Saturday 12 September 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - have a good one!
Today was a day of queuing up. First I had to queue at the doctor's - only one (masked) person is allowed into the reception at any one time. But I didn't have to wait long for my injection once I was in there, so that was good. The next queue was at our little supermarket. You are only allowed to enter with a cart, if they're all in use you have to wait outside till one is free. I did my shopping, and the next queue was at the cash desk, as one of the machines wasn't working. Then I went on to the market to buy my cheese and eggs. Only 2 are allowed into the booths there at any one time, so it was time to wait again before I could get a nice piece of Gorgonzola and 6 fresh eggs - but it was worth the wait! I recently read a good quote - 'waiting is not a waste of time, it's a time to enjoy the present'.  And as much as I don't like queuing, I know that it is necessary to keep us safe.  Back home I made myself a coffee and tried a small piece of the cheese - well, I had to try it, didn't I? After that I went out again and visited the farm at the end of the road and enjoyed seeing the animals there. The rest of the day was me time - crafting, sewing and listening to audio books - paradise!

I used 2 of the farm photos I took today for my header and for this tag made for my 'down on the farm' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I found this scene so lovely. The other geese were all in a gaggle together, and this one was having a conversation with Miss Piggy, which may have been something like this:

Today I have another A3 mixed media journal page to share, and I am linking to Jo's  texture challenge at Art Journal Journey again. This page turned out rather darker as planned, it should have been more blue than black, and it's unfortunately more black than blue - I mixed it badly! But the texture is good:

I wiped some gold paint over it with a baby-wipe to try to lighten it a bit. I added lots of gold spots and dots and stars and stenciled a figure on the left side:

The gold cup was fussy cut from a LaBlanche prospect and the quote is from Shakespeare:

I added some stars from a sticker-sheet and some gold dots cut from an envelope:

I have some more photos from my visit to Kalkum:

And these 2 pics were taken at the farm today:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I wish I could sample that cheese too, yum! The photo tag is so adorable and your mixed media piece is great too as always. Love the series of photos, the two from the farm are my favorites. Have a fantastic weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Martha, the cheese was really delicious! The farm photos are fun, it's a nice place! Have a great weekend!

  2. You had a busy day, and good patience for lining up. Funny farm conversation. Love the gold textured piece. Beautiful photos today.

  3. That farm photo is adorable, and I can see why you used it to make your tag. Nice moment to to capture on film. And I think the black looks great with the gold. And nice texture too. Thanks for linking up to AJJ. That cup is ready to catch some falling stars I think. Sounds like a good Friday and I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. A moment later the pig had disappeared and the goose joined her companions again! You have a wonderful weekend, too!

  4. Beautiful photos. I love the contrast of the gold against the midnight blue/black. I really pops💕 wishing you continued enjoyment of your present.

    1. Hi Nan, nice to see you blogging again. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Gorgeous journal page, very dramatic with the black and blue, I love it. Different, but lovely. Great texture, too. Wonderful photos, love the tag you made fro m the pig and gooses, too funny! Hugs from all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have fun with your mum, give her a hug from me. Take care!

  6. Das ist so süss und lustig mit dem Schwein und der Gans dein gemachtes Tag!!!!
    *wow* das ist eine bezaubernde Journalseite. Wie du das ausgedacht und umgesetzt hast ist grossartig Valerie.
    Schön die Fotos vom den Enten und anderes. Die Gänseschar ist goldig. Tiere sind immer was schönes und erobern einen das Herz!
    Ich finde es gut deine Einstellung lieber Abstand um Sicherheit zu haben und sich die Zeit zu nehmen dafür. Schadet niemand!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Warten ist ärgerlich, aber der Tag ist lang, und immer besser die Sicherheit zu bedenken. DieGänse und das Schweinchen waren echt lustig. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund und glücklich!!

  7. Some lovely pictures VJ... Have a great weekend

  8. Awwwww, love that little pig and the goose! And you golden artwork ist fantastic! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, they made a sweet couple! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Wow, I love this gold on your work, zo pretty!

  10. Yum, cheese and fresh eggs! Thankfully, you sound organised in your shopping, which is more than I can say here. I am getting as much as I can delivered as it's now a free for all in town, with most social distancing removed. Very worrying, and the R number is on it's way up. Great photos!
    p.s. I've been watching Hochanda this week, lots of demos on Twinchies, Inchies and Dominoes, as well as Gelli plates. Didn't buy, but got loads of inspiration!
    Have a good weekend, and stay safe, Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. The cheese and fresh eggs are always yummy, and at the stall in the market you always get 2 or tasters as well, so I sort of taste myself though their products, very good. Most of the shops and stores here are strict, you must wear a mask and keep your distance. I love watching crafting shows, too, it's a fun way to avoid housew**k and other realities for me! Have a good weekend, stay safe.

  11. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the photo of the goose and pig . Your walk photos are lovely.

    1. Thanks, that was a serendipitous moment to get the 2 of them together! Have a great weekend!

  12. Good Morning Queen of Balconia: You know, waiting is not always a bad thing, as long as it doesn't take up half the morning, that is. Sometimes if I have to wait in a line, I chat to the person two metres ahead of me, or behind me, and that passes time quite agreeably, but most often I just stand, move up, and finally it's my turn. I find that I am able to think about a book I am reading, things I need to get done, old friends etc. And the time in the lineup seems to go quickly. If it's pouring rain or freezing cold in the winter it's not so pleasant, but that's simply what we have to put up with from time to time. Great shots of birds today, Valerie, including that lovely Moorhen. And your artwork, as always is exquisite. The weekend is upon us. time for R&R for you. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Guten Morgen David! Actually it's already afternoon here, and I already had a good walk this morning. Yes, we will probably have to put up with waiting and Corona for some time still. I always enjoy the birds at Castle Kalkum. I wanted to go there this afternoon, but it will be very full as it's weekend, so I'll go early tomorrow before the good citizens and their noisy offspring fall out of their beds! Today lots of people were heading to the Rhine to take part in the clean-up day. I'm not joining in this time, perhaps next year again. But it's good to see so many youngsters and families taking part. Have a wonderful weekend whatever you are up to! Hugs to you and M!

  13. You had a busy day but good that you got to spend some me time. Your page is very dramatic and shines. Poor Miss Piggy. She should report her boss to HR. A lovely walk through Kalkum. Looks like you had the place all to yourself. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. Yes, poor Miss Piggy! I like to be there when it's empty! You have a great Weekend, too.

  14. Wow, what a fun tags and beautiful page! The texture that you created looks absolutely stunning and I love the dark midnight blue background with the gold - so amazing 😀. Glad that you got everything done even though you had to queue and as always I enjoyed seeing your photos. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. ... thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey too 😁. Hugs, Jo x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks Jo. Queuing has become part of the daily routine these days. Have a great weekend!

  15. haha love the pig quote, you are so awesome and funny, great post as always and hope you have a fab weekend. Pics of Monte on my blog for Auntie Valerie. xx

  16. Wonderful blog post! I loved it all! Showed my hubby your pics-we both love seeing where you live. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Debra, glad you enjoy the Pics. Hugs to you and your hubby. And Titus!

  17. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! I love the goose and pig shot!
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! That was a lucky shot! Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. With my crippling arthritis, I don't think I could have waited in so many lines. Just goes to show that you are in better shape than me. Loved the conversation between the duck and the pig.

    1. I do my best to stay in shape as I have nobody to look after me. Things I can't do alone don't get done.

  19. I'm especially struck by those gold spots and dots and stars :) That's such a peaceful lakeside setting.

    1. Thanks. I'm having a dotty phase just now....that really is a pretty place to sit and ponder. Have a great weekend!

  20. Hi Valerie lol love your tag and new header ,the texture challenge piece looks fantastic,love it. Great photos Valerie Thankyou for sharing them with us,take care and stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks a lot Sheryl! Have a great, new week, stay safe!

  21. Fantastic art pieces and new blog header Valerie. The gold and the textures on the page look amazing. It sounds like you had a busy day, but the cheese did sound delicious and worth queuing up for.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. That cheese was indeed worth waiting for. Have a great week!


  22. What is good is worth waiting for. These geese are beautiful. Lots of health :)

    1. Thanks so much dear Lucyna. I wish you a happy and healthy week to come!

  23. love your farm piece and the gold art. xo

  24. I love your new header and the photos are lovely. I wish we could queue more often -- I'd be happy to stand in line rather than have people too close or too many in a spot. My doc's office, though, is very good. We wait in the car and they call us in.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Queuing is not always fun, but it helps keep us safe! Have a great day!

  25. The farm photo with the pig is absolutely adorable! I love how you turned it into a tag. The little cafe van looks like a fun spot too. Very clever set up. Lot's of lines and waiting everywhere I guess, we just have to figure in more time. Take care ~

    1. Thanks! That was a serendipitous snapshot! Have a great week, stay safe!


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