Wednesday 30 September 2020

Midweek Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Last week I decided to join in the Life Book Taster Course from Tamara Laporte. There are 2 or 3 lessons each day,  I don't know if I will manage them all, but I'm giving it a good try. This is one of the pieces made today from a tutorial, 'bright wings' by Eulalia Mehija:

It started off by making an A3 collage, which was cut into 6" squares when finished and dried:

These were the 2 squares I decided to use, the others will be used another time:

The dragonfly shape is traced onto the squares, 'isolated' with white gesso, and then decorated:

I mounted my squares onto 7" black squares and placed them in the journal made for this event. It will also be my last entry for Jo's texture challenge at AJJ

Most of the things we are making there are different to what I usually make, but perhaps that's good, and it's a good way to keep occupied in this rather scary Covid time. I will be showing more in the course of the next couple of weeks.

It rained! My wellies had a trip out:

Some photos from recent days:

Down at the lake:


Autumn veggies:

At Castle Kalkum:

Huge tree fungi:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You've got some particularly amazing photos! That duck with the reflection - WOW! Then the Cormorant sitting like he owns everything, and the delightful veggies on display. I am signed up for Life Book too! I loved Laly Mille's lesson, Monday. Sad that Annameike Hopps Davidson is not doing it though. I signed up for the full year, 2019, but my Mum died and so the timing of doing it didn't work for me. As it's a lifetime access I should go back and revisit it. Stay safe, and keep making lovely art!
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! I am enjoying doing the lesson's, I have the first 2 days complete, so am looking forward to seeing what today brings. Yes, go back and revisit wheat you didn't do it will be fun! Have a nice day!

  2. You amaze me with how much art work you accomplish! Even before I lost my art mojo I don't think I could crank out as many pieces as you do. I love them all! Photos are all wonderful as always. The duck with the reflections is my favorite for today :)

    1. Thanks Martha, I need to keep mself busy and occupied. That duck is beautiful! Have a great day, Valerie

  3. Oh Wow Valerie, I am in love with these dragonflies-and the technique is really cool Your photos are wonderful as always-I love seeing them I needed to drive to the woods house today and there is very little fall colors so far.
    Enjoy your day hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. Yes, it's a cool technique, I will try it again when I have time. Have a great day!

  4. I love those dragonflies. What a clever technique. The end result is pretty amazing. And hurrah for your rain. We are supposed to get some tonight and tomorrow also. Hurrah for that. Happy Wednesday! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I had fun with the dragonflies. Enjoy our rin when it comes!

  5. Beautiful dragonfly piece, love the fall photos, the veggies look good.

    1. Thanks Christine, they do look good indeed. It's market today, so I want to buy some!

  6. Dragonflies are one of my favorite insects. Recently one landed on my hand and remained for quite a while. I love the transparency of their wings -- when they land on colorful leaves or flowers you can see every detail, but still see the lacy structure of the wings.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. They are really beautiful creatures. Stay safe!

  7. Hi Valerie wow what a wonderful way to achieve your beautiful dragon flys,well done on your beautiful work,love your photos especially the one with the boots,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl! Glad you like my boots! Have a safe day!

  8. Good Morning Val! Love your new projects, the dragonflies look lovely. Like your shiny boots, too. The kids all need new boots and shoes, so that will be our job at the weekend.Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have fun buying all those boots and shoes! Hugs to all!

  9. Your dragonflies look fabulous and the collaged background gives a great texture, looking forward to seeing more of your 'new' makes, sometimes it's good to step out of the comfort zone. Loved seeing the Autumn photos.
    Stay safe, Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril,sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a rut but hard to get out of it again! Have a great day!

  10. That's a beautiful church spire VJ...wonder how the church looks

  11. It looks like you have joined a fun and interesting course Valerie, the art looks fantastic.
    I loved seeing the photos as well. I hope your wellies don't get to many outings and the weather gets better.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. My wellies were happy to get out of the basement! Today the sun is shining again!

  12. I absolutely adore your dragonflies. They are beautiful and so well done. I am impressed with the lesson, too. I am thrilled for you. And they certainly go beautifully with Jo's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I was really impressed with some of the photos from your walk today. My favorite was the duck in the orange squiggly water. That was closely followed by the autumn veggies and the fungi. I had a hard time deciding today. You totally outdid yourself, both in art and photos.

    1. Thanks E. It wa a good lesson indeed. Today's lesson is fun, but my 'creation' for it is ghastly, oh dear! There are always wonderful reflections at Kalkum in the moat! Stay safe!

  13. Good morning Valerie: I have not quite decided whether I am more impressed this morning with the beautiful dragonfly you have created or your bright, shiny rubber boots, I carry mine in the trunk of the car mostly so they are at hand when the terrain is wet or muddy, and they have the appearance of being well used to say the least! Every once in a while I get a certain look from Miriam which signals that is time, past time in fact, to go out and clean the trunk. Then I usually wash down my boots too but they are never as clean as yours! Some great bird shots this morning. I especially like the gulls loafing on the rocks, and the cormorant looks ready to jump right into someone's coat of arms. Fungi are everywhere at this time of the year and I am pleased that you took the time to photograph these lowly, but oh so interesting and oh so necessary components of a healthy ecosystem. Bigs hugs from across the water. David

    1. Thanks David. My boots are extra shiny and lined with peony pink! Funky! I had fun making the dragonfly, it's nice doing some other things, even though they are not all turning out as I would like them, but it's fun! I used to have my wellies in my car boot when I had my dog as she loved running through wet and muddy places! The fungi are springing up everywhere, like - well, like fungi! The treee ones are very huge indeed. Hugs to you and M, have a fun day!

  14. Love the texture all the pictures adds (kind of sad to cover them up but looks fab). Love your design too. I may have to try something like this. Love your pictures of your walks as always - they brighten my day! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I had fun with this theme. Give it a try! Have a fine day!

  15. That sounds like a fun, relaxing technique. Your dragonfly is cheerful and cute.

  16. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely Post! Take care!

  17. That collage is gorgeous! And I always enjoy your lake scenes, so pretty no matter the season :)

  18. It's good to get out of our creative comfort zones and get wet in the rain! Great photos ~ I had to save the one mallard with the reflection in the water ~ Beautiful~ and the trees overlooking the lake ~ ahhhhh. Blessings ~ Karen

    1. Thanks Karen, glad you liked the pics! Have a safe and happy day!

  19. Love your artwork, it's a beautiful dragonfly.

    A nice selection of photographs, I liked seeing the Autumn veggies :)

    Happy October Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. Autumn veggies are always a great sight! And even better to eat!

  20. Love the dragonflies and your photos are fantastic as always!


  21. The dragonflies are wonderful, always good to have a try at something different. Will keep your mind off the covid situation too. Great photos from your walk.

  22. I love your dragonflies Valerie! I'm joining in with the Lifebook sessions also, although a lot are very different for me too. Since it is free, there is no pressure to do everything, but nice to try some new things.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, perhaps I'll see you there. I'm telling myself it will be good for me to do something different, so I'm doing my best!

  23. More stunning photos - I love how the early one of the lake uses the trees to frame the water. A beautiful photograph - you should make calendars and sell them with some of your photographs. There are lots of others I like but this one captured me early on my journey through your post.
    Love the idea of the dragonfly, I admire you for doing the course, I would not attempt it as I have no staying power with these things. (Plus I forget about them and waste my money). Until a couple of weeks ago I had not seen a dragonfly in ages then suddenly two days running I was almost the target for one of them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Glad you Like the Photos! The course is good, but time consuming, and I am trying things I never thought of! Stay safe!

  24. I need to sign up for the taster sessions now I have sent off my CI samples! You made it look fun.
    I loved seeing the horses in their coats and those gorgeous veggies! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. The course is good, but a lot of work, I hope I can get it done. Housew**k will not be done till it's finished! I need to get my coat out soon, my boots are all ready for cold days!

  25. How did I miss this? The dragonfly is awesome.

    1. I missed the whole week somehow, time has just flown!

  26. Your dragonfly made my heaert go pitty pat! It's so very beautiful and creative. And all the photos, as usual, lovely!

  27. Amazing post! Love both your art pieces! So creative! Loving all the photos too! Big Hugs!


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