Friday 6 November 2020


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all managing to stay fit and well in these difficult times. The time has raced by again this week, and once again Friday has come around more quickly than I thought possible.

Ths week I have been trying to learn to draw with coloured pencils at Ida Anderson's  'Wish upon a star course'. Some of the ladies made really fantastic art, but I tried my best and am not completely dissatisfied with my result, and hope to do some more over the weekend and keep practising:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have a hybrid piece using photos and digital elements for Wendy's birds challenge at AJJ:

And  a few photos:

This morning started off cold and frosty, I love how the mist is over the stream:

It was cold outside waiting for the sun to rise:

It took some time before the mist cleared:

Last week when I was shopping with my neighbour we saw these wonderful clouds as we were going back to his car:

As we drove off it started to rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning - this pic was taken through the car window:

This was my walk from Thursday afternoon, walking towards the setting sun:

The moon from this evening (Thursday):

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Love the stars in her hair! Lovely hybrid piece and photos, yes it is getting colder. Although we are in a warm spell for the next week here. 19C.

    1. Thanks Christine! Winter is coming, that's for sure!

  2. I love your beautiful girl, excellent job! Your other piece is really nice too and the photos today are exceptionally beautiful!

    1. Thanks Martha, so kind of you. Have a great day and stay safe!

  3. Bezuabert sieht sie aus dein Mädchen, toll was du so lernst! Dein Hybridseite sieht so schön aus.
    Schön wie die Wolken aussehen mit ihren rötliche Farbe und der Sonnenuntergang entgegen spazieren ist toll herrliche Fotos sind das wieder.
    Hab ein schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Wir haben schöne Wetter für Fotos momentan, das gefllt mit immer! Bleib gesund!

  4. I think your girl looks lovely, well done :)
    I like your moon photograph.
    We had a fabulous looking moon earlier, but I didn't take a photograph.

    Have a happy Friday, this week seems to have flown by!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! If I see the moon, I just HAVE to go out and take a photo - moon madness! Stay safe!

  5. The girl with the stars in her hair is beautiful and her eyes so mesmerizing. Gorgeous photos, but the sky pictures are the best. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! I'll agree with you there, nothing is so good as sky photos! Stay safe!

  6. Your young lady is enchanting. And your Autumn piece is so warm and inviting. I love your rain photo through the car window.
    Take special care.

  7. I think your colored pencil piece is gorgeous. I don't see any pencil lines, which is always my problem. I like those stars you added in her hair too. And great page for Wendy's AJJ challenge. Those foggy morning photos are super. Another beauty of fall. Have a great FRiday! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you liked both pieces! I love mist and fog, it makes for fantastic photos. Have a great day, stay safe!

  8. Stunning face on here, she is just beautiful.
    Great colours and photos. xx

  9. Hi Val, good morning! I think your girl is absolutely fabulous, and I wonder how you manage to do anything with your painful fingers. This is FABULOUS! I'm proud of you! Hope you are keeping well, all is well here. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you're words do me good, it's a nice feeling that you are proud of me! Have a great day, hugs to all! Stay safe!

  10. I could tell straight away what you've been up to! She's beautiful. I like watercolour pencils, but have no idea what Ida means by waterproof, unless she means regular colour pencils. Lovely misty photos too.
    Enjoy your weekend, and stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Yes, she means 'normal' coloured pencils, ones that aren't water soluble. Have a good and safe day!

    2. Thanks, I thought that's what she meant, but you never know! I think I have a set of normal ones, but most of my pencils are water soluble.

    3. I like working with both, when my fingers aren't too painful. Have a fun day!

  11. Well Valerie your *Trying my best* pencil face looks pretty amazing to me. She looks so confident you've captured her posture perfectly, so pretty. Confidence is the key with permanent pencil although we can't rub it out remember we can always cover up any blips with something. Lovely hybrids, hoping to take a breath for some me time creativity this weekend. Today started off misty & cold but the sun is breaking through now, looks like a nice dry day ahead. Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I've always liked working with coloured pencils, just find it hard to hold them these days! Hope you find lots of creative time at the weekend! Stay safe.

  12. She's really lovely - and with such life about the eyes. I have many coloured pencils and don't use them nearly enough. I'll make sure they are more easily accessible in the next craft room!! I love your hybrid window frame, full of autumnal atmosphere and as ever your extraordinary skyscapes have me sighing with pleasure... and the moon!!! Have a lovely weekend.
    Alison x

  13. What a beautiful young lady you have created. Yesterday Ludwig and today a svelte beauty with sparkles in her hair. If Beethoven had only found such a gorgeous companion he might have been a happier man. It's hard to imagine his music could have been any more glorious, however. Yesterday was seventeen degrees here, and we completed all the final nest box cleaning and restoration and winterized them wherever necessary. High scale accommodation is now ready for the screech owls to move in with fresh wood shavings on the floor. We take care of our birds! Lovely shots, as always, of your meanderings along the Rhine. Looks like we are in the cusp of a Biden victory in the USA, much welcomed of course, but it is probably not going to solve so many underlying issues in that country. There has been a huge spike in applications from the US from concerned Americans wishing to move to Canada. Have a great day, Valerie. David

    1. Perhaps Beethoven preferred music....Sounds Like you had a busy day too with mucking out the nests and getting everything ready for winter. I hope things go well for Biden, I don't trust Trump or his brainless, moronic supporters. I can really understand people wanting to move to Canada. I had a long and sunny walk today, very enjoyable. Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs to you both!

  14. Such a gorgeous lady! I love the colours and she looks so magical with the stars in her hair - beautiful 😁. The hybrid window is fabulous too and so, that moon photo is just wonderful! Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The moon has me in its magic just now, can't stop taking pics! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  15. Ahh I am doing the same course as you, I hope my piece turns out as lovely as yours has. Its beautiful. x Your Hybrid window is super and I love all the photos, Stay Safe, Hazel (Didos) x

    1. Hi Hazel, the course is fun, isn't it. I hope to see your pic when it's done. Have a great weekend!

  16. Your lady is stunning. Her eyes are captivating. Well done.

    1. Thanks Teresa, the course was fun! Stay well!

  17. That girl has such beautiful eyes. Glad you got into the car before the storm hit.

  18. "Fit and well" is a good thought, isn't it, and I appreciate the encouragement. It's election week, though, so that's where I am lol

    I love you star-haired lady. I love the colors! The birds in that window are a delight. Bird-watching through my window is a constant comfort to me. Those pink clouds are magical! Your moon photo is an inspiration. I think I need a cell phone upgrade just for a better camera ;)

    1. Thanks. For the moon close ups I always use my big Sony. Stay safe!

  19. The moon has been beautiful lately, lovely photos Valerie!
    Your lady is gorgeous, and I love your hybrid art too.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. This has been a fantastic moon week. Stay safe!

  20. oh! she's so pretty. So so so pretty. The freckles, the stars in her hair... all of her.

    1. Thanks LeeAnna, I had fun drawing her. Happy PPF!

  21. your portrait is beautiful Valerie! And your digital bird window is so fun. Gorgeous photos of the season and that glorious full moon!

    1. Thanks Linda! This is such a beautiful season. Stay safe!

  22. I bought an online coloured pencil course. It was lots of fun
    Luv that smooth finish you got

    Happy you dropped by my blog today


    1. Thanks Gillena. Online courses are really fun. Stay safe.

  23. Gorgeous art work ~ She is beautiful and lovely photography too ~ so creative!

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol! Have a great weekend. Stay safe.

  24. Wow Valerie your pencil drawing is amazing! The little touches of white really bring her to life! Your hybrid piece is wonderful too (as they always are!) Take care and have a happy weekend xx

    1. Thanks Sue, you have a great weekend, too. Stay safe!

  25. It was cold and misty here today too. You are doing very well with the coloured pencils.

  26. You get the best moon shots.
    Have a great weekend.

  27. Your coloured pencil lady is beautiful, such pretty eyes. Your hybrid piece is wonderful too. Great walk and moon photos. Looks like you got ot the car just in time.

    1. Thanks a lot! We really just reached the car before the rain came down! Stay safe!

  28. Gorgeous lady Valerie, so colorful with beautiful eyes! Fabulous photos, your walk towards the setting sun is stunning! Enjoy your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy. this has been a great few days weather wise. Have a good and safe weeekend!

  29. Valerie, you should be satisfied. Your girl is beautiful. I attended Ida's course too, but I do not know when I will find the time to play. Kisses, my friend.

    1. I think she'd okay, but I'm not satisfied, I try to do things well! Have a great weekend!

  30. A beautiful face and background, she looks very pensive. Thank you for another entry for my theme.
    Hugs Wendy.

  31. Your girl is BEAUTIFUL! So impressive and well done. Love your hybrid page too. Great clouds, stream, and moon shots. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. The moon is wonderful just now. Stay safe!

  32. Gosh, that is impressive pencil work. I love seeing faces and take such a long time when trying to do a face and get the colours correct using paint but cannot imagine I would do half as well (which isn't much from me) if I was to use pencils. She is beautiful Valerie and `I love her purple and blue hair with the stars in it. A gorgeous piece of artwork with wonderful skin tones. And a lovely hybrid piece for AJJ too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I had fun watching this artist and then trying it myself. Have a great weekend!

  33. Oh Valerie, she is beautiful, loving those stars in her hair. Your hybrid piece is fabulous, I love the idea of an owl looking through the window! You photographs are showing wonderful changes in the season, mists, bare trees and a low sun...Winter is on it's way! I hope you are having a relaxing weekend, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I would love an owl on my balcony! The weather has been good, but winter is definitely on it's way. Have a great weekend!

  34. Beautiful pink clouds! :) Valerie, I think you did a fantastic job on the colored pencils, you lady is very pretty! I learned that the key is as little pressure as possible...and lots of layers! It's a fun medium that I haven't used in a while, but I want to get back to it! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, it was a good course. I Just find it hard to hold pencils with my painful fingers. Have a great weekend!

  35. I'm behind in comments. Lovely art and great photos.

  36. I've never been able to really connect with doing colored pencil work. It's a lot harder than one would think it is! Nice job.


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