Tuesday 3 November 2020

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our wonderful Wendy is hosting and has chosen the theme of 'Texture'. You can read more about it on our blog, and see the wonderful samples she has created for our inspiration. I made a very quick and easy tag - time is not on my side just now. The frame for the bridal couple was made with gold embossing paste, the couple is from TH:

And I have an A3 mixed media page for Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ.
The owls were stamped, fussy cut and adhered to the page, as were the circles and squares:

And a selection of birds, large and small, taken at various times to fit in with the bird theme:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What wonderful texture on your beautiful tag and the owl piece is so very charming. Lovely bird photos too!

  2. I love both pieces, and beautiful bird photos too!

  3. I have both of those owl stamps and I love them. You used them well Valerie! This is a great page. And this sounds like a good tag challenge. Nice bird photos too. You have so many to see. Hugs-Erika

    1. Those owl stamps are oldies but goldies in my collection! Have a good and safe day!

  4. Lovely post, a great tag in awesome colours. x

  5. Lovely art VJ.. And some beautiful bird collection

  6. Love your owls! A lot.
    You must have a good camera to get the shots and detail you achieve.

    Stay safe and well! Deb

  7. Thanks Deb! I mostly use my little Sony camera, it has a good zoom for pics. Have a good and safe day!

  8. Two wonderful but different creations. Have a great day. Anesha x

  9. Thanks for all the bird shots, Valerie. The Grey Heron and the Stork are especially handsome. And I see that you slid in some Canada Geese too, as you should of course. Yesterday I saw a couple of a thousand of them on a local lake, where it was cold, windy, raw, with snow on the ground and in the air, but they were stoic and brave! Today we are heading for the north shore of Lake Ontario where we will doubtless see many more, and lots of other interesting species too. I hope your fingers are holding up well during this cold season. I am sure it is a challenge always, but I would imagine that extremes of weather, hot or cold, aggravate the situation. Today is election day south if the border, and I have my fingers and toes crossed that Trump will get a resounding comeuppance and be relegated to the dust heap of history forever. Take care, stay warm, nurse fingers, craft gently, eat soup, drink coffee - and know that someone in Canada thinks of you often. David

    1. Thanks David! Glad you like the birds. Balconia has lots of varieties! How lovely to see all those Canada geese on the like sounds good. And they were stoic and brave as true, Canadian geese should be! My fingers are starting to get painful, I need to wear gloves even at home. Cold always makes them very bad and painful! I'm hoping that it stays peaceful in the USA, that man is not to be trusted in any way. Let's hope all will tun out well! In half an hour it will be veggie soup time, so I'm looking forward to that! Thanks for thinking about me, I'm not feeling so good today. Have fun at Lake Ontario! Hugs to you both!

  10. I love all the birds! So beautiful. I can't get over the variety. Hope you have a lovely and safe week! :)

  11. Wonderful texture on the wedding piece. The owls are my fave though. Enjoy your day.

  12. Beautiful art, I love the owls!
    Lovely bird photos too.
    Alison xx

  13. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Lovely post!

  14. Hi Bill, thanks and have a great week.

  15. Beautiful tag Valerie, the gold embossing paste around the edges is gorgeous and I love the cute owls on your page! Stunning bird photos! Stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

  16. Beautiful birds: long legged, short legged, wet and dry
    Nice tag also

    Happy Tuesday

    Much 💙 love

  17. I like the first art piece. Interesting wedding gown and veil.

  18. I love your art as always (especially the owls) and those spectacular photos -- you are fortunate to see so many different birds, and then capture them so beautifully!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We have lots of birds here, that's good! Stay safe!

  19. Ooo, that attitude. That owl has attitude1 :) Heron? Stork? Great shots!

    1. The owl got the attitude from me! Have a good day!

  20. The tag is beautiful. The piece is fun. And the fowl shots are wondrous.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  21. Wonderful collection of birds, great new tag and I love the owls.

    1. Thanks a lot! Owls are wonderful creatures. Stay safe!

  22. Love your tag,
    Love the owls,
    Love the bird photographs.

    All the best Jan

  23. Very nice tag. I just love that gold embossing paste.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I like it too. Have a great day, stay safe!

  24. was für ein bezauberndes Tag und das Journal mit den Eulen udn Formen so magisch an zusehen, toll deine Kunstwerke wieder.
    All die Vögel die du gesehen hast, super Fotos davon gemacht!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  25. Great textured tag and a wonderful journal page, thank you. Also some lovely bird photos. You must have a really good camera.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I have 2 cameras from Sony, I love them. Bird watching is fun!

  26. Super wygląda ta stara fotografia w nowej oprawie. Sowa to wspaniały ptak , symbol mądrości:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, perhaps we should have owls instead of politicians! Stay well and safe!

  27. The bride and groom starting their life together with so much hope and a bright future. The sentiment of the owl page struck a chord. Thank you for the some calm and hope while US bobs on the water like the seagulls. Take care.

    1. I am hoping and praying that this has a good end, I can imagine hoe all sensible people over there are feeling!

  28. Such a romantic tag! Love the gold frame around the happy couple 😀. Of course the owls caught my eye, they look super on your page! The raven photos are my favourite today as they look so atmospheric! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Glad you like the birds! Have a great day!

  29. Loving the theme and the fabulous texture on your tag. I love your owls and the perch you made for them.
    So many lovely birds in you photos. Take Care, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Ch, owls are always beautiful! Stay safe, take care!

  30. What a cool bird post with your fab creations (love the owls and inspiring words) and the great bird pictures. Your tag is so full of great texture as well. Fun stuff. Hugz


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