Friday 20 November 2020


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already - where did the time go? 

Today I am sharing another piece made in the Lifebook Taster Course. This lesson was given by Pia Rom, and it was a mixed media collage. This lesson did not resonate with me as some others did, but I tried it, and this was the result, not really satisfactory for me, but at least it's got birds on it so I can link to Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ!

And some more photos from my beautiful Wednesday walk:

This house used to be the home of the Fire Brigade, and is now a bar:

The sign on the roof reminds of its previous usage:

This is the 'Kuh Tor' - Cow Gate. In past times, live stock had to be driven into town through this gate. The grooves in the wall are where the flood gates are set in when the Rhine overflows its banks, which regularly happens:

And this heap of plants is a sort of 'grave marker' for Elvis Presley's Fleetwood cadillac. It was cleared out so that no oil can seep into the ground, and has been left slumbering here  since 1983 to be reclaimed by nature:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art but sorry it doesn't meet your high standards Valerie. Interesting photos and always good to see the sunshine.

    1. Thanks Christine. Not high standards but it wasn't what I was imagining!

  2. I love the art piece! Sorry you weren't happy with it. Beautiful photos as always Valerie :)

  3. I loved everything-Is that really Elvis's car? pretty cool

  4. I like your piece. The colors are pretty, but that is a wonderful thing about art because we don't have to like every technique! And I like how Elvis' car is iss being reclaimed b the earth. That is cool! Happy Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I walk by Elvis's old car everyday, and sooner or later it won't be visible anymore. A good project!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! I think the journal page is very good, I think you just had something else in your head and that makes it difficult to accept! Wonderful photos, too. Have to take Mum to the dentist today - now, that should be fun. Look after yourself, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have fun with mum at the dentist, hope it doesn't take too long and disturb her too much. Look after yourself, hugs to all!

  6. Beautiful designed project and how well you create journals. Thanks for the gorgeous photos. xx

  7. I wasn't smitten with this lesson either. I found I connected with fewer than half the artists this year, one of the reasons {beside the cost} I did not sign up. More power to you for persevering with the lesson, which is more than I did!
    Stay safe, Deb

    1. Hi Deb, I'm so glad you said that - I always feel guilty if I don't like something, so I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I did all of the lessons including those I didn't much like. Have a good and safe day!

  8. Mit dem Cadillac kann mich gut erinnern als ich davor stand und es wächst das grüne darüber.
    Wunderschönes romantische Seite ist das, ich liebe das verträumte daran.
    Tolle Fotos dazu!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Man muss jetzt 2 Mal gucken um es als ein Auto zu erkennen, es ist fast vollständig zugewachsen. Dir einen schnen Tag, bleib gesund!

  9. Oh yes , it's already the weekend...time seems to fly :)

    1. Indeed, the older I get the quicker time passes!

  10. Galloping horses and birds flying! Now there's a way to start the day in style. And with the aid of my drug store reading glasses I can see it all! It's Friday already, Valerie. Hard to believe that another week has zoomed by. There is not much left of the year either. Covid cases are on the rise again here, and it seems that every day one region of the province or another is declared a red zone. At least now we have the prospect of a vaccine on the horizon. Delightful images from your walks along the Rhine and in the other nooks and crannies of your neighbourhood. Who could ever know that Elvis Presley has a car buried in Germany? I wonder if people actually make a pilgrimage to see it? Ironically, I remember exactly where I was when I learned that he had died. I was standing at the top rail of a ferry going from Cape May, NJ to Lewes, DE and leaned over. The fellow below me was reading a newspaper, and the glaring headline announced the event. it's odd how you recall such things, isn't it? And that was a long time ago. Enjoy the weekend coming up. Oh, and I almost forgot to ask, do people call you Val? Twice recently I have received emails from people who have only ever known me as David starting with "Hi Dave." Seems odd somehow. Big kisses, warm hugs, friendly feelings, generous greetings, sincere salutations and everything else that is warm and good de moi à toi. David

    1. Hi David! Glad your emergency glasses are helping you well! The Covid cases are still rising rapidly in spite of the Lockdown, and the ignorant Covidiots are still busy accusing the politicians of being fascists for wanting us to wear masks....It's a sad, mad world. Funny how that memory has stayed so clearly with you over the years. The art group who 'buried' the car did the same with others in Cologne, and there are more cars left rusting in the beer garden belonging to the Burghof retaurant and gallery which are left to wait till 'rust does us part'. Always fun to see! I'll show the photos again sometime, you may not have seen them. A few people call me Val, and I was always called Val at home and hated it, I prefer my name as it is. So, thanks for all the salutations, I'm sending you copious good wishes and hugs, too! Have a fun day!

  11. I like the feeling of your page - things to be thankful for and the running horse - we are all running like the horse every day to the end when we should be like the turtle. Lovely texture and feel and the birds are great too.

    Super pictures too. That Cadillac is super interesting - unexpected and fun. Sad to see it deteriorating though. You find the most amazing things on your walks!


  12. You know that I always enjoy your photos, Valerie! The page is beautiful too!
    And: there is a birthday candy on my blog. Kisses!

  13. I love it. It feels like a fantasy wonderland.
    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.

  14. Nice collage and i luv the various crops.
    Enjoyed your autumn leaf fall trees

    Happy PPF


  15. Oh my goodness, Valerie! Your art is absolutely beautiful. I love everything about it! And WOW! Your photos are amazing - I always love visiting your blog, seeing your beautiful art work and gorgeous photos. I hope all is well with you. Stay safe and healthy. Hugs, Sharon

  16. I especially like that flock of birds rising up into the sky.

    Being in Memphis I'm excited to see Elvis Presley's car memorial. I'm loving that!

  17. A beautiful page Valerie, and your photos are wonderful as always.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  18. I love that horse. So muscular yet so swift. Interesting about Elvis' car.

  19. Although you were not too happy with the result, I really like your art piece :)

    I think you may have had better weather this week than we have, a lovely collection of photographs.

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks a lot, we had changeable weather but it was mostly good. Stay safe!

  20. Beautiful page Valerie, I love how colorful it is and the fabulous quote! Gorgeous photos and what great photo of Elvis car. Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated! That Elvis car is fun, I pass it every day! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  21. Great job on the proportion of the horses.

  22. I don't remember this lesson, Valerie, but if it only involved drawing, I probably didn't watch it. You did an excellent job for not especially caring for the lesson. It's certainly perfect for Art Journal Journey and Wendy's theme.

    Lovely photos today. My favorite was the weather vane. Truly unique and lovely, dear. Happy Friday, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. As I Said, at least it had birds.... have a great day, take care!

  23. For not enjoying the lesson you did an awesome job. I like the fire brigade bar and the weathervane is very cool. Hope you're feeling better. Have a good weekend

    1. Thanks! Still having a lot of health problems. Have a day weekend!

  24. Wonderful mixed media collage ~ love the horse ~ and your photos are awesome ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. Gorgeous page! Love the quote you used and you captured autumn so beautifully on your Wednesday walk too 😀. We've had mixed weather this week, we went walking on Thursday as it was beautiful and sunny, then we've had rain most of today. Wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It's great to have lovely autumn weather. Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. I think you did a beautiful job with Pia Rom's lesson! I love the horse trotting so freely in nature.
    Lots of beautiful photos to admire again as well. My hubby would get a kick out of the Elvis car whereas I much prefer the old homes:) Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I would prefer old homes to old cars, too! Have agreat weekend, stay safe!

  27. Some pretty photos. But I like the texture of bird scene. Birds are something I would like to attempt. Happy Painting.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. Thanks Dora. Birds are fun, give it a try! Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. Replies
    1. Thanks, so glad one of us likes it! Have a nice weekend!

  29. I can feel that your spirit was not into this piece. It is lovely but not all you. Your walks are so exciting and inspiring. Your photos are amazing. Enjoy your day.

  30. Well, I like your page. I like the pretty pastel colours that you have used and then the black against them with the chestnut horse boldly taking centre stage.
    gorgeous photos as always, I especially like the cow gate. Your page reminds me of the many journeys you take us on as you walk in the area around you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  31. This post could e called color play -- gorgeous colors in your art and then those leaves and blue skies!

  32. It may not be a favourite of yours but I love the horse running free with the birds above! Lovely colours on your walk! Hugs, Chrisx


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