Monday 16 November 2020

T sTands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have all enjoyed your weekend.  I have another lupus flare up just now and am having to swallow lots of cortisone tablets again, which I don't like, but sometimes it's necessary. My fingers are very painful and so I can't write much just now.

The new challenge at Tag Tuesday is pets, and this time I am hosting, so hope to see lots of you joining us there with your tags. The challenge goes live at 8 pm this evening:

Today is also time to celebrate Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, which begins Monday evening. As all  cafes and restaurants are closed now, I have pictures from 2 particularly decadent cafes visited last year, where there was coffee and cappuccino and cake in plenty;

I am looking forward to the time when we will be able to enjoy these delights again!

Some photos from last week's walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry you are having another flare up, this seems to be the time of year for it doesn't it? Hope the meds kick in quickly, in the meantime take things easy and get plenty of rest. Love the tag, reminds me of Blodger and Kitty! Lovely photos, too, I would like to try some of those cakes, yummy! Have a good day, stay safe! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I am going to rest as much as possible! Your Blodger was a sweetie, and he adored my Kitty, that's true! Have a great day!

  2. Hope the flare-up isn't too bad and goes away quickly! Wishing you all the best. The cakes look soooooooo delicious. I'm looking forward to enjoying them again, too, when I can visit Italy again. Stay safe and see you at Tag Tuesday. Pets is a great theme. :)

    1. Thanks a lot. Those cakes were wonderful! We can all look forward to better times to come!

  3. Hope you get well soon VJ..

    Some great art work..
    You have made me crave for cakes now :)

    1. Thanks Ashok! Seeing cakes like that makes one want them that's true!

  4. Ah, sweet memories of last year. I love the pumpkin colour on someone's scarf. I have some Dunoon mugs, designed by Susan Branch. Nice and big, and comforting to hold. I do hope your flare up goes soon, it's horrible.
    Hugs, Deb

  5. Hi Valerie. I have been having a catch up and enjoyed seeing your photos and fantastic a art pieces, it has been good to escape for a while. I hope your health flare up is improving and the pain easing.
    Take care and look after yourself
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It will take time, but I'm sure it will get better. Look after yourself, Hugs!

  6. Good morning, I love your tag-so sweet, and I am sorry Valerie about the pain again and steroids are awful aren't they? I used to have take that allot when my asthma got real bad.
    Enjoyed all the bakery photos, and those pretty coffee mugs. Allot of bright green in some of the photos-loved the boat-Happy Monday and T day hugs Kathy

  7. So sorry you have another flare up. Hope it settles down soon. Love your tag, so adorable. Wish I could be doing coffee out, hopefully in another few weeks. Have a good day. Hugs Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha. I miss going for my coffee these days. One day it will hopefully be possible again! Stay safe!


  8. I wish you much health. Beautiful work with a cat and a dog. I hope everything will happen soon
    bad will end.

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Yes, the sun will shine again, we must hold tight to this thought! Stay safe and well!

  9. Damn those fingers! I am amazed that you have the ability to even put this blog together, let alone start work on new craft ventures. Many people look forward to cold weather with less than enthusiasm; for you, Valerie, it must verge on dread. The visions from past visits to cafès and restaurants are very appealing indeed, and it makes me wonder when we will ever be so carefree again as to step inside on a whim, to sit with others, exchange a few pleasantries perhaps, and sip coffee and eat decadent cakes and pastries. Somehow it seems a world of fantasy. I hope that the vaccine arrives swiftly and is effective. Only then it seems to me will we be able to get back to anything near normal, when we can book a trip and know that we will be able to take it, get on the bus without a feeling of dread, have friends over for dinner. I have had to cancel my upcoming series of outings to the North Shore of Lake Ontario, since both counties we would have visited have been declared red zones, and people are urged to stay at home other than for essential purposes. Cataract surgery for me tomorrow. I am glad it has not been cancelled; I suspect that elective surgery in in jeopardy once again. We are thinking of you. Love from Miriam and me.

    1. Hi David! Yes, I'm not happy with ma fingers just now, bad can type with my thumg and middle finger on the left hand, and my small finger on the right, I'm quite proficient already! I miss my daily café visits, that was a little bit of social contact and warmth, and it's sad that it's not possible just now. I hope very much that a vaccine will soon be ready and will help, but I'm afraid we're in for a rough ride before then. Sorry you have had to cancel your trips. I wish you lots of luck for the cataract surgery tomorrow, you will be able to see like an eagle when it's done and dusted! Take care, big hugs to you and Miriam!

  10. I'm so sorry you don't feel well!
    Here the rules will be relaxed starting Wednesday! YES! The libraries and the museums will be open again ... I missed that so terribly!
    Let's hope the medication will work well and you won't have any more pain!
    You go girl! You rock! ♥️

    1. Thanks Ella. Hope all goes well over there when the rules are relaxed. Look after yourself! Hugs!

  11. Really cute tag. I’m sorry to hear you are having so much pain. I hope it is better soon.

  12. LOVE the tag and the new theme Valerie, but so sorry to hear your lupus is acting up. I've been researching my hives after 3 continuous years and one of the causes is lupus. Let's see what the doctor sys next month. They had to cancel my Nov. appointment since someone in office got Covid and they had to close down for 2 weeks. Those coffee shops do look decadent. But too yummy. I would have to visit many days or pick more than 1 as it would be hard to decide what to enjoy. And good thing for walking too-both for photos and walking off some of those calories. Please take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Lupus can cause many and varied Symptoms, so get it checked out when you can. Have a good week, stay Safe!

  13. Adorable tag and all of those desserts have me drooling over here. I sure hope you are feeling better soon Valerie. Hugs!

  14. I hope the flareup passes quickly at least you know what it is how to manage it. That is the cutest tag and most delicious coffees and cakes. Is that an eye on the tree trunk, great shot.

    1. Thanks Christine. The eye was watching me! Have a great day!

  15. Sorry you are having another flare. Ink on the tag! So cute! Oh, the bakery cases! Just looking at them is heaven. Love the blue skies you captured on your walk. Take care

    1. Thanks . I thought you would like Ink! Have a good week!

  16. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your lupus flare up. I hope you heal quickly. Love your photos of the coffee and the treats.

  17. Oh my-I do hope you are better now. That is hard when even your fingers hurt. I love your tag-it's adorable.

  18. I am sorry to read you are still having lupus flare-up problems. I hope the cortisone helps.

    What an adorable tag. I am truly going to try to enter again this fortnight. Two in a row is often hard. You KNOW who I'll feature, don't you? I love your cat and dog, though.

    What struck me about your photos today is how GREEN everything still is in your world. Here everything is brown. It's like someone has sprayed green on all that grass in your photos.

    Oh for the times past when it was easy to pop into a restaurant and have a bite to eat or, in your case, lovely cake with your cappuccino. I think we might see those times again, soon, but not THAT soon, I fear. Thanks for sharing these wonderful mugs (LOVED the teeth and music ones), your tag, your beautiful photos, and your cappuccinos and cakes with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. This is the time of year where I often get a flare up, so I'm taking those ghastly meds and hoping they will soon kick in. I wonder who will be on your tag, I'm thinking hard....We've had rain so the grass is green, no snow yet! Have a great week, take care!

  19. Awww, such a sweet and happy pair in your tag. Those delectable pastries look irresistible! I know you're looking forward to going back. I'm enjoying your Autumn scenes. I'm sorry about your flare-up and hope you get better soon. Happy T Day!

  20. Be well real soon Valerie xx
    Eating with our eyes at all those delicious pastries, and also the coffee looks so nice too.
    Lovely scenery.

  21. Great tag, and wonderful photos Valerie.
    Take care.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, have a great day! Hugs, Valerie

  22. Valerie I am so sorry you are flaring. As you know I also share my body with lupus so I know what you are going through. I will light a candle and send healing energy to you. Your pet post is excellent and all of those pastries. Yummmm. Get some rest and take care.

    1. Thanks Nicole! Healing energy sounds good! Have a good week, stay safe!

  23. Adorable tag and I love the striped background! Fabulous photos, all of the food looks delicious. Take care, I hope you heal soon.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, those cakes were all very delicious! Take care!

  24. Love the pug tag. Wow those cakes look amazing!! Hope the fingers improve soon, lovely walk photos. Take care and keep safe.

  25. Those chocolate cakes look divine!

    I hope you will soon be feeling better, and that you and all the world will soon be able to open up again.

    be safe!... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, those cakes were divine - not something for everyday, but wonderful!

  26. I'm sorry to hear about your lupus flare-up, Valerie - both the pain and the cortisone. I just tapered off corticosteroids that I'd been on for over two years. It's such a relief. I hope your flare is short. I'm sending healing energy.

    Terrific tag! I love the striped background and I love pets. I've never heard of Dunoon mugs; but I loved them at first sight. They must cost a lot.

    Those chocolate cakes are very tempting. My sister made sachertorte. She also stretched her own strudel pastry and taught me how. Happy memories. I hope that visiting "decadent" places like those won't be just memories we hold. It's hard to imagine what the world will be like when/if COVId is conquered.

    You also manage to take your walks and beautiful photos, despite all obstacles. You inspire me.

    Happy T-Day nevertheless! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Being able to make delectable cakes and pastries is a talent. Thanks for the good wishes!

  27. sory to hear about your flare up- I hope it doesn't last much longer and your discomfort eases .
    What's not to love about pets...great new theme and art!
    And oh my... those bakery/pastry shops with all they offer would do me in for sure!!Not typically a person for sweets, but oh those European goodies....
    And I'd love any one of those coffee mugs- tall or short. Happy T day, and be well!

    1. Thanks Linda!Glad you like the new theme! Have a great day!

  28. Lovely tag. I'm sorry to hear your lockdown has become more stringent. Cases are starting to go up again here in Connecticut US, so they reduced restaurant capacity from 75% back down to 50%, but they are still open. (I'm not risking going to them, though.) Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. Things are bad here just now, so I just hope it all helps. Happy T Day!

  29. Sorry to hear about your hands, I hope that you aren't in too much pain and that you are better soon! Your tag is such fun, love the stripey background with the cute images 😁. Wow, all those cakes are so tempting! I so enjoyed the walk too, so lovely to see the Rhine and the paths and walkways this time of year - beautiful! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  30. So sorry to hear about your flare-up, Valerie. I hope it eases soon. I know -- I hate the cortisone too, but it does help. Maybe the sweet treats will help too -- they look wonderful!

  31. I am so sorry to read about your lupus flare-up. I hope the medication kicks in and helps very quickly.

    Lovely art and photographs.
    Oh to go into a coffee/tea shop!
    Hopefully that will be allowed again soon.

    All the best Jan

  32. So sorry to hear that you are dealing with a Lupus flair-up. Lupus can be so debilitating. I hope that your pain diminishes and that your mobility improves.
    I love the window displays. Especially the porcelain mugs. The anatomy of a tooth mug is especially interesting. I can't imagine the average person walks in off the street and says, "I'll take the tooth mug, please."
    All those sweets look delicious! Here's hoping all this craziness will be over soon so we can get back to enjoying things like sharing a dessert with friends.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I had to smite at the tooth mug, too! Let's hope for the best that we can lead normal lives again soon. Stay safe!

  33. Oh I'm so sorry you're having a flare-up again of the dreaded Lupus. And being back on the cortison again, which is something you don't like, I know. Lets hope they work their 'magic' soon.
    I enjoyed the photos, especially all those goodies. You had me reach for the chocolate just by looking at your photos.
    The mugs are beautiful, especially the Dunoon ones. Although I don't fancy a mug with intimate details of my teeth....
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, I am trying to Stay hopeful, too! Chocolate can be very inspiring!

  34. Darling tag!!!!! Super fun shops, drinks and sweets pictures - all look so wonderful! Hope you feel better soon!!!! I love those cups from England - wow! Hugz

    1. I went and ordered one of the cups - so cool!

    2. Thanks Nancy, good for you, they are gorgeous! Have a good week, hugs!

  35. Oh Valerie! I hope the meds kick in soon. The cold weather certainly doesn't help either! At least not going out is keeping my arthritis in my toes and knee at bay for now! You really have pleased me so much by showing your decadent coffees and cake displays. I don't eat many cakes these days but I can still enjoy looking and these displays are spectacular!! I am going to try and join in with Tag Tuesday this time, samples almost done! Love your header and that cute puppy really does make me smile! Wishing you much better soon! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Those cakes were dark, delicious and decadent!

  36. Super Tag grandson has just bought a French Bull Dog puppy today, he is just so gorgeous.xx


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