Tuesday 11 August 2020

Words and numbers at TIOT

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all well and fit.
Today I am sharing another A3   mixed media journal page with words and numbers to remind you  of the current challenge at TIOT. The last image is once again a 'special edition', where I magicked a tag onto it to fit with Alison's challenge at AJJ:

And here the special edition for AJJ:

I love sunflowers, when they are blooming, but also when they are decaying. I'm sure some people don't like them at this stage, but I do:

The Magpie has been enjoying my dried up sunflowers, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Another day, another dollar - I hope! Love the new journal page, very interesting what's going on in that lady's head! And I love how you magicked a tag onto it. How did you get the tag under her fingers? Well done! Love the sunflower photos, they are beautiful. Here things are drying out well, we just have a few damp spots. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh, how I love beyond words the withered sunflower photos! Have a lovely day doing something marvellous. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks Deb, glad you like them, too. My neighbour says the are disgusting! Okay, tastes are different! Have a great day, stay safe, it's extremely hot and humid here.

  3. Love your journal page, those fingers really add a different dimenion to it. Great photos. We got some rain and it's much cooler at the moment. Stay safe and cool.

    1. Thanks Anesha! You got rain, lucky you! Still extremely hot and dry here, some places are running out of tap water! Stay safe!

  4. Lovely post and getting into the head of numbers & words. Lovely sunflower pics and stay safe. xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Yes, somethings get into our heads....Have a nice day!

  5. Good morning Valerie: A sunflower at any stage is a joy for me, and for my feathered friends it is a source of rich, high energy food there for the taking. We should have such a larder! And speaking of larder, the other day I bought some dried figs and they are quite wonderful. If the climate here supported fig trees I would have one in the garden right away. I was in southern France about five years ago and the people we stayed with had a fig tree and picked them fresh to have with cheese after dinner. I was in heaven. Good wine, good cheese, good figs. Does it get any better? I can't even remember if we had coffee! I am sure that fig trees are not viable at Balconia-by-the-Rhine, but perhaps there are other local delights - apart from you that is. It is probably nearing the time for your afternoon forty winks. Enjoy! Hugs from your Canadian admirer, David

    1. Hi David, just got back from my morning trip into town, had to visit the ear doctor again, just to see if it has healed well, and it has! I love watching the birds tuck into the sunflowers and other delicacies on my balcony. Figs are wonderful. My sister has fig trees in her garden, and fresh they re fabulous, but I love the dried ones, too. Figs, cheese, wine, coffee - paradise! I bought walnut cream cheese today, also delicious. So, now it really is time for my nap, so I hope you have a great day. Take care!

  6. Your art is fun as always! You have Magpies! I love those birds. We don't have them. Your photos of the dried sunflowers are very beautiful.

    1. Thanks Debra. Yes we have lots of magpies and crows here, and they are always hungry! Have a great week!

  7. Lovely page and I suppose the sunflowers are at that stage in life, we should embrace.

    1. Thanks Christine. I sometimes feel like those sunflowers!

  8. i love sunflowers:) they are amazing :)

  9. Wiedermal toll ausgedacht und so kreativ gewesen, ein wahre schöne künstlerische Seite die ich liebe mit den Tags dazu passend!
    Die Sonnenblumenfotos finde ich klasse ich mag es auch, sie haben was tolles an sich wenn sie verblühen.
    Hab einen schönen Abend, bei mir ist die Hitze voll da keuch ...
    Pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich bin ganz krank von der Hitze hier, ich weiss wirklich nicht mehr wo hin. Draussen ist unmöglich und drinnen genauso! Pass gut auf dich auf!

  10. Hi Val, Bill here! Have a great evening!

  11. Love the fingernails on the first piece;)
    Sunflowers were my grandfather's favorites. They hold a special place in my heart.

    1. Thanks, they were part of a magazine add and I couldn't resist using them!

  12. A stunning page Valerie! Thanks for linking it to my AJJ theme.
    Beautiful sunflowers too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison glad you Like it! Have a great evening.

  13. I love your page(s) Valerie! I love sunflowers in any form - when we go to my SIL's there are fields full of them at different stages depending on the time of year and they always excite me! So sad we can't go this year ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. There's a field of sunflowers between here and the Rhine, I often cut a couple and put my money in the tin.

  14. I also very like sunflowers :)

    1. Thanks, they are always wonderful. Have a good week.

  15. Piękne prace. Słoneczniki są niezwykle nawet jesienią. Dużo zdrowia i radości:)

  16. Love the page and the sunflowers in all stages too ~

  17. Your mixed media art is really nice. We don't have magpies here in Hawaii.

    1. But I'm sure you have a lot of beautiful birds!

  18. What a gorgeous page Valerie! I love all of the elements and fabulous blue stitching! Awesome photos of the sunflowers, the second photo is so beautiful with all of the different shades of yellow on the petals! Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I had fun making this one. The sunflowers are really beautiful, I will get some more tomorrow. Stay safe and well!

  19. Your creativity is always impressive Valerie and your the journal page is such.
    Wow, those sunflowers ... so dramatic in their latter stages, don't they make for great photographs! I can see you using them or their images in some way in your art in the future :D) good cheer to you xx

  20. Hi Valerie ,oh what a wonderful page those finger nails are amazing,well done my friend in your beautiful work,stay safe xx

  21. Morning Valerie, thought i'd jump on over before I head out at 7 as it will be Friday before I know it, it's just how weeks go by now. She's a great piece, liking her flip top head feels like mine opened up with the apt words *something* inside hee hee.
    The sunflower looks superb in all stages i'm glad the birds are enjoying them, the circle of life will soon begin again. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Time goes by too quickly, huh? Something in the head is better than nothing! Have a great day!

  22. Very creative work with the words numbers...
    I agree with u on the decaying sunflowers...there is some wired beauty in it

  23. I think my computer has finally gotten into the groove so I am finally stopping by. I do love the piece for words and numbers and also how you suck in that fun tag. It fits perfectly in the hand. Thanks for sharing with us at AJJ. And I'm with you and the dying sunflowers. Actually lots of plants. The colors, texture and shapes are so cool. Hope you've cooled off a bit. It is very hot here. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's still extremely hot and humid and we were given a warning again to stay Home if possible. And my home is 35°....

  24. Love your challenge piece. And I find fading sunflowers still so beautiful and maybe even more interesting. These are wonderful pix.

  25. What a great series of photographs showing the sunflower ...

    All the best Jan

  26. Great page Valerie, I like how you have adapted it, lo e how the fingers seem to curve onto the page. The sunflowers make amazing shapes when they are finishing their time don't they.

    1. Thanks. Sunflowers are really amazing, fresh and later when they dry out! Enjoy your day!

  27. Sorry to be late calling in to read the post and see the fabulous journal page . I like how you added the tag under the fingers and how good her nails look as well. Its good how she seems to be letting go of what is going on inside her head.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx
    Thanks for adding this awesome page to Alison's AJJ theme.

  28. What a fabulous journal page, I like 'passed their best' sunflowers too! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, those sunflowers are somehow fascinating.

  29. What a powerful image. I have no idea how you did it, is it digital or something else? Whatever it is I really do like it and the hand with the fingers (gorgeous nails) forming a pocket for the tag is inspirational.
    Yes, I love sunflowers, figs and cheese. Not in that order - they are all together as number one.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The image was printed out, cut and then pasted. The hand is from a magazine ad. You like good things! Have a great day!


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