually quite rare that they are more distracting but it happens - lol). Love how you cheered up your cabinets - the coffee saying are fun and speak to me as I too love coffee. The scones are actually the star but then you food is always lovely art. Wish I would have been there to have one with you. Lovely pictures - the moon is amazing. Many hugz, Valerie.

    1. Thanks so much Nancy! I wish you could have been here, too, we would have pigged out on scones and coffee galore, yummy! Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  11. I think it’s adorable. I love the colours.

  12. Good morning Valerie: These are wonderful little birds, sort of like apples with wings! As for the minor omission, had you not drawn our attention to it, no one would have noticed, and it now looks integral to the piece. I am sure that the signed original will fetch a pretty penny on the art auction scene! And there surely is a market for numbered prints, greetings cards, notepaper etc. If ever I need a logo designed I will know who to come to! This morning I have a followup appointment with my eye surgeon, at 8:30 am and I am sure he will confirm that everything is going well. I now have laser vision to view Valerie's art and birds at a distance. What a great double benefit! After the delight of the Harlequin Ducks on Saturday morning, Miriam and I watched a gorgeous female Snowy Owl for about a half hour yesterday so it has been a good weekend. Last night for dinner we made parmesan chicken, with pasta and marinara sauce, and a sautéed mix of vegetables (onions, mushrooms, red and green peppers and a jalapeño to give it a bit of a jolt), all washed down with a delightful Italian Doppo Primitivo, a fine end to a fine day! Your postcards on the cupboards are delightful and perhaps each one evokes a specific memory for you. Better than looking at grungy old doors anyway. I am nit surprised that coffee is an important part of the theme. And speaking of which, the coffee is ready in the kitchen. Let me go and get a cup, and before long I will have to get dressed and leave to see Dr. McQuaid. Until tomorrow, hugs and kisses from David.

    1. Hi David, good morning to you! You are up early as always. Good luck at the doctor's, but I'm sure all will be well. Glad you like my 'apples with wings'!Your dinner last night sounds wonderful, very inspiring, but I'm sticking to cheese omelette for my lunch today as I don't have much else in the fridge just now, and it will be washed down with cola light, not delicious Italian wine! Anything put on the cabinet doors has to improve them, they were so ghastly! It's cold and frosty here today, I already had my walk, and after lunch it will be playtime for me with some painting in the kitchen. And a good supply of coffee to keep my remaining brain-cell ticking over! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you and Miriam!

  13. Love those birds, it looks as if they are having a really good conversation. Thank you for so many entries for my bird theme.
    hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, wonder what they were talking about? You did well this month, hope you can relax a bit now!

  14. I love this painting, the red really stands out. So cute. Have a great day. hugs Anesha

  15. Your bird painting is really sweet, I wouldn't have noticed if hadn't mentioned the one's feet.
    great posters for your cabinets and I Love your cows. beautiful photos-Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Have a great week and Happy T Day!

  16. Love your birdies and the cows!

  17. Man, you do love coffee, don't you? Lol.

    1. Now, I wonder why you would think that?! Have a great week!

  18. Thanks, they were very good indeed!

  19. Your bird painting is gorgeous Valerie, I love the bright colors and the birds are adorable! Your scones look delicious and your wooden cows are so cute.
    Take care and have a nice week.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, the scones were really good. Have a great week, stay safe!

  20. Oh my goodness, so much joy in your post! I love the full moon - for us it is tonight at dark and my grandaughter is waiting for the Beaver Moon! Your red and aqau painting is just so bright and refreshing - super sweet! I knew were were good friends as I always love your coffee and it's my favorite drink, too! Your whole blog always make me smile - I love your walks about town and posting your photographs of daily living. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. We spend so much time at home it's sometimes good to share it . Have a good and safe week, take care!

  21. I thought I would get here early, but it appears I'm still running behind. Your little birds are adorable. I was surprised when I saw you left legs off one of the birds and how easily you were able to correct your mistake, or as I would call it, a floportunity. It's a great way to end Wendy's month at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I love your take on coffee and the wonderful signs that cover your old cabinets. They are so homey and fun. Thanks so much for sharing your own cappuccino and coffee with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    Loved the cows on top of your cupboards and on your mug today, too. Of course, I also loved the moon shots you took, including the last fully moon photo. Stay safe and warm, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, Coffee holds body and soul together and sometimes old cabinet doors too. Have a great week!

  22. Those look like enthusiastic birds :) I like their spirit. I like the colorful cow on top of your cabinet. His head cocked, and I'm liking that pose :) Your morning clouds are gorgeous!

    Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks, the colourful cow is Nelly, she's fun! Happy T Day!

  23. I like the silly birds in the painting AND the real birds silhouetted against the sky.

    be well... mae at

  24. I see happiness in your art with the red and blue. Your little Branch as a great idea.
    I love your photos!!!!

    Hugs 🐦

  25. Love the bird painting but that cow mug is the best! So fun.
    Happy Tea Day,

  26. darling birdie art- no matter the legs:):) I love how you decorate your cabinets with amusing things to look at.
    beautiful photos as well!
    Happy T day!

  27. Wonderful artwork and photos. Your scones look delicious. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne, I think I will bake more tomorrow! Have a great week!

  28. Your dancing birds are so adorable! (I wouldn't have noticed the legs mishap, but kudos to you, that you were able to 'repair' the damage.)
    The photos are beautiful.Especially the sunrise.
    What a good idea to put posters on your kitchen cabinets.I love the blue coffee cups with the song. Also your funnies/wise words. I can't read all of them (too small) but of those i can read, I identify with a few of them (think nurse and also dirty windows). Anyway they made me smile, so thank you. I'm a bit grumpy today and fed up with being told what to do.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. That Lisca. I think we are all fed up with being regulated, but it's not over yet! Glad you like my funnies, they always make me smile! Have a good week, take care!

  29. I LOVE a cow... thanks for them today! You would be fun to visit and walk around town with... wish we were close enough to do that!

    1. Oh yes, I think we would have BIG fun! Happy T Day!

  30. Very cute page, Valerie. I thought the little bird on the right was just sitting down (wink). They're adorable. So is your "moo" mug.

    Gorgeous sunrise shots! And the full moon - wow!

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

  31. Such beautiful artwork! Those little red birds are super fun and I'm loving all your amazing photos too, the sunrises and moon look stunning 😀. Perfect drinks related art and quotes for T Day too, sending you very Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
    p.s. sorry I haven't been visiting lately, last week I was suffering with bad migraines and couldn't cope with the brightness of the laptop screen so no blogging for me - boo hoo! I'm still not a hundred percent so I probably won't be able to catch up on all the posts I missed, many apologies. xx

    1. Thanks Jo. Main thing is you feel better now, other stuff is not so important. Look after yourself !

  32. I love your happy birds, no way would I have noticed the birds legs if you hadn't mentioned it. Your kitchen looks lovely, I would far rather have a lived in happy room than a showroom one. Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

    1. Yes, happy rooms are the best! Have a great week!

  33. I love the idea of dressing up your cupboards! What a great idea and it's fun to see what you are liking!

  34. Your scones look good ...

    All the best Jan


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