Tuesday 24 November 2020

New challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is 'winter wonderland', so time to get creative, perhaps with wintry sparkles or glittering snow. As always, projects of all formats are welcome, 'real' and digital, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. On our blog you can see the lovely, inspirational examples my Teamies made.  I made a hybrid piece, using a snowy photo taken from my balcony with the addition of some elements from Serif:

I am also linking to AJJ, Wendy's bird challenge.

And I have another tag for my pets challenge at Tag Tuesday - a hand painted background with a photo and a digital element:


And sunset by the Rhine:

May your day be filled with sunshine!
Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art and lovely sunrise and sunsets today Valerie!

  2. I love your winter wonderland and your tag too! Gorgeous photos today as well :)

  3. Beautiful verse on your first post and most gorgeous photos and all. xx

  4. das ist wundervoll dein Winterlandschaft kompiniert mit dienen Ausblick auf deinem Balkon und deine Tierbeitrag wie goldig.
    Was für schöne Fotos vom Sonnenuntergang, toll!!!
    Hab einen guten Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, freuet mich dass es dir gefallen hat, bleib gesund!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well, that always helps. Love your winter landscape, and the tag is beautiful. This is a good theme for you! Hope you manage to get everything sorted before your treatment starts. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I did indeed sleep well, and that is always good. Have a wonderful day, hugs to all!

  6. I just love your hybrid piece today. The sunrise and sunsets are amazing.

    Stay safe, hugs, Deb

  7. Beautiful little fairy in your Winter Wonderland!!! And gorgeous sunsets!!! ... and cats! Have a super week Valerie!! ((HUGS)) Helen

  8. A fabulous hybrid piece Valerie! It's a truly beautiful scene! I have my pet stamp ready - samples in the post now so I can play! I love those sunsets - I've forgotten the last sunset I saw - probably at the caravan last year. We don't get much of a sunset these days, since they built houses on the waste ground at the back and the little bit we get in the Summer is through the trees at the side! Take care, Chrisxx

  9. What an amazing example of Winter Wonderland. It is not just beautiful, it's special because you also included a bird for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey. And of course, your tag is wonderful, too.

    Lovely sunset photos. They seem to glow in the setting sun.

  10. Such a magical winter wonderland scene! Loving how you faded the white around the edges and the images are gorgeous 😁. The quotes perfect too, so heartwarming! Wow, those sunrises and sunsets are stunning too. Take care and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo

  11. Your hybrid snow piece is just gorgeous. I love how you used that particular photo and the fairy-they really go together. And nice tag too. Our last dog was a German shepard and he didn't like our orange cat so much but he did like our little brown lady cat. I am sure they are together now.Beautiful sunrise photos too. Hope you're having a good day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Our dog liked all cats, but they didn't always like her! But she got on very well with our Kitty, they were a funny pair!

  12. You have just one challenge after another, both physical and from a crafting standpoint, but you rise to the occasion always. Miriam might tell you that I am a little challenged, or challenging perhaps, but that is another tale entirely! And don't you go there, Valerie! A friend of ours, a farmer, has had an Eastern Screech Owl in one of his barns for a few days, and we might go down to see it today. He is going to check whether it is still there before we drive out and we will not be able to visit as we customarily would. If it has a sheltered place to roost, and an abundance of food it is likely to remain all winter. It will have rodent de jour for dinner every night, fresh too, not previously frozen, Miriam has a new camera and is anxious to try it out, get used to the settings and all of that. And any sighting of an owl is always delightful. I hope your day is wonderful, Valerie, the weather calm, the views good, the fingers well behaved, the coffee hot, the geese elegant, the ducks quacking and you feel the warmth of the hugs wafting all the way from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David. Just got back. Had to go into town on the tram, had appointments to get my hearing aid repaired and at the optometrist's for a new pair of glasses, so that was the whole morning gone! So, you are a bit challenging, huh - I would never have guessed it. And Miriam has a new camera, sounds wonderful, I hope she is able to have a good play later when you visit the screech owl, and am looking forward to seeing the photos. Rodent de jour sounds appetizing, I've got a chicken and veggie stir fry planned, but first I need to drink a coffee to recover from the journey! I walked trough the Hofgarten and saw lots of birds, swans and geese, they said to say hello to you! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  13. Lovely page and tag, and wonderful sunset photos. Hope all is well with you.
    Hugs Wendy

  14. luv your Gibran snow quote. I also posted again this week

    A Happy Thanksgiving Thursday

    much love...

  15. Beautiful winter page Valerie, I love how you used your own photo and what a fabulous quote! And your tag is so cute, that cat is gorgeous. Love your sunrise photos, so pretty. Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tamm, it's fun altering Photos! Have a good and safe day, hugs!

  16. A fabulous page Valerie, love the cute images against your own background photo, and the pet tag is so sweet. The sunrise and sunset photos are stunning.
    Have a good week, Avril xx

  17. Such beautiful sunrise and sunset photos Valerie, and I love your art!
    Have a good evening,
    Alison xx

  18. Hi Valerie, Bill here, lovely post. Have a great week!

  19. I don't want to see snow said the Grinch. Your sunrise photos are just glorious! Take care.

    1. Hmmm. I like to see snow, as long as I can stay in a warm room!

  20. Beautiful cat :) Have a nice day :)

  21. Your art is always so lovely to look at and enjoy the beauty of the design creation.
    Valerie your photos are extremely gorgeous!!!
    Such detail and composition...wow!!!

    Hugs ☕

  22. Beautiful sunrise and sunset photos Valerie, and your art is wonderful.
    I hope your fingers are feeling better. Keep safe.

  23. Amazing sunrises and sunsets, the colours are so lovely.

    All the best Jan

  24. She's ready for the season with her wooly socks and gloves, wrapped up for winter against a fabulous background, love the shape of those trees. Beautiful words and another fabulous TioT theme. May your day also be greeted with sunshine Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Yes, she's ready for the season, and we all need to read now! Have a good and safe day!

  25. Your sunrise and sunset colors are stunning! Gorgeous!

  26. Beautiful winter wonderland scene.
    I like your sunrises and sunsets photos too.
    Have a nice week.

  27. Love your wintry scene, great photo for the background too


  28. beautiful winter card and i adore the swet kitty. missing my own kitty... xo

  29. Valerie, your Winter Wonderland is beautiful! I agree with the quote - snow is cleaning and adds much beauty. Your background picture is lovely and the extra digital elements make it magical. Fun, fun! Super cute tag and lots and lots of pretty pictures. Love it all. Hugz

    1. Thanks so much Nancy, much appreciated! I'm not a big snow fan but it makes everything look soooo good! Have a great day, hugs!


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