Saturday 26 September 2020

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy! Stay safe and have fun whatever you are up to! 

Today I am sharing another A3 journal page for Jo's challenge at AJJ:

The middle part was started a couple of years ago. Now I have finished it. I painted the edges of the page with blue and silver, and then used lots of little scraps cut into small pieces to make a mosaic round the edges. The picture in the middle represents the Rhine and the buildings along it:

Look what I saw when I looked at my plant which has been spending summer outside:

This evening we had some pretty clouds after a windy and cloudy day:

Friday morning started off well:

And in between I had an appointment in Düsseldorf and walked through Hofgarten on my way back home:

Please do not feed:

The Nile geese were having a noisy discussion up on a lantern:

My next post will be on Monday.

Have a good weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow, that is fabulous page. I love the colors and the symbolic buildings of the world around the Rhine. And the texture is amazing too. Those geese on the top of the lamp made me smile. Hope you have a great weekend, whatever you do. And stay safe too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you like it. I had fun playing around. The geese were so loud and funny! Have a great day!

  2. Nd I forgot to say thanks for joining us at AJJ and linking up for Jo'e texture challenge.

  3. That is a great page, wonderful colours and textures.

    Fabulous collection of photographs.

    Enjoy your weekend, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  4. Another fantastic header! These last two headers truly speak to me! Love the ancient, magical look of them!
    Beautiful art again. I do love you touches of sewing and your choice of colors and so much more. You put a lot of thought into your creations
    Love your photos...such beauty captured forever!

    Hugs 🍂☕🍁

    1. Thanks, glad you like the header, it's one of my old books. Stay safe!

  5. lovely header and art page Valerie, so full of texture and colour. Always enjoy your walk photos and morning photos.

  6. Beautiful page and photos. The plant enjoys the outside and flourishes.

    1. Thanks. I put the plant outside because I thought it was over....Have a great weekend!

  7. Fantastic journal page, so creative! As always, love all the photos. The evening sky shots are my favorite today. Have a great weekend Valerie!

    1. Thanks Martha. The sky was especially beautiful yesterday. Stay safe!

  8. I love swans! And your beautiful photos with the geese on the lantern.
    Valery, your page is stunning. Great idea to use the net as a river and the scraps as a mosaic. You always inspire me, my dear friend.

  9. Beautiful page Valerie. Loved all the photos especially the ducks and geese, and cloud photos. Happy Weekend Kathy

  10. Super awesome photos, love all of what you have here, love natured filled page, great stunning work of art as well. Horrible weather here, so windy, vertigo has set in..xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Sorry about the weather, hope the vertigo soon goes away!

  11. Your plant obviously enjoys its time outside... how lovely.
    I think your little house, moon and stars are so pretty, especially with the stitching.
    Love all your photos, its so nice where you live.
    All the best and have an enjoyable weekend too Valerie xx

  12. Good morning Val! Hope you had a good rest and are feeling well today. It looks stormy here, and seems to be a lot cooler. LOVE that beautiful journal page, and how you used all those tiny pieces of mosaic around it. It makes a wonderful frame. Have a great da and stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Here it's much cooler this morning, too, and grey in grey. Good weather to stay home and craft after my walk! Have a good weekend! Hugs to all!

  13. Fabulous page, and even more fabulous sky photos! We must be sharing the same low pressure system, for it's windy across the UK too. I can only imagine what it must be like to see the Nile geese on your walks. Have a great weekend, and stay safe. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! The sky was really wonderful yesterday, today it's shades of grey, and much colder outside - the temperature dropped from 26° to 9°, big difference. The Nile geese are fun, and they always like to find high places, like this lantern! Have a great day, stay safe!

  14. Guten tag Valerie the Vamp: I had not realized that you would have projects started a couple of years ago still waiting to be finished. You are starting to sound more like Miriam every day! I was happy to see the Canada Geese looking nonchalant and regal as indeed they should, ignoring pigeons and lowly humans. Since it is now weekend perhaps you will go and see them again. I have already telegraphed to them that you are a cut above the usual peasantry and that you should be treated with deference and respect, and that a gentle honk of approbation as you walk by would be entirely appropriate. When I next send you a card or other mail, I will include a Canada flag lapel pin so that you will be able to share with the geese your exalted status as an honorary Canadian, duly appointed as such by moi, ambassador at large. The clouds in those German skies are lovely and interesting, and I am quite sure are replicated here somewhere. Isn't it wonderful that some things are universal, that despite distance elemental pleasures can be enjoyed by everyone? I hope that your weekend will be restful, peaceful and relaxing, Valerie. I will be thinking of you. I hope you can feel the COVID-ignoring, closeup hugs I am sending. There is nothing quite like a good hug after all.

    1. Thanks David! The only 'greetings' I've had from the Canada geese up to now were the little 'heaps' they let fall on me....Perhaps a Canada lapel pin would help! Sometimes I start things here, and then somehow they get to the bottom of a pile and hide for months of years, till I do some archaeology ad re-discover them! I think this happens to all of us! Some things are the same all the world over, that's true. I need a quiet weekend, I feel a bit low on energy just now, so a g-slow sounds right! A real hug would be good, haven't had even a handshake for more than half a year, strange! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  15. Your page is stunning and I loved how you represented the Rhine. I wonder what the geese on the lamp post were yelling about? Maybe there were lifeguards yelling at the kids to get out of the water. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Probably marital differences! Have a great Weekend!

  16. eine schöne Seite und die Art ist wieder so fantasievoll!
    Die Gänse sind überall bei dir sogar auf der Lampe. Toll die Fotos vom Hofgarten und vom Morgens die aufgehende Sonne.
    Schönes Wochenende!
    Liebe Umarmung und ruh dich gut aus!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Heute geniesse ich meine Ruhe. Dir ein schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund 💖😁💖

  17. Wonderful piece of art and I really enjoyed the photos today. Coming here is like an outing I can't do in person. Have a great weekend.

    1. At the moment we can only do virtual travel. One day it will be better! Have a great Weekend!

  18. I do love this page! I like the depth and texture and how well it all comes together to make the scene.

    Your sky photos are always a treat :) Those geese found a high perch, didn't they!

    1. Thanks a lot! Nile geese love being up high, on roof tops, trees and tall chimneys.

  19. I love the use of textiles on your page. Gorgeous!
    Thanks for the beautiful comment about my painting.
    Hugs, Teresa

    1. That Teresa. You're Welcome, you deserved it! Have a great Weekend!

  20. Absolutely beautiful mixed media artwork ~ that blue color is awesome ! Fantastic nature photos ~ Autumn is indeed creeping in ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. I'm looking forward to autumn! Have a great Weekend.

  21. Nice landscape images.

    Have a nice weekend too

    Best regards

  22. Wow! Beautiful art and wonderful skies Valerie!
    It's cold, wet and windy here this afternoon! I've given in and put the heating on! At least it was sunny for our walk this morning.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Cold here, too, I'm shivering under a blanket! Stay warm!

  23. Such beautiful art, and beautiful places too in your pictures:)

  24. Love your creativity. The mesh used as water is wonderful. The Page is great. It would seem that life is years worth of waiting for discovery. Blessings are so much better when the lost becomes the found. The beauty hidden over the years is so much more vivid and poignant when seen with fresh eyes. I too love the changing seasons with the unexpected, expected changes. It is good to be back to visit you.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks for the beautiful words, Jim. Look after yourself!

  25. Beautiful photos :) Have a great day :)

  26. Love your artwork!
    Always love to see the birds you have. So funny those geese are way up on that light!!!

    1. Thanks Debra. The Nike geese like to be in elevated places! Have a great Weekend!

  27. Beautiful photos:) have a nice day:)

  28. Simply stunning! Wow, your page is so beautiful with the beautiful colours, different fabrics and stitching 😀. I always love your sewn fabric pages and this is just amazing especially as you have captured the Rhine and houses along it - love love love it! Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Stay safe and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you like it, I had fun making it! Have a safe weekend!

  29. Me gusta la composición de la página del diario, ese azul intenso enmarcada por el mosaico y que te voy a decir de la puesta de sol y el paisaje que nos muestras... absolutamente maravilloso.

    Feliz Fin de semana!!


    1. Muchas gracias, qué tengas tambien un feliz fin de Semana!

  30. Hi Valerie wow love your mixed media page its beautiful and gee i cant get over the colour of the clouds in your photos ,they are so prettty,hope you are well my friend ,take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, the clouds were really pretty, I just had to grab my camera again!

  31. I love the different shades of blue in your art. Just beautiful.

  32. Wow -- the texture on the blue looks like raindrops. The mosaic is really nice! Have a wonderful weekend, Valerie.

  33. Again a very creative art work VJ !

  34. I love this vibrant blue on your work!

  35. Love that blue, starry background effect on your piece.
    Looks like your plant has a pretty bloom coming.
    You got some great shots.
    Hope your day is joyous.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Have a nice Sunday, and a good, new week!

  36. Your Rhine mosaic is really captivating - such texture, so many different materials to catch the eye (and the fingertips) - it's so tactile. Your skyscapes are mesmerising as always - those clouds especially and the Friday morning clarity in the air. Beautiful.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Back in the days when I was teaching we made a huge stitched Rhine mosaic, each kid did one part, and it was very beautiful. The skies are always fascinating.

  37. I love the detail in the art. Very well done.

  38. I love the promise of a bloom ~ How exciting and wonderful ~ Your page is so colorful and full of texture. So many happy birds! ~ Blessings

    1. Thanks Karen, happy birds re better than angry birds! Stay safe!

  39. What a lovely interpretation of your journey along the Rhine. Love the strong colours and the textures, especially the river with that netting type fabric, did you crochet that?
    As usual there are some lovely photographs, you have the ability to capture sky and trees in a most evocative way. Love the ducks on the light.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. That netting was round a present, I just saved it and used it. Have a great evening!


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