Wednesday 23 September 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another mixed media tag for Sandie's bookprint challenge at Tag Tuesday

I used peeled, corrugated cardboard, which was coated with Utee extra thick embossing powder, into which I also stamped while it was still warm. I pushed the book paper into the ridges, and added a few embellishments and a TH paper doll:

And then I built the tag into a journal page so I can also link to Jo's challenge at AJJ:

The pictures are from my visit to Tomas Saraceno's 'spacewalk' installation 2 years ago, high up under the dome of the K 2I museum in Düsseldorf. I was determined to go in there, even if I only managed a few steps. You have to put on an overall and put goggles on over your glasses, and you mustn't take anything else with you. I was scared stiff, but once I was in it was fantastic and I walked around over the net for good 30 minutes, and it was a wonderful experience. My cousins were visiting  and took photos:

Sometimes it's good to keep your feet firmly on the ground, but sometimes you need to let go and soar!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Oh my word! That looks so cool and terrifying at the same time. What an experience for you!

  2. Your art is exquisite!!! Some pieces look almost 3-D!!!

    Wow!!!You are a brave soul!!! My hands are sweating and all I am doing is sitting in my chair looking at the photos.
    You certainly do not have a dull life!!!

    Hugs ❤🍂👻🍁🎃❤☕

  3. Hi Valerie, interesting reading how you made your media piece, you have so many different ways of creating.
    I loved seeing your experience in the spacewalk - that must have been really something extraordinary! Impressed!

    1. Thanks Sue, it was a wonderful experience! Have a great week!

  4. That is such a great tag and then you took it up a notch by using the window and making a page with it. Wow. Love the metallic on the tag and the non-metallic on page. Very nice contrast. And that space walk would have me nervous too, but I am impressed how you worked through your nerves and went. I think the spheres in there are like giant lens balls. I bet it WAS fun. Have a great Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It was great fun once I got inside and started walking on the net, a fabulous experience! Have a lovely day!

  5. Your artwork is so gorgeous, I love the tag and the page so much! The photos are just too cool. I want to go there!

    1. Thanks Martha. Glad you like the art. Have a fun day!

  6. Love this post and that tag is awesome....great designing and pics. xx

  7. Beautiful textured tag and page. What a lovely place!

  8. Hi Val, good morning, hope you are feeling fit and well. I'm enjoying the peace and quiet at home, too. LOVE your beautiful creations, they are both fabulous, and I am full of admiration that you actually went into that installation and walked around there. I loved it, but was much too scared to go inside it. Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I was very scared there, too, but once I was inside it, I forgot to be scared, you just enjoy it! Have a lovely day, hugs to all!

  9. Brown is such an underrated colour in crafting, and I love what you have done, and especially how you incorporated the tag into that scrumptious Autumn themed journal page. The "bubbles" in the installation remind me of my PVA glue bubbles I used to make. It's a fabulously creative space, but my knees lost it when I saw the tightrope walker. You've taken some super interpretive photos. Stay safe and have a good day, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb,I love brown and all the autumn colours. How do you make those glue bubbles, sounds fascinating!? IT#s not really a tightrope, just a huge net that you walk in, and once you get used to it, not as scary as it looks. My cousins took the pics while I was walking around there.

    2. I made the bubbles accidentally. I had some paint and PVA mixed in a paint palette and when I went to clean it, the "bubble" just peeled off. Slightly transparent, I knew I had something to play with, so stuck it into something I was working on. Then I made some on purpose. You have to be patient and dry them well before peeling off, and you have to be careful gluing them down, as they are PVA based and prone to dissolving once wet, but once you work through the process they become a fun layer of texture or colour.

    3. Thanks Deb, I will have a play as soon as I have time!

  10. Love the tag and the page. Great textures and colours. Have a good week.

  11. Was für eien Idee du drauf gekommen bist mit der Wellpappe zu werkeln und es ist aussergewöhnlich schön das Tag geworden, die Farbe ist klasse noch und dazu das Journal. Ich bin baff liebe Valerie du hast einfach eine Begabung die Liebe ich!
    *wow* wieder diesen Gebäude von diesem Spacewalk machen. Klasse Fotos und interessant da durch zu gehen, mutig warst du. Der Spruch passt.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, ich liebe es mit Wellpappe zu arbeiten. Mein Spacewalk hat Spaß gemacht, manchmal muss man einfach die Angst überwinden. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  12. Good morning Valerie Skywalker: First things first. Let us get right to the naming of the beautiful bird in blue from yesterday's missive. After much consideration I have decided that it shall henceforth be known as the Red-billed Google-eye (Orbitus tupsensis). I think this nomenclature adequately captures the spirit of the bird and she who brought it to the attention of the world, as she has so many other wonders of ornithology. My heart was in my mouth just watching you, dashing figure that you are, "walking in space." I can well imagine that once you overcame the initial trepidation it would have been an uplifting experience. For many of us you are able to walk on water, skate successfully on thin ice and now you have proven you can tread lightly through the air. Who else on earth has all these qualities? None that I know of. Have a great day and may the Force be with you. Bid hugs from Canada. David

    1. Hi David! Oh, the name you have chosen is fabulous, it rolls so well on my tongue, I will keep repeating 'orbitus tupsesnis' out loud when I go for my afternoon walk, and can imagine the reactions of the people I meet! My heart was in my mouth when I first entered the spacewalk, but it was a wonderful experience, and it's always good to overcome fears. I am unique, thank goodness, too many of me around would probably be more than the world could cope with! I hope you enjoyed yesterday's walk and saw lots of wonderful birds and other creatures, and look forward to reading about your adventures! Have a great day, hugs to you both!

    2. Ah yes, that should be orbitus tupsensis!

  13. Your tag is really interesting and terrific texture, but you have elevated it to the next level with your page. So creative! I love much to see on the page, such variety. And speaking of elevating wow!! Go you! I wouldn’t do that in a million years. I hate heights. It looks like you are on a tightrope in one photo. Well done, Valerie Skywalker (what a great nickname!

    1. Thanks Nan. It's fun creating with corrugated card, and it doesn't cost anything! Skywalking was an experience, I would love to be able to do a parachute jump one day! Have a great week!

  14. Super cool tag. I love how you so cleverly incorporated it into your journal page. Hugs, Teresa

  15. Such a fabulous tag! I love the technique you used stamping into the embossing enamel, it's ages since I've done this so need to try this again soon 😉. The page you created with it looks amazing too, love the window frame around the tag and the additions you made are perfect! Thanks so much for the inspiration and for joining us at Art Journal Journey again. I remember the "spacewalk" installation from your post way back when, you are so brave walking up there I definately wouldn't have tried it 😀. I hope you're having a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

  16. That dome is very impressive. It looks scary to me, though.

  17. Your art is amazing. Loved the detailing of the dome roof structure

    1. Thanks. It's a fantastic structure, I love that building!

  18. Gorgeous tag Valerie, I love all of the textures and sparkle, it looks beautiful on your AJP too! WOW that spacewalk dome looks amazing and fun, my kind of walk!!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. If you like that sort of thing you would love it up there! Stay Safe!

  19. this magic place draws my attention:)

  20. Very interesting tag and photos:) Have a nice day :)

  21. Wow Valerie, I am loving your tag and the effect of the Utee..and to incorporate it into another project the way you have is pretty damned clever..I love all of it. xx

  22. Love your tag and also how you have incorporated it into the page. The space walk looks amazing!!

  23. Adore your tag, UTEE is very delicious especially when gold. Fabulous how you introduced your tag as the window into your journal page very effective. What an amazing experience that space walk must have been i've never heard of such a thing it looks and sounds incredible, you educate me so much Valerie. Thanks for sharing and i'm sorry i've been hovering on your blog for the past couple of hours, hard to type with one finger but Freya is fast asleep now hee hee.. Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Glad you like it. I must have another Utee play soon, it has so many possibilities. Give Freya a hug from me, I miss having a dog. Hugs, Valerie

  24. Wow, that installation looks amazing Valerie, I definitely wouldn't be able to keep my balance.
    Beautiful textured artwork too!
    Alison xx

  25. Your tag is fabulous and full of the best textures and objects. Love it!!! Very cool in your creation too. I would love to visit that space walk - WOW!!!! I bit scary to think about in C-19 days but fun nonetheless. Your posts are so interesting!!! Hugz

    1. Thanks a lot. It's a fab place to visit and one of my fave art museums with lots of exciting art. Have a great day, take care!

  26. That tag is really gorgeous. And I just love how you were able to incorporate it into the other challenge. Nice combo and it looks great "behind the window."

    That installation. Wow! I would love visiting and the photo ops are terrific -- you did a great job.

  27. I love your tag and the page you glued it too. You really got a lot of texture and dimension into it.

    I'm impressed that you walked that spacewalk installation for a half hour. The net is fascinating. I would have felt exactly as you described but doubt that I could have gotten past my fear. You go girl! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. It was strange, the fear just disappeared when I got in there! Stay safe!

  28. Valerie Skywalker - I love that :)

    Fabulous art.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, it's fun and sometimes we need to do something special!


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