Friday 4 September 2020

Paint Party Friday

 Hi Everybody!

This was a busy week, and has gone by very quickly, and it's Friday already. Although I always look forward to the weekend, this week I am really planning 2 lazy days to relax and take some me time.

Today I am sharing another A3 mixed media piece. I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to AJJ, where Jo's challenge is texture. 'Live' was die cut and collaged. I used sparkly netting to cover some of the circles to add extra texture. The birds and men were stenciled. The background was textured with paint, and as I have been asked how I do this, I have a simple tutorial after the pictures of the page:

I always work on A3 pages (Approx. 12" x 17").
I start off by putting a dollop of white gesso in the middle - about a tablespoonful:

Then I add 2 or 3 spots of colour:

I use a large, hard-rubber brayer (bought in 1974, it was good quality!)

I spread the paint with the brayer, first of all in all directions, trying not to squash paint over the edges:

Then I try to get the lines vertical:

The brayer gets cleaned on a sheet of paper, which gives me more ready made backgrounds or paper to use for die-cuts etc:

To increase the texture more you can dry it with a heat gun, going in close to make the paint bubble and blister:

This adds interest to the texture:

This is a very quick and easy way of texturing paper without having to use expensive extras, and I need about 5 minutes from start to finish, not including drying time. If I'm not heat drying it I paint a background before I go to bed and it's ready to work on when I get up.

I love the evenings when the birds gather in 'their' tree. There are lots of trees outside I don't know what makes them all use this one as their hang-out:

The evening sun colours the white feathers of the magpie yellow:

I like to watch the sunrise, too:

By my walk yesterday the clouds were very beautiful:

Princess Maxima  was chugging by:

Yes, some people call them weeds. I call them beautiful:

Apples growing over the wall:

Happy ducks in the stream next to the house:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your mixed media art and thank so much for the tutorial. I will definitely be using that technique on a master board to cut up for my artist trading cards. All of your photos are beautiful as always. Happy Friday to you, it's still Thursday evening here but I'll be linking up to PPF when I get up in the morning. Enjoy your day! :)

    1. That's a good idea. Master boards always save such a lot of time! Happy PPF, see you later!

  2. That is the perfect lesson on paint texturing. I am going to remember that. And your page is also great Valerie. I love the netting on the circles. It not only makes super texture but looks cool. I hope you get to relax this weekend and enjoy! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I got several small rolls of netting and other stuff very cheaply when a shop closed down. Have a super day!

  3. And I did it again. Thanks for linking up to AJJ also.!

  4. I do like your art and it was interesting to see and read your tutorial.

    A very nice collection of photographs again.

    Have a lovely Friday and a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  5. Lovely art and thanks for the lesson I learned some things. Beautiful photos.

  6. I love the colors of this, the bright happiness of it. And I REALLY appreciate it when bloggers show their process. I learned a lot from this one. So thanks for that!

    1. Thanks Jeanie-glad you liked it. Have a great day!

  7. Good morning Val! Love learning how you make your lovely texture, thanks. Kind of you to show the extra pics and explain everything. My kids would like the heating and bubbling bit! The finished page is gorgeous, as always. Love the photos, too. Take care, have a great day. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah! Yes, I think the kids would like painting and heating and bubbling, and you would have lots to clean up afterwards! Hope all went well with your mum. Have a great day, hugs to all!

  8. That's a fun way to create a textured background! Thanks for sharing your way to do it. Always love seeing how other people work. Happy PPF and have a relaxed weekend!

  9. Now I just have to find one of those hard rubber brayers. I love how yours works. It leaves a pattern and texture that is quite noticeable. I love it and the tutorial you gave, too. Thanks so much for sharing this amazing journal page with us at Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme.

    My favorite photo today is the WEEDS. Lovely flowers is what they look like to me.

    1. I'm so glad you like the weeds, they're my BIG fave, too. You should get rubber brayers at most art stores, I have them in 3 sizes, and they are very useful. Have a wonderful day!

  10. I feel exactly as you do this week Valerie, so glad it's Friday with a long weekend ahead to try and catch up with those normal things in life. Your A3 is fantastic, I wondered if you used a roller, it's an amazing medium is gesso it always seems to do just what we want it too and suspends colour. Your man on the circle does look like he's king of the world.
    Weeds are indeed beautiful and a great source of food for our butterflies and bee's.
    Wishing you a relaxing weekend ahead, take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I think a lot of men think they are king of the world.... Yay for beautiful weeds! Have a great weekend!

  11. These paintings looks very interesting and beautiful:)

  12. Ha! I was going to ask if you brayer your backgrounds with gesso and paint, and scrolling down saved me from asking. It gives such a satisfying texture. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Hi Deb! Hmmm, great minds thin alike! It does indeed create a wonderful texture. Enjoy your day, stay safe!

  13. Thank you for this tutorial, chère artiste Valerie. I think a lot of children might like to help with the base work; smearing paint around would be right up their alley! Thank you also for the glorious pictures of the commonplace birds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. i am glad to see that they are holding their own despite the presence of the the weird, wonderful, exotic avifauna which you alone have discovered. As for weeds, phooey I say, to the naysayers. (Actually I say something much worse, but I know you are a delicate soul so I will refrain from such utterances). Weeds are an essential, productive and beautiful part of the landscape and the environment. As someone has pointed out above they are an essential food source for many different organisms - and habitat too. And, as is common knowledge these days, weed is used for all that ails humans, real or imagined! The weekend is almost upon us and I hope that it will be relaxing for you and that you will enjoy it however you choose to spend your time. Vive Valerie! Vive café!

    1. Thnaks, Master of the Bird Universe! Kids always like doing things that are messy, and as I never grew up, so do i! I'm pleased to see that the town gardeners have been planting wild flowers on grass verges, next to the tram lines and wherever they find a spot - it looks fantastic, and is, as you say, very important for insects and birds. And talking of weed, some evidently got planted in some of these wild plantations - by mistake, or so they said! Perhaps it was a joint venture? So, my coffee and the newspaper are calling me. Have a great day, David, take care, Hugs to you and M!

  14. Appreciate your beautiful work and instructions for texturing with the braver. I must try this!

  15. Your page is so pretty. Happy weekend.

  16. Cool page. Thanks for sharing your background technique. It seems a quick and easy way to apply texture and colour in one go. Blessings on your long weekend. Teresa

  17. Luv that you have given us a mini tutorial today Valerie.thanks for your beautiful art and photos
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


    1. You're Welcome! Enjoy your Weekend!😁💖😁

  18. Wonderful texture and tutorial ~ Enjoy your relaxing weekend!

  19. An awesome page Valerie and tutorial. The texture looks great, perfect inspiration for Jo's theme at AJJ. Enjoy your rest days and weekend.
    Yvonne xx
    I'm off for a catch up read of your posts that I have missed recently.

  20. Thanks for the details on that lovely background. Looks like it was fun to do! Have a lovely weekend!

  21. your textured background tutorial was cool. I LOVE your nature photos, they remind me there is safety in some parts of the world, tho I don't feel it here now. LeeAnna

    1. Thanks, here is a very quiet place to live and I feel well here. Happy PPF!

  22. Love the texturing. It looks like rain.
    Hope you put your feet up and enjoy good books, movies, cappuccinos and goodies.

  23. That is an amazing preparation process you go through for the!
    It is definitely worth it!
    Love your photo choices again today.
    Is there nothing that you can't do my talented create incredibly, breathtakingly beautiful photos and artwork!!!

    Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks Jan, you are so kind. Have a wonderful day!

  24. A fabulous page, and great to see how you created that wonderful texture Valerie!
    I love your photos too, especially the birds.
    I hope you have a great weekend.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! The birds are always a joy to watch.

  25. I enjoyed reading how you accomplished the look in your backgrounds. We don't get magpies here, so your photos of them are always a treat. The tree branches against that sunrise make a striking image.

    1. I didn't know that you didn't have magpies. They are fun birds, but sometimes very noisy and cheeky. Have a great weekend!


  26. Thank you for lessons on how to get a beautiful effect as on your works.

    Beautiful photos. Good Saturday.

    1. Thanks Lucyna, much appreciated. Have a fantastic weekend!

  27. Oh such vibrant summer colors! Awesome post!

  28. Gorgeous page Valerie and great tutorial! I love how you used a heat gun for extra texture/bubbles, I'll have to try that next time :) Beautiful photos and sunrises, I love all of the ducks swimming in the stream. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! It's a fun and easy way to create texture. The ducks are always fun to watch. Have a great weekend!

  29. Interesting to see textured paper being produced that way. I did not realize how it is made with a brayer and heat gun.

  30. Sorry for not being around last few posts, our weather is too nice to be indoors and outside activities took over. Most beautiful designed project as always, love seeing what you make. ♥

  31. Fabulous textures on your page Valerie and it's great to see how you achieved them, Thank You for sharing. Lovely photos from your walk and enjoy your rest this weekend.
    Avril xx

  32. Wonderful post and photos ~ excellent tutorial on creating texture ~ great idea and your photos are always intriguing ~ love the uniqueness of each one ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. Danke für das zeigen jetzt habe ich endlich eine Vorstellung wie das geht mit dem Gesso und Farbe. Das sieht so toll aus gefällt mir sehr gut die Struktur.
    Das Journal sieht auch toll aus.
    Die Fotos sind ja grossartig.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke, dir ein schoenes wochenende and bleib gesund!

  34. This is fabulous Valerie, I love brayered backgrounds, you are never quite sure what you are going to end up with. Whoever decided that some plants are good and others are weeds - some of my favourite cheerful flowers are classed as weeds! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  35. Love this piece. I like the way you applied the paint. Great photos too.

  36. Lots of treasures in this post! Your Hamlet quote is so interesting and really goes will with your circles and men. I love your texture and I love that shared how to do it! Fun. My favorite pictures are the apples over the wall and the weeds - they are beautiful and I love that you captured them and appreciated them and shared them. You have an eye full of heart - you see things others don't. Thanks for sharing! Hugz

  37. A HUGE THANK YOU for the interesting tutorial, Valerie. You are a true inspiration, my dear friend. And some news: You know how much I love your photos. Well, my husband promised to buy me a new camera!!! Let's hope that the zoom will be better than the camera I already have! Kisses!!!

  38. Thank you for the tutorial on how you make your backgrounds. I thought it was done by 'kissing' two pages together but now I see how you do it - it is very effective and `I have loved seeing where you used this technique.
    A lovely page with those silhouettes and what a great idea to use net to create even more texture.
    Thank you for the photos too, they always make for an interesting journey through your blog post. You are very good and you must have a good camera and lens to create photographs of that quality.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked it. It's very quick and easy. My camera is a Sony. Have a great day, Take Care!


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