Monday 9 November 2020

T sTands for This and That on Monday

Hi Everybody!

I was very relieved to hear the election news from the USA at the weekend. This has really given new hope to the world, and I am happy for all friends and family over the pond.

I am starting early with my T post as I have a busy day on Monday with various appointments.

I painted a crazy piece last week, don't ask me what it's all about, I don't know. I started it after spilling a lot of white paint over a background in my journal, and I doodled away to make the best of it. This is also my entry ticket for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday and Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ. And I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here:

And a real cup of cappuccino:

Some photos from a walk through the woods a couple of weeks back:



  1. There are worse things than Spilling white paint! You recovered well. Gorgeous photos!

    1. Thanks. It would have been worse on the floor! Stay safe!

  2. Love your post and that coffee smiling is awesome. x

    1. Thanks, I smile like that when I see my coffee! Stay safe!

  3. That spill turned out to be a good thing as this page is so creative and fun! It really made me smile. I love her expression and that coffee cup on her head-how fun! And even your smiling cappuccino is great to see. I think we are just happy with election results-I have a nice feeling of relief from the negative. And you had a beautiful walk in the woods. Autumn is such a lovely time to enjoy a woodland walk. Happy early T day Valerie. Hope you have a nice day Monday-even if it is a busy one. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I don't mind busy days, as long as its organized chaos, it's okay. Have a good start in the week! Stay safe!

  4. Great save with the spill! I'm so touched by the support we have received from all over the world. The bad thing for us here is we still have a high percentage of people who actually voted for that idiot. It's mind boggling!

    1. Thanks Martha. Yes, it makes you wonder, doesn't it! And no he's still not giving up, but behaving like a spoiled kid! Stay safe!

  5. What an amazing save. I love this nature inspired abstract face with the coffee cup balanced on its head. I especially love the way the birds became part of the face. this is genuinely beautiful. Thanks for sharing this at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's theme and thanks for taking it to yet another level by sharing it with us for T this soon to be Tuesday.

    Thanks for your good wishes for our election outcome. I have high hopes, too. I also love the leaves you shared your walk. You gave us some beautiful photos of changing nature in your world.

    1. Thanks E. Glad you liked my crazy page. The woods are beautiful in autumn. Stay safe!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling okay and that you slept well. I'm up before the kids, I like to sneak in a quiet hour if I can. I love your crazy piece, such fun, well done. Beautiful photos from the woods. Were you in Duisburg? Take care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Good morning to you, too! Yes, the pics were taken in Duisburg. Glad you like my crazy piece - something different! Have a great day, stay safe!

  7. Isn't a woodland walk just the thing to restore our spirits when we are world weary?
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, a woodlamd walk is always good! Stay safe!

  8. I really enjoy "our" walks together. You have such a good eye for taking meaningful photos. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Fonda, nice to have company on my walks! Have a great week!

  9. It amazes me, Valerie, that you can continue to create these pieces with necrotic spots on your fingers, causing great pain. There must be a good deal of mental and physical fortitude involved. I admire both your will and the results of your labours. Your walks through autumn woodlands, with water present, and along the Rhine must be therapeutic and I have no doubt that you look forward to them. I can only imagine what a fine time we would have walking together were it only possible, observing and discussing nature along the way, looking ahead to coffee at the end of the walk. I don't think I have had a cappuccino since the pandemic caused the shutdown of so many restaurants. I could still get one to take away, but it's not the same as enjoying it in the restaurant, the weather here continues ridiculously warm. It's great for human comfort, but I am sure is wreaking havoc with the environment and the circadian rhythm of animals that should be hibernating. Take care, stay strong. Hugs and kisses, David PS Since we talked about Beethoven I have been on a bit of a Beethoven binge. Today the Violin Concerto in D Major is on the menu!

    1. Thanks David! Life is not easy just now, i many respects, but I have no other option apart from carrying on as usual. Today I finally got my new passport, I applied in August! The wheels on her Majesty's government turn slowly at the best of times - unless they're collecting money, of course - but this was really a very long wait. And information with it telling me how and where to sign it, in case I couldn't find the dotted line. And as they have placed holograms and foils over the phota - which is shown 3 times, twice in b/w and once in colour, I look like a wild haired old hag on the way home from a Fright Night party! All that money for that! Here is very mild outside, too, I even saw wasps going about their buzzyness! I have a lovely coffee machine which makes me beautiful cappuccino, so it's always possible here. Glad you have been hearing Beethoven, music really has healing powers. I'm so happy that Biden won the elections, and wonder what mischief Trump will now get up to! Have a good and safe day, take care, hugs to you both!

  10. Gorgeous photos Valerie-I loved them all so beautiful and your I really like your latest art piece too-Happy Monday and T Hugs Kathy

  11. I better drink a lot of coffee then ~ great quote! More beautiful fall pictures to enjoy too ~ Have a great week!

    1. Coffee drinking is the way to go! Have a great week, stay safe!

  12. Yeah when the world is crazy, drink cappuccino. Yours looks great!

  13. I LOVE your art piece. Love the design and the flowers.

  14. I mean the flower in your piece, and the leaves. Very nice!

  15. Hi Valerie :) Your walk photos are beautiful, so nice to have such a lovely spot to be in Nature!! I LOVE your crazy piece!!! So neat!!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, it's good to have nice places to walk. Have a great week, stay safe!

  16. A lovely fun page Valerie, I must try to see if when I spill paint I do it in my sketch book.

    1. Thanks Wendy, you have to know how to spill properly!

  17. What a great way to save your page. I love how the birds turn into the leaves on the vine. While things here in the US are still topsy turvey, how can anyone not smile back at your cappuccino. As always, I enjoy the photos of your walk. So calming

    1. Thanks CJ, I hope things soon get back to normal soon. Take care!

  18. This is fabulous Valerie, such a happy piece, it just puts a smile on my face. I've never taken such an interest in a US election as I have this time, and thank heavens for the result! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The election this time has been a real thriller. I'm so happy that Trump is now well and truly on the way out!

  19. What a great page Valerie, I love your cute drawings! Stunning photos as always.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like it! Have a good and safe week!

  20. It's been a very grey dreary sort of day in my part of the UK today, so it was lovely to see your photographs.
    Loved your art too :)

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  21. Your autumn woodland walk looks very beautiful. I hope you continue with pleasant weather.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it's always lovely walking through woods. Stay safe!

  22. Hope all the appointments go well.
    What a fun and whimsical art page!! And your cappuccino-beautiful to see but I bet much better to drink:)
    Love the autumn photos- the rich colors are actually warming.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, he best part of cappuccino is drinking it. Stay safe!

  23. So many wonderful colors from your walk this week. The fall colors really are beautiful. Your journal page is quirky and fun. I love it.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, the autumn colours are indeed beautiful! Stay safe!

  24. Beautiful fall pictures! And I love your painting. Looks like a crazy gardener to me, trying to tame his wild garden and the flowers in it. Coffee was my choice for T stands for today, too. Have a great day!

  25. Lovely artwork and photos. You have great places to walk. Happy T-Day!

  26. Fabulous artwork, I think the words on your coffee cup summit up nicely 😀. I so enjoyed walking with you today and seeing those beautiful gold and orange fall leaves, such gorgeousness (not sure that's a proper word 😉). Sending you very Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Indeed! It's a great excuse for drinking coffee! Gorgeousness is a good word. My daughter used to say things like 'Gorgeousest' when she was small! Stay safe!

  27. "When the world seems crazy" lol yes, I'm drinking coffee ;)

    Your Autumn colors are gorgeous. Great views, great photos! Happy T Tuesday!

  28. Yes, this allows unlimited Coffee!

  29. Your crazy journal page really makes me smile. Lovely fall photos. I admire how much you get out and walk about.

    I hope all your appointments went well.

    Happy T-Day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! I like walking. The appointments went well, on Friday I get the results. Stay safe!

  30. Wonderful Autumn photos, and a great page Valerie! Coffee looks good too!
    Alison xx

  31. Big spills often result in great art. In your case that is certainly true. It is a really great tag.
    I enjoyed all those beautiful autumn photos. You go on such lovely walks.
    I hope your busy day was OK and that you got everything done on your list.
    I had a 'officialdom' day, where I go from one office to the other sorting stuff out that I have been postponing for a long time. But now I sit down and read all those lovely blogs (with a cup of tea).
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Reading Blogs and drinking tea or coffee ist certainly better than chasing appointments. Stay safe!

  32. oooo the water droplets on the leaf pics... outstanding

  33. Sometimes the best art comes from an accident -- I like this piece a lot! And you have fabulous color there. Isn't this fall beautiful?

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Autumn has been very beautiful here, I've enjoyed it!

  34. Gorgeous photos! Thank you for a wonderful post. Happy Day!

  35. I love this page Valerie! I'm rather pleased you had a paint spill or this would never have happened - such a happy face - must be what's written on the cup...or maybe those birds arriving! Most of the leaves have fallen here so its good to see these fabulous colours! Hugs, Chrisx


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