Tuesday 22 September 2020

Tuesday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start. Here we had another demonstration on Sunday in Düsseldorf, with an eclectic mix of people who are 'anti' this and 'anti' that - some are against vaccinations, others against things being digitalised, some were militant vegans, others were warning of all the world conspiracies.... Bill Gates is to blame, China is to blame, the governments of the world are to blame etc etc and  none of them  want to wear masks, because Corona isn't dangerous - bla, bla, bla. They were expecting 10000 -15000 people, but less than 5000 came. They did at least try to keep their distance and were peaceful..... I sometimes wonder why so many people are so stupid. 

Anyway, after all that I just needed to make something silly, and have an A3 mixed media journal page with a textured background to share. I'm showcasing another of the strange birds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine , this time the lesser spotted doodle bird. This is a bird which has a keen sense of humour, and its call is 'haha-heehee' :

I painted the circles and doodled the rest, adding a few scraps of paper napkins and some flocked, non-woven material. I am linking to Jo's texture challenge at Art Journal Journey

And I am sharing photos of some of the other winged inhabitants I see here in Balconia on a regular basis:

(I'm wondering if David can name the blue bird on this photo):

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Right? I get that it's people's right to protest peacefully and there are many things to be in an uproar over these days, but at the same time stop the whining already! Protesting a hundred different things at once isn't going to make any difference in anything. I don't even know if half the people know what they are protesting anymore!

    I love your cute mixed media page, it's really adorable. All of your bird photos today are fantastic. I would frame the one with the two ducks together! Have a great week Valerie :)

    1. Thanks Martha. Being able to protest is one thing, but this continual whining about everything and then endangering others is just plain stupid. Have a great day, stay safe!

  2. I needed some of your silly art too. My county is a mess with protesters that are peaceful then the police and outside agitators come in and it is war in the streets. We have the "thing" in the white house and instigates and divides the people. We are being taken over by a dictator right in front of our eyes. It is a scary time over here. Sooo I appreciate your silly art and your photos very much.

    1. Thanks, we all need something to take our minds from this crAziness!Have a safe day!

  3. Hi Valerie oh my I love y ur mixed media work. That bird is so cute and love the quote,well done my friend. Love your pics of the birds you see ,you take such beautiful photos Thankyou for sharing them with us ,stay safe Valerie and take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, glad you like them. Take care, have a great day!

  4. As I scrolled down I saw DVArtist's comment, and it is similar to what I would write. What is it with people these days? I feel like I now understand how Hitler came to power. And that is frightening!!!!! So your happy silly bird is good to see. Balconia on the Rhine sure has some fun species. Thanks for linking up to Jo's texture challenge at AJJ. Hope you have a wonderful first day of autumn. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, the world is getting scary these days, and that makes art is good way to keep ourselves sane. Have a good day!

  5. Beautiful page and wonderful birds!

  6. Good morning from the land down under..... Love the texture on your projects they are super close up and you are a lady of talent, charm and great photography.
    I learnt a lot about Hitler through my dad who was in the Polish army in WWII and my children and grandchildren also heard his stories. Life is one hell of a disaster and it is up to US to try and enjoy what we have ......the beauty of life is still out there and I thank God I have the beauty within my own back yard....my garden, my husband, Monte, and my outdoor pool for summer..... big hugs. xxxxx (I wish the darned Robot thing would leave me alone, every day I have to prove who I am......do I look like a robot?]

    1. Yes, the world is crazy and it's getting more so every day. You are lucky that you have your own paradise where you can be safe. This robot things is bugging me, too, what a stupid and unnecessary thing!

  7. OH wow, love the new blog look! I'm glad your trip was good despites the antis! I look at America sometimes and I am truly frightened at the craziness but just keep the faith! Your work is so colorful and bright! I love the design and of course, all your birdie friends! My granddaughter, Alice, would love to visit with your ducks - she loves them! Hugs! xx

    1. Thanks Kelly. Ducks are indeed wonderful creatures, I love visiting and watching them. Stay safe!

  8. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you slept well. LOVE your beautiful post today, and the exciting new discovery of this fun bird in Balconia! The other birds pics are wonderful, love the duck portraits especially. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I slept well, hope you did, too. Yes, it's fun discovering new species! Have a good and hopefully quiet day!

  9. I respect one's right to protest, heck I've done it myself, but some people make a career out of it, actively looking for something to protest.

    Your bird photos are stunning today, absolutely stunning, and if I might be so bold, I believe the blue bird is actually the lesser red throated chough. lol Love, love, love your doodle bird too. Stay safe and well, have a lovely day, Deb

    1. Hi Deb. You're right there, protests are fine, but not a childish delight in just not obeying the sensible and necessary rules we need just now to keep us save. And thanks for the name suggestion, good one! Have fun day!

  10. Uwielbiam ptaki . Radosne, kolorowe są te na twoich pracach. Wspaniałe fotografie. Dobrego dnia😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Birds are wonderful creatures, I have lots of fun watching them too! Have a great day!

  11. das ist ja Fun Journal liebe Valerie, wie goldig der gemalte Vogel darin!Klasse ausgedacht! *wow* so viele wunderschöne Vögel sehe ich bei dir wieder, herrlich kann ich nur immer wieder sagen.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir einen schönen und gesunden Tag!

  12. Good morning such gorgeous photos! and I loved your art too-pretty colors.
    at least it sounds like the protests were peaceful-here in many of the large liberal based cities they are burning down everything and killing people-it's like a war out there and then they expect the federal government to rebuild for them-I hope they don't.
    I really don't get being against vaccines at all. they help stop horrible diseases 2020 is a crazy year for sure Happy autumn

    1. People seem to be using Corona as an excuse to go mad, destroy, loot and generally behave badly. Vaccines are so important, and they just don't 'get' it. A craz year indeed. Have a good day, stay safe, dear Kathy!

  13. I love your Lesser Spotted Doodle bird. What a fun page. Hugs, Teresa

  14. Bird series! My favourite... Thanks VJ

  15. We have our share of these nut cases here too, Valerie. They must be a strange subset of Homo sapiens born with a section of their brain permanently deformed, or missing perhaps. The common threat seems to be that they bear no responsibility for anything that happens in their lives, everyone and everything is maliciously "against them" and it is always someone else's fault. And if you can throw a good conspiracy theory into the mix then so much the better. I was very curious about the Lesser-spotted Doodle Bird, and then I realized it was quite familiar as the mascot of quilters, scrapbookers, dabblers and paint smooshers everywhere. I expect you have a framed picture somewhere in your Balconia abode. The pictures of the birds you meet up with in your walks are terrific, although the birds seem very pedestrian compared with the fantastical creatures you know so well. Congratulations especially on the image of the Jay, often a difficult bird to photograph. I will finish my coffee and then I am off to lead a bird walk. Hasta la vista. David

    1. Thanks David! Yes, some people think that life is one big party, and if anything goes wrong - it's the others to blame! Glad you like the birds today, but was sad you didn't find a name for my blue bird. Never mind, there are worse things in life! The jays are frequent visitors to my balcony, and always hungry. Have afun with your bird walk. Hugs to you and M!

    2. It is going to take a good deal of pondering to come up with a suitable name, Valerie, and having had to rush off to lead a walk this morning, and having just returned home, I have not yet been able to give it the attention it deserves. By tomorrow it shall be named! I promise!

    3. Oh yes, I shall be waiting glassy eyed for the name! Hope you enjoyed the walk!

  16. First of all I love the art you created and the Doodle Bird, I hope he invites more friends to Balconia on the Rhine in the coming weeks,. I loved seeing the photos of the birds as well.
    As for the gatherings of folk to protest we get our share of them in this country as well. Do they stop to think these days that they are in their own way causing a threat to our way of living.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think these people can't think, that's the big problem! Have a good week!

  17. Valerie, stupid people exist around the world!
    You are very lucky, my friend, to be able to see so many beautiful birds every day. I love the ducks!
    And your A3 page is simply STUNNING! I love your circles and doodling. Kisses!

    1. Thanks Mia. And yes, stupidity ia a Problem all over the world. Have a good week!

  18. The conspiracy theories about Bill Gates just crack me up. Someone who has donated millions to save children around the world and has left millions in his will to charity. The funny part is the people whining about Gates, have no problem using the technology he invented. That goes well with your fun blog page for today.😺 Wow, you sure have a variety of birds in your area. Love the robin, Take care.

    1. Oh yes, it's just crazy. It would be funny if it wasn't so mad and sad! We do have lots of birds here, that's true, my balcony is a sort of bird snack bar! Have a good and safe day!

  19. Love your mixed media page, made me smile. Have a good week. x

  20. Gorgeous birds, both real and imagined. There are so many different kinds, shapes, colors, and patterns of birds!

  21. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the bright colors and your doodle bird is so cute!! Awesome photos today, I love seeing all of the beautiful birds, especially the owls!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I Love birds. Owls are very special. Have a great week!

  22. Wonderful bird shots, especially that snowy owl.
    The humor piece is definitely appreciated. The POTUS announced at one of his recent rallies that the virus only hits old people. CNN just announced the death of a 28 yr old doctor who died from COVID. So sad.

    1. Thanks Sandra! Since when did that person speak the truth?! Sorry about the young doctor, that's tragic.

  23. It seems that the whole world is overstressed with everyone wanting their thoughts to be heard but not altered or compromised I any way.
    My stomach turns somersaults when I try to watch the news.
    Everyone wants to be correct but without corrections from others nor opinions other than their own.
    Love your photos... especially the snowy owls!!!

    Hugs ☕

    1. Yes, the world is very complicated Just now. Owls are wonderful creatures.

  24. I'm glad they had a smaller turnout anyway. Terrific happy art page & I love the snowy owl ~ Be well & smile on ~

    1. Thanks Karen! Smiling is important just now. Happy T day!

  25. I love your lesser spotted doodle bird ! Perfect!! You have so many birds visiting you there, great photos. The marchers worry me, perfect way to spread the virus.

    1. Exactly! But they don't have the Sense to realise it.

    2. so true, I wonder how their brains work sometimes, or even if they work!!

  26. Your introduction today, had me laughing out loud!! Totally agree with the "stupid". I enjoy reading your blog -- your art and your photography.
    stay away from Stupid. :)

  27. You have some beautiful colorful birds over there in Germany.

  28. Hi Valerie, yes there are far too many people that seem to want to vent about everything they disagree with which can be fine as long as it does not stir up hatred and anger in others. Sadly these rallies can become a catalyst for violence and we really do not want that with everything else we are living with right now. I like your happy page of texture and quirky birds, if only those protestors could all bask in the morning sun it would chill them out no end.
    Sorry I've been hovering on your page all evening each time I try and comment Freya jumps onto my lap after a cuddle, think she's feeling the drop in temperature :/
    Hugs Tracey xx

  29. A wonderful page Valerie, I love your doodle bird! Love all the real birds too😍
    Alison xx

  30. 5,000 is a lot but lots better than it could have been, I suppose. I love all the birds -- your art and the photos too. The colorful doodled bird is delightful!

  31. What a lovely lot of birds :)

    All the best Jan


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