Thursday 3 September 2020

Old Masters - Rain's Thursday Art Date

Hi Everybody!

I was originally planning to start with a selection of my fave old masters, but I think everyone will have their own faves and can look them up on the net or see them in a museum, so I'm just showing some of my own creations where I have used (Perhaps misused) old paintings or statues. Here goes:

I love Leonardo da Vinci!

I like mixtures of old, new and impossible:

Leonardo again:

I love Buddha paintings, too:

This lady seems to be intrigued by the statue:

This cow was painted in the style of the old masters and made into a journal page:

Michelangelo's David again:

Mona Lisa is known to all:

I painted the fruit in the style of the old masters:

I like mixing old and new:

Da Vinci's Leda is one of my all-time favourites:

This antique man looks grumpy:

The wonderful Leonardo again:

And Leonardo yet again:

And I like scary pictures, too:

Shakespeare is also important for me:

I tried to give the atmosphere of an old master here:

Mona again:

The statue on the right is one I saw in a stately home:

Old and new:

A strange scene:

And a selection of my photos which I changed into Old Masters with help of Photo Fun:

If you got through it all, well done - go to the top of the class and give yourself a pat on the back!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow! fantastic ~ So much to see ~ I'm amazed! I will have to go back through s-l-o-w-e-r

  2. So much beautiful art work, love how you have made tour photos into old masters style. Love the Buddha's too.

  3. Wonderful display of the old masters, just wow!

  4. These are all absolutely amazing! What perfect examples of old masters. I love the edit on the photos too. You are a fantastic artist! :)

    1. Thanks Martha, glad you like the pics. The photos are fun. Have a great day!

  5. wow what a spectacular magical and amazing post, thank you. xxx

  6. You have created some beauties, dear. The only thing I came up with was one like yours: the Vitruvian Man and da Vinci. Even your photos look like they were old master paintings with the filter or brush you used. These are incredible and some (actually MOST) I remember. You have outdone yourself, dear.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! What a splendid selection of art and photos today, I am gobsmacked! I love how you mix old and new to create fun pictures, and your fantasy knows no bounds. The photos are a great idea, too, must have a look at that site. Have a great day, take care, I'm going to visit mum today. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Take care, and give my love to your mum. I have mailed you the pics you wanted!

  8. Thanks Laurie, pleased you like it! Stay safe!

  9. lots of interesting pictures here, I like the vignettes.

  10. Gosh, you have been busy having fun with all these. Stay safe and keep making lovely art. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I'm having a quiet day today, I need it! Stay safe!

  11. Valerie das sind alles fasziniernde Kunstwerke von dir. Es ist faszinierend alles und auch die Fotos die du in alten Stil digital bearbeitet hast.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Donnerstag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Die Fotos im alten Stil sind lustig, sowas macht mir Spaß. Dir einen schönen Tag und bleib gesund!

  12. These are all absolutely wonderful!
    How can I choose? I love them all.
    Have a great day, Val! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Glad you like them! Have a good and safe day!


  13. I am delighted with your works, they are extraordinary and fabulous. Lots of health and smile.

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna. I wish you health and happiness, too!

  14. Lovely collection! I'm still struggling with what to do for TAD - Old Masters.

  15. Valerie,

    Wonderful recreations of the Old Masters work. I really liked how you made your photographs look like vintage paintings. How did you do this? My favorite in this collection would be of the tree lined road. :) Great job, my dear!

    1. Thanks Cathy! I did the vintage photos online at photo fun, if you put it into your browser you will find it. There are lots of good programmes there, all free. Have a great day!

  16. very interesting pictures, the "cool cats" is the best :) Have a nice day :)

    1. Thanks Martyna, cats are always up to mischief! Have a lovely day!

  17. My word you are talented, and the way you have been able to manipulate your photographs is outstanding. As for the term "old master" feel free to address me in that manner any time you wish, accompanied by an appropriate level of civility of course, with dollops of reverence, respect and obsequious fawning. Perhaps to drop "old" and simply use "master" would be better still. "That has a very nice ring to it! I think I could get right into it! I hope the weather is kind to you today, Valerie dahling, with cool, gentle breezes, perfect for perambulating along the Rhine, perhaps with a stop at an outdoor café to drink - what else - café. May the geese honk in Canadian friendship. May the world be kind. I am sending you my biggest hugs EVER! David

    1. High Master of Birds, I thank you for your gracious outpourings on my blog today! I love playing with photos and mixing them with other creations to make new dimensions. The weather here in Balconia is cold and damp, which I like, but we need much more rain. I went for a brisk walk along he Rhine and was thankful not to be blown off the tow path, and outdoor cafès are not the thing today, but I have lots of bags of delicious coffee beans waiting to be ground into coffee specialities. Thanks for the biggest hugs ever, that does me good. So master of the bird world and dominions, have a great day, take care!

  18. These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  19. Hi Valerie wow you have a wonderful imagination and you do such beautiful work,thankyou for sharing them with us my friend xx

  20. Spectacular post and your sense of humor came flying through it all. I chuckled at the subtle humor in some of your pictures and some of the words you added to your pictures even made me LOL :) That is not to take away, in any way, thf talent you show in putting together these pieces of art ... you truly are amazing and I am betting that you are a hoot to spend time with. Thank you for another uplifting post, Valerie :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad you enjoyed the Show, and happy it made you laugh. Have a wonderful week, Take care.

  21. Wow! Lots of eye candy today. I like your new interpretation of the old. My favorite was the Scary as it reminded me of Monty Python. Enjoy your day!

  22. Each and every one is a work of art!!!
    Magnificent and rich colors!!!
    You have outdone your already extremely beautiful art and photos.
    So much talent.

    Hugs ☕

  23. So much wonderful art, and I love your altered photos Valerie!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, much appreciated! Have a great afternoon!

  24. I loved every one of your use of old masters! The digital old masters look great, especially the ducks! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Spectackular art Valerie.
    Happy Thursday


  26. Wonderful. It was like experiencing an art history class.

  27. So many wonders. Loved everything. The cats of course caught my eye;)

  28. Gorgeous art work Valerie, so much to look at and all so beautiful! I love your photos, they look amazing with the slight crackle effect and vintage feel! I'll have to check out that Photo Fun program :)
    Take care & stay well.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I had fun with those photos, it's a great effect. Have a nice evening, take care!

  29. This was such a fun visit to the museum of Valerie. I loved seeing some art new to me, as well as some art I had seen. Fantastic post, and right up your alley too! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I had fun putting it all together😁 Have a great day!

  30. Fabulous collection of art and artistic photographs, wonderful to see.

    All the best Jan

  31. Oh, wow -- this is some of my favorites of your art. I guess I never tracked so many were inspired by the masters but yes indeed, they are! I'm so glad you didn't ask us to pick a favorite -- there are far too many. And the photos -- wow!

  32. "old, new, and impossible" sounds like a delightful combination :)

    1. Thanks. The first and last attributes fit well to me! Enjoy your weekend!

  33. Fabulous art today Valerie, how clever to make your picture into old masters, loved the little ducklings.
    Avril xx

  34. Wow what amazing pieces, I love the 'Valerie' twist that you've given them. xx

  35. Oh my gosh. I am speechless. Every one of these is magical. You are so talented, my friend. Wow. I love them all! Hugz


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