Friday 18 September 2020


Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by and it's Friday already. Hope your week has been good!

I have another tag for my 'down on the farm' challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time a little spider has dropped in - Halloween is coming nearer!

Recently I bought 2 huge A3 journals, and much to my surprise, the first one is already three quarters full. And I decided it needed a nice cover, with lots of texture. The background was textured with blue, cream and rust. I added the reflex pearls onto the wet paint, and when it was dry I added a coat of matte gloss colourless to hold the pearls nice and tight. The sunflowers were stenciled with gold structure paste and the centres got a layer of metal flakes. The leaves were cut from a piece of painted, embpssed and textured paper, sewn through the middle and round the edges, and then fixed with double sided tape. I had fun working on it. I am linking to Jo's texture challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday

This was what the journal was like before the make over:

My photos today are mostly of the sunrise scenes and beautiful skies and clouds this week:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. BEAUTIFUL sunrises and clouds photos, Valerie! And what a STUNNING cover page for your art journal. Great use of colours, stencils and pearls. Very interesting really. And thank you so much for sharing the steps, my friend. Kisses!

  2. Love the spider dropping in on the farm scene and the watering can. Your journal cover is beautiful,love all the texture you have created and the sunflowers. Always enjoy your sunrise and sky photos.

    1. Thanks, I loved that little spider, too! Glad you like the journal cover and photo. Have a great day!

  3. The colors in your farm scene are so vibrant and I really love the beautiful golds you used in the sunnies. What lovely clouds and skies today!

  4. Your tags are always so adorable and I absolutely love The cover you did! Beautiful sky shots too! There is a Skywatch Friday link up that I've joined in on now and then if you're interested -
    Have a great evening :)

    1. Thanks Martha, also for the link, I'll look later. Have a great day!

  5. Beautiful farm tag and a stunning journal cover! Lovely photos today.

  6. Down on the farm tag and gorgeous textures in this it. x

  7. Gorgeous tag Val, love that little spider! And what a treasure that journal page is, absolutely and totally fabulous, well done! Got a busy day ahead of me with lots to prepare, so need to get going! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, gld you dropped in. Hope all goes well today, don't do too much and love to all!

  8. The spider looks amused in your tag. The colours in your journal page are amazing, I specially love the leaves. Beautiful sky photos! Happy PPF, Valerie!


    1. Thanks Soma! If I see a spider I'm not amused! have a great day!

  9. *LOL* Love Itzy-Bitzy Spider! Beautiful tag again. And nice makeover for the art journal. Have a great weekend!

  10. Oh my, what a wonderful post! Your tag is lovely, the little spider dangling down made me smile 😀. I'm in awe of your journal cover what an amazing transformation! The textures are absolutely stunning from the beaded background to those beautiful gold texture stencilled sunflowers with metallic flake centres to the glorious textured and perfectly stitched leaves - I love it! Your sky photos capture so much beauty too 😁. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Art Journal Journey and wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I don't mind fun spiders, like this one, but I'm not keen on the real thing. Glad you liked the journal cover, I had fun with it! Have a great day!

  11. I will run a mile from your spider, but your sunflowers, such gorgeous, sumptuous colours. They are stunning!
    Stay safe and well, have a fabulously creative weekend! Hugs, Deb

    1. I am not a fan of real spiders, either! My daughter used to bring in spiders and beetles from the garden, and say 'Look mummy, isn't it pretty!' Mummy was not so convinced! You stay well and have a great weekend, too!

  12. Love the textures and colours in your journal page, wonderful. Have a great weekend.x

  13. Wunderschönes Bild der Tag und das andere, wow wie du das gemacht hat Klasse! Ich liebe all deine Arbeiten und danke für die schöne Fotos wieder!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, es freut mich dass Du die Sachen magst. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  14. The journal pages look rich and lustrous today, Valerie, like the layers of your mind, I am quite sure. As I see what you do every day you have opened the doors to a world to which I had no connection, and now I know the materials used and even a little of the arcane terminology. A healthy mind never stops learning, does it? It really is too bad that you don't live closer and I could visit and see what you do. I am sure I would find it fascinating. And in return you would come and have dinner with us. A couple of nights ago we tried a new recipe for fish cooked in a Mediterranean fashion and it was delicious. You would have enjoyed it. And since you like to walk, you would be the star attraction on the outings for my nature club. Think of all the birds you would see. I could introduce you to Lily and Heather. It is not be unfortunately, but we can dream! Have a great day. Muchos abrazos y besos de tu siempre amigo David.

    1. Hi David, thanks for coming by! I think the layers of my mind are not quite so lustrous, but thanks for the compliment! I think we should never stop reading, learning, moving and playing, and then life is worth living. Your Mediterranean fish sounds very good, I would have enjoyed that, and a nice glass of wine with it, yesssssssssss! And it would be nice to have someone to walk with with and have interesting things pointed out and explained. I'm off shopping now with my neighbour from next door, I need my supplies of coffee, Cola and yogurt! Give litle Lily a hug from me, she's such a cutie! And BIG hugs to you and M of course. Have a good one!

    2. I will be seeing Lily in two and a half hours and I will give her a hug from Germany 🇩🇪!

    3. Thanks David, that's great. Have fun!

  15. I love your photos with clouds, so pretty!

  16. Thanks Laurie. The sky is always so amazing, I can't stop taking photos.

  17. Your journal cover is just amaZing! And I love all the details on the tag! Such wonderful photos! Happy PPF!

  18. That is a lovely tag, I do like roosters, love seeing all the colours people do them in and the metalware at the base of your tag looks great - die cuts! Then there is that little spider, quite a cute idea to introduce him, especially as he looks like a nice friendly one.
    That is a fabulous make over you have done on the journal cover - those leaves are what draw me in they are do dimensional and I do like the way they curve and curl.
    Of course then there are the photographs. What a gorgeous selection of clouds and marks in the sky - the one behind the tower is a particularly good shot - those rays look as if they are telling us something. Had they been red or orange I would have thought of a fire.
    Thanks for sharing again.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I Love cutting leaves Like that better than die-cutting them. The sky is always Special. Have a great day!

  19. I love that cute little spider dropping down onto your tag. He looks rather whimsical and friendly. But I like your journal cover even more. The 3-D textured effect is just beautiful.

    As always, your photos of the sky are uplifting. It's hard to be sad when looking at skies like that. Tears that fill one's eyes when looking at a sunrise aren't sad tears; they're more an expression of awe at the sheer magnitude of beauty. Thanks for sharing them.

    My daughter's been visiting once a week, and she's very artsy-craftsy. We're planning to spend some time creating some "masterpieces" of our own. Well... we'll have fun creating them, anyway. I have a big beautiful slice of tree, complete with bark, that I've held onto for more than twenty years, in the hopes of coming up with the perfect art project for me. I'm thinking now's the time for Sunshine and me to transform it. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady. Sending a big hug your way.

    1. Thanks Susan. I'm glad you are spending time with your daughter. Have fun with the piece of wood, enjoy creating.

  20. Wow, your sunflowers are really beautiful. That was worth the wait to see them from when you mentioned them earlier (in a comment on my bog) this week. I am surprised one was partially used already, but now you have some art you can keep, add to, or create over. Love the tag too. And wonderful sky photos today. The sky is a great free show, isn't it? Happy Friday and start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The sky is always a wonderful show ! Enjoy your Weekend!

  21. Lovely photos and art. Your sunflower is stunning. Luv the texture.
    Happy PPF and thank you for dtopping by my blog today


  22. Oh Valerie...what stunningly gorgeous colors and texture in your art!!!
    I, too, love the precious little spider :)
    Your photos are always excellent.
    I know that when I visit here that I can always find beautiful posts that will lift my heart.

    Hugs ☕🍁🍂

  23. Seeing that spider would make me hit the high notes! 😱 Gorgeous cover. Love the color. Your sky photos are amazing this week. Enjoy your day!

  24. Love the header, tag and cover. You got some great sky shots.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  25. Rooster and spider made me smile. PPF

  26. Those golden sunflowers are gorgeous. I love seeing your skies. The clouds give me a lift :)

    1. Thanks a lot. The skies are always so inspiring.

  27. Really nice. Love the spider. Lovely photos too.

  28. I adore the texture and colors of your journal!!! Bravo
    Once again I enjoyed your photos, thanks!

  29. Well I have to say your spider looks very friendly. I must admit I have a soft spot for spiders. Your journal cover is stunning, such beautiful textures and colours. I have some of these tiny balls too - I really must look in the cupboard of no return and see if I can find them! Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. I'm not a spider friend! Glad you Like the Journal Cover. So you have one of those bottomless cupboards, too!?

  30. I love your book cover. Good job!

  31. Replies
    1. Thanks Martyna, have a wonderful weekend, stay safe!

  32. I love the fall, Halloween theme. How fun and festive! Looks like you have had some wonderful sky views lately too. Hope all is well and that your weekend is lovely. :)

    1. Thanks Jess, this is always my absolute fave season! The sky has been brilliant lately, I'm always poking my camera at it and snapping away. Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  33. Adorable tag Valerie, such a cute little spider! And WOW I love your Art Journal cover, gorgeous textures & colors and the tiny pearls are so beautiful! Stunning photos today the sunrises are so pretty. Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated! Have a great day, stay safe!

  34. Sue's so right, your spider looks very friendly and a little bit smaller than the ones Freya has been finding recently. Your journal cover is quite delicious Valerie, beautiful texture reminds me of melted chocolate!! Love the added beads, and stitched leaves, makes me want to reach out and touch it. Beautiful skies, it's been another clear blue day here, nice to have spent the day with my Mom as it was her Birthday, made the most of it just in case in the next few days the privilege is taken away. Wishing you a very creative weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I hope things soon get better, they showed the GB statistics on TV this evening, it looks grim. Stay safe and well!

  35. wow, fantastic art journal page. I love your golden sunflowers.

  36. Love your art and the texture looks amazing.

    Such a beautiful selection of photographs, lovely clouds and sunrises.

    All the best Jan

  37. I can't believe you can get that much color and texture on the cover of a book! The sunflowers are so pretty. I love the little mice on the tag and the beautiful clouds in the sky ~ Enjoy your week!

  38. Hi Valerie, you created an awesome cover for your large journals, the texture looks amazing.
    Stay safe,
    Yvonne xx


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